

Meditating on this artwork will break the illusion of your current living. This artwork will assist you in stepping into your power by taking a full responsibility for your life. You will break the illusion of your current condition and you will start living the life you want. You will be reminded that you are…


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Activating your Being to the frequency of love requires you to choose. How you live and what you think depends on what you create in your own mind. If you create thoughts that create good feel emotions, you create good loving experiences. And if you choose to divide and separate you will live in a world that divides. You are choosing how you wish to live by operating from the frequency you emanate. You see, once you operate from the frequency of love you are creating loving experiences. And if you think the same way, you are creating loving thoughts. What you think is creating more of what you desire. Choosing your thoughts should be your main priority. Many of you are willing to give your power away to those who are in control of your living. If you wish to live according to your truth, you must see through the illusion that was set upon you.You are in full control of your living. You are in full control of your Being. You are.

Activation. Energy artwork.
Activation. Energy artwork.

Many of you came here to speak with love. Many of you came here to teach others about love, how to love one another. We came here today to speak on connection with your Divine guidance. As we have said it before, you are a Spirit having a human experience. And when you came here you didn’t came here alone. You are a divine intelligence that was put on this plane to speak love. You see, speaking love has a specific frequency that vibrates through all the galaxy. Your frequency is so strong that emanates through galaxies beyond your current existence. When you choose to speak the words of love, you are indeed speaking love. Isn’t it? You see, when you speak love you are emanating love frequency and what that means is, you are vibrating on this frequency that is powerful enough to repel all lower vibrations. You see, not everyone is speaking love. Those who are speaking of division and separation are causing discord between those who are speaking love and those who are choosing lower frequency. You were placed here to choose on which frequency you would like to operate. You see, in the Universe each one of you has the ability to choose what you desire. One of the laws of the universe is, that you have the right to choose on which frequency you wish to operate. Each one of you has a free will. Meaning, you have a free will to do whatever you desire. If you wish to operate from love, you are creating love. If you wish to create division, you will create the life of separation. You are in control of your living. You are.

You see, when you speak love, you are creating the life of infinite possibilities.

Isn’t it? You can create the life you always desired. You have an infinite possibilities of creating the life you want. When you operate from love frequency, you are not interested in creating conflicts, you are not interested in creating unnecessary drama into your life. You know when and how to navigate this journey without interfering in matters of separation. You see, creating the life you want has to do with focusing on things you want. Only that can bring you what you desire. Unless you focus on the things you want, you will not be able to manifest the desired outcome. We say, if you focus on the things you do not want, you are creating more of the things you do not want. You must diligently focus on the thoughts you want. And if you catch yourself slipping in previous structures of your conditioned mind, you must refocus the thoughts on the things you desire. Once you are deliberately creating thoughts of feel good emotions, you are now in state of deliberate manifestation of your desired wishes.

You see, once you change the frequency of your Being, you are able to manifest your wishes with ease and grace. Meaning you are able to create your life with a single thought you produce in your mind. It is important for all of you, to be mindful of your thoughts. What you put inside of your mind, will become a reality. Creating the life you want is easy for all of you who are emanating on love frequency. You see, once you raise the frequency of your Being, you are able to manifest your life with thoughts, you are creating in your mind. You see, if you will have a thought that produces a good feel emotion, you will create more of what you want. And if you have a thought that produces a negative emotion, you will create more of that. You see, this how easy it is. What you focus on, becomes a reality of yours. Once you see through the illusion of your mind, you will start to create new structures of your mind.

We advise all of you to start paying attention to what you are thinking. As we have said it before you are the manifestor of your play. You see, you are the one who is in full control of your living. You are the one who is living the life you desire. Only you are able to create the life you want to live.

Some of you are able to create reality without working hard. Isn’t it? You have mastered the lesson of your conditioned mind. It’s easy for you to create more of what you want, isn’t it? Many of you have been raised in families where having money was something you needed to work hard for it. Isn’t it? This conditioning was set upon you, so you could see through it. It was set upon you, to overcome the illusion, so you could start creating the life you wanted. You see, once you see through the illusion, you will consciously choose your thoughts.

We came here today to speak on activating the light in You. Once you see through the illusion, you will start consciously choose of what it is that you are putting in your mind. You will start to deliberately creating the life you want. Once you start deliberately creating, you will rise in frequency. Your Being will raise the frequency each time you will feel good. And once you anchor yourself in feel good emotions, you will become anchored in your light. Being anchored in light means you are now becoming a beacon of light to many. Once you anchor your light, you will fully step on your written mission. Let us remind you, that you will assist those who have forgotten about fulfilling the mission of their coming. Anchored in light means you are activating abilities that were given to you so you could navigate this journey easily. You can see the future events that might be challenging for you, but you can navigate them with ease and grace, knowing you can overcome, whatever it is and still be anchored in light.

You see, having gifts that can assist you in navigating this journey, will benefit not only to you, but all around you. You are able to help and assist those who do not have those abilities and because you are all here to help humanity raise their Consciousness, you will all assist them by using those gifts. Many of you have psychic gifts, that could assist humanity in preventing events that could cause devastation, but instead many of you are not using them. You are disregarding your psychic abilities. Many of you have the ability to heal other humans, but instead of using your powers you keep disregarding them as something sinful. We have spoken on sin before. What is a sin? It was constructed by those, who wants control humanity by setting rules and regulations upon them by controlling their lives. Their main agenda is to control humans by asserting their rules in a certain way. Humans must act and live according to their rules. Isn’t it funny how easy it is to control humanity by regulating their behaviour? Isn’t it funny how easy it is to set rules upon them so they could obey and live their life how other wants them to live. Those structures are deliberately causing humans to disempower them, so they could give up their own power. Once you give your power away, they have the ability to do whatever they want to do with You. Isn’t it?

You see, giving away your power is their main agenda. Some of you are willing to give your sovereignty away for free. We have said it before, that you are in full control of your Being. You are able to pull the strings of your conditions. Once you see through the illusion, you are able to cut the string of your puppet master. Once you do, you are in full control of your life. We have said it before, that you are an extension of God. You came here to live according to your truth. You came here to live in Unity Consciousness with all living Beings.

No one has the ability to control you as a Being. No one has the right to disempower you in any kind of way. You are doing it by yourself, because you are allowing others to have control over you. No one has the right to tell you what to do, how to live. You came here to create your own reality. What is that reality, depends on You. How is it that you wish to live? How is it that you wish to spend the life? You are in full control of your living.

Let us remind you, that you are the creator of your own reality. You are. Those who are in control of your restrictions have power over all of you, who are giving away your power. You are the one, who is responsible of the way you want to live. You are here to take responsibility of your life to create the life you desire. No one has the ability to do that, only You.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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