to Conscious teachings

Co-creating with Spirit

My name is Staška (Stashka) and I am a master of seeing beyond the unconscious. I AM seeing beyond. I AM seeing unconscious patterns, structures, beliefs and attitudes that are limiting human to ascend. I AM a healer that assists those who are unconscious of their living and I AM here to lead the way. I AM here to assist anyone who is in need of assistance and I AM willing to help anyone in need.
I am here to channel the wisdom of my guides to assist you in your ascension.

I am guided to lead in transcendence. I am guided to show humanity why it is important for all of you to awaken. You are a part of Great Awakening and you came here to follow your mission. I am guided to show you the way as I am here to be the part of Great Work in action.

The Mission

I am called to assist human to awaken. I am called to assist by holding space for those who want to see the unconscious. I am holding space for those who are willing to see the truth. I am seeing beyond unconscious and what that means is I see everything. I see the truth. I see hurt, the pain of all involved. I see human’s suffering and I am assisting them to release the unconscious pain that is ready to be released. I am seeing unconscious because I am seeing beyond. I am seeing beyond because I have chosen this to be my mission. My mission is bigger than human. My mission is to raise the frequency of all, so you can live this lifetime free. I am free. I am.

I came here to this existence to assist those who are willing to ascend to higher state of consciousness. I teach how to stand in your power. I am a channel for those who have forgotten who they came here to be. I am here to transmute shadows into the light. I am here to lead you to the path of self realization so you could live your life in truth. I am here to foretell events that will assist humanity in order to awaken. I am.

Spirit Drawings

Co-Creating with Spirit

We welcome you to explore our Divine art made in Co-creation with Spirit. We are delightful to guide you on a journey of Divine Spiritual mission to fully awaken in this lifetime. We welcome you to open you hearts to fully accept the activations during your meditations with the Spirit Art. We advise you to meditate at least 15 minutes per artwork. We can’t wait to show you the mystery of the Great Work that many humans tries to block, negate or simply dismiss. The Spirit World is in awe waiting to meet you. Ashe

Light Being from Another Dimension


Divine Mother

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You are never alone!

Light Beings are all around you. You are One. Many of them you don’t even see with your visible Eyes as they operate from Higher State of Consciousness. If you wish to see them you will need to raise your frequency to match theirs. Once you open your Mind’s Eye your connection with them is Unity Conciousness. You are interconnected with all Living Beings. Once you awaken you will be in presence of all Beings in the Universe.

You are the Light!

You came here as a Light Being trapped in this vessel you call the Body. Let us remind you that You came here with one mission only, to awaken to Higher state of Consciousness, to fully ascend during this lifetime. We cheer for you while you undergo in evolution in Consciousness. We cheer for You to complete the mission you came here for, to be the Light to many, remembering your soul purpose as this is the only way to truly feel the power of God’s love.

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Group of Ascended Masters


Light Beings

Conscious-Teachings Youtube channel

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Channeled message to the visitors of this website:

We would like to see you participate in daily teachings that would benefit you in your ascension. We welcome you to join us on live stream while Staška channels our Divine guidance. More the merrier.

Latest teachings, predictions


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There is always more to show

Messages to Humanity

We are here. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are the group of Ascended Masters, Guardians of the Universe, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Elders, Light Beings from other dimensions living in Unity consciousness, assisting to all of you who are willing to listen.

Upgrading your state of Consciousness is why you came here for. You came here to play in prewritten scenario that You have scriptured for yourself. You came here to master the lesson you needed to learn in order to upgrade in Consciousness. You see, you are currently operating from state of Consciousness that is needed to be mastered in order to elevate in Unity consciousness with other Light Beings. You see, many humanity have lost their memory due to the Big Bang that has occurred many lifetimes before. After the Big Bang many of the tribes had a Spiritual leader in their community guiding them into ascension, to fully awaken so they can be One with God, during their lifetime on Earth plane. Having a Spiritual Teacher while you experience this play is necessary for your evolution. It is much easier for you humans to have someone who can guide you to Unity consciousness. Spiritual teachers were put on the Earth plane to transcend in Consciousness and while they are evolving themselves they are here to assist humanity with their knowledge and healing expertise. Many of them are highly sensitive due to their ability to connect with the whole Universe of Beings. We are here to assist many of You, who are teachings others to gradually elevate in Consciousness.

What you are experiencing is carefully created master plan by Divine. Many of humans can not grasp the reality of their existence. For everything they need proof. If they would only sit in solitude for quite some time, they would experience Oneness, meaning their connection with God would take place. Once they would experience blissfulness, their mind wouldn’t comprehend the impact of the Light. Once the Light touches your Crown you become fully awaken. You become One with God. Ashe


Spirit Art

Light Beings, Whole system clearing, Elders


Awakened humans

Perfect Balance.
Whatever you do in life must be in perfect balance. If you tend to spend time in activities that drain you it will cause your system to be out of alignment. In order to be in alignment with Divine we advise you to spend time with yourself to develop the preferable state of your Being. You must ask yourself what is, that you enjoy doing and what is, that is causing you to be out of alignment.Is the things you do, pleasant to your Being and if it is, you should keep doing that. The things that throws you out of alignment we advise you to replace them with something that is more pleasant to your Being. If you keep doing things that throws you out of alignment you are cut from the Source. Your Being is telling you what is pleasant and what is not. You see, if you continue to enjoy things that are pleasant you will be aligned to Divine and there is no other way than to feel good. Isn’t it? If you do things that is making you confused, agitated, frustrated it will throw your Being out of alignment. How many times you felt not good about yourself when you did things that is not good for you. You should always trust your feeling when something doesn’t make you feel good. That means your system is navigating you towards your choice. When you listen to your feeling there is no wrong choice to be made. When you do not listen to your feeling you will be missing the opportunity to be aligned with your Being. And being aligned with your Being means you are aligned with Divine. There is no other way. Spend time on meditating on the artwork. Powerful activation.

Spirit Art

Perfect balance.

In Egypt many pharaohs had snake on their head – it was a symbol of awakened leader connected to the spiritual world. Egyptians believed if the leader is awakened and connected to the spiritual it can guide his nation to higher state of consciousness.
Many ancient civilizations had drawn snake as a symbol of awakened person. Snake represented the Divine connection between a human and God. Those who have developed the rise in consciousness was considered an elevated ones and were such appreciated among the tribes. The nation was listening the wise knowledge of the awakened person, he had a great connection with people, they had a strong leading capabilities – people usually had a great understanding of spiritual world – spirituality was an essential in daily living – they wouldn’t operate without spiritual guidance. They always asked Gods for assistance. They paid a great respect to father God – the Sun. As they knew the connection between the father Sun and humans is interconnected through all living Beings. Spiritual practices were praying, offerings, sacrifices. Snake is representation of Divine Mother instilled in each one of you ready to be awaken. Once she wakes up from deep sleep meaning awaken the human to evolve in his consciousness she will rise up to the top of the head ready to be merged with Gods consciousness. Snakes are the symbol of awakening taking place – she is the queen of creation ready to be loved by God.

Spirit Art.

Cobra. Snake. Divine Mother.

Everything in life is a spiral 🌀. It is the beginning of life, it is the beginning of creation. Everything you see has a sequence of specific order. Flowers blossoms in perfect sequence. There is no chaos in a tree, a flower. It blossoms without conditions, she blossoms with no hesitation, control. She just is, as she is. Perfect. Humans are much more complicated species, they tend to stop growing in an environment that is conditioned. This sets conditioned mind to believe that he stopped growing. Even though it is not true. You see, conditioned mind distracts you from the truth, it distracts you from your knowing that everything is in perfect order. If you haven’t conditioned your mind you wouldn’t allow the belief distract you from your knowing. Flower blossoms in her own way not being forced to be how we desire her to be, but we allow her to go her way as she is. Accept her as she is. Spiral is the beginning of creation. Creation is what you came here for. Creating is necessary for joy to take place. With joy you can create beautiful things. Following your heart’s desire will bring you even more joy and when joy is the primary force of your creation we guarantee you your heart’s desire is full field. You came here to create, to follow your heart’s desire. Only when you follow your passion, you can say This is why I came here for. Creating is necessity to be joyful in life. More joy brings more content. More content brings more alignment. More alignment brings more bliss fullness. Once you achieve blissfullness you have mastered ascension. Spend time on meditating on the artwork. Powerful activation.

Spirit Art


Father God – the Sun – Oshu☀️. Connection to Sun. You as humans have a great connection with father Sun. Your connection to father Sun is explicitly important. Everything is masterfully orchestrated for all you humans if you would take time to acknowledge yourself as a light Being. You spend many time dwelling in your emotional state not knowing emotions are here to guide you not determine you. You have plenty of options to choose from. You have something called knowing , it is deeper connection with Divinity. This connection is a reminder you are not determined by situations, your outside world you live in. You have this connection instilled in you before you could hold a grasp of your consciousness. You were put here to remember this connection you have with your Soul family meaning where you came from as a Star particle. Your connection to father God Sun is significant. Without father Sun there would be no living system as you are a living limitless Being connected to Intelligence of carefully created masterplan. Your connection with father God would not be possible if this Intelligence wouldn’t be instilled in you and had a direct link with Unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is a pool of Intelligence that is operating from higher vibrational state. You have highly operated Beings operating in assistance to the mankind. This connection to the father Sun puts you in a place of important role you have in cocreating Unity consciousness. You are a part of Great Work that is taking place here and now. If you would spend time with your Being you would remember how important you are in this existence, this lifetime. We want to see you all to graduate and master your lesson so you could graduate to the next level of consciousness. Spend time on meditating on the artwork. Powerful activation.

Spirit Art

Father God. The Sun.Oshu.

This is Guardian essentially made for my son. But I am allowed to share it. It is a Sirian queen K-R-A (aquatic light being) If you wish to meditate on it say the name KRA. It will bring balance to those who are too much in headspace, concentration. Throat clearing. Protector (guardian) of children. How does it make you feel?
Spend time on meditating on the artwork. Powerful activation.


Guardian. KRA.

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