
Fully awaken human.

This artwork will assist those who are willing to change the frequency of their Being to their desired outcomes. It will affect those who are willing to transcend in Consciousness. Spending at least 15 minutes per day will assist you in breaking the barriers of your conditioned Mind. #fullyawakenhuman


6 min read

Fully Awaken Human. Energy Art.

Fully Awaken Human.

Being fully awaken, requires you to be in state of non reactiveness to what is. When you observe what is, you must see it from your non-judgemental Mind. And if you see the perspective of all involved, than you will gradually evolve in Consciousness. If you are not willing to break the barriers of your conditioned Mind, you will stay in your judgemental state of Mind and there will be no progress. You see, when you are willing to change your behavioral patterns of your conditioned Mind, you will be able to transcend in Consciousness. Only those who are willing to see beyond the illusion of their Mind’s, will be able to gradually evolve in Consciousness. It is also important for all of You who are willing to evolve, we say, being in frequency of attracting of your desired outcomes will only accelerate your evolution in Consciousness. And when you do evolve, you will be a fully awaken human.There is no other way.

Fully Awaken Human. Energy Art.
Fully Awaken Human. Energy Art.

Evolving in Consciousness will force you, to experience the path as a fully awaken human, when you allow yourself to be open to change some of your behavioral patterns. When you are willing to walk the path of spiritual development, you must be willing to evolve in Consciousness. We say, if you are willing to change your beliefs, your structures, you will eventually transcend in Consciousness. This how easy it is. You see, when you are willing to change your previous beliefs, challenging your Mind is what will cause your illusion to break. If you do not challenge your Mind by questioning all what is there to question, than you are not willing to see the reality from all sorts of perspectives. You see, when you judge situation according to your views, you will suffer. And if you see the situation from the perspective of the other, than we say, you are willing to restructure your Mind to see the reality from different perspective. If you only see the outcomes of your Mind from Your point of view, than we say, you are limited in your Beliefs.

We advise all of you, that when you judge from your point of view, you will not be able to see the entirety of the situation, because you are only seeing yourself. Making conclusions of the situations are the way of limited Mind as it only sees one point of view. Having an active Mind’s Eye forces you to see the entirety of the whole situation. You will not be able to make conclusion, as you will see everyone’s points of view.

You were not placed here to judge anyone’s decisions but you came here to observe them, to be in non-reactive state of Mind and to fully accept what is. And when you do accept what is, than there is no other way than to come to realization of yourself as an observer rather than pointing fingers at anyone who disagrees with you.

You see, when you observe in non-reactive state, you will be forced to accept what is according to your limited Mind. Seeing beyond the illusion of your judgmental Mind is the stepping stone to your willingness to listen. And when you are willing to listen, than there is no other way than to accept what is.

Fully Awaken Human. Energy Art.
Fully Awaken Human. Energy Art.

Fully awaken human is a human with evolved Consciousness. It is the One who is willing to see other’s as equal, who is willing to see beyond the limitation of the Mind. It is the One who is willing to be in State of non resistance, meaning to allow whatever it is, will be dealt with non judgmental Mind. It is the One who is present in his Being, allowing connection to God’s Consciousness to flow. It is the One who is willing to step in his purpose, to be fully aligned with his mission. It is the One who is guiding others to do the same. It is the One who is willing to manifest whatever he desires. It is the One who walks in his truth. It is the One who allows evolution in Consciousness.

You see, if you wish to be a fully awaken human, you must first acknowledge, that you are a Spirit having a human experience. And when you acknowledge, that you are not from this world, you will start to evolve in Consciousness. After you acknowledge your connection to Divine, you will gradually evolve in Consciousness breaking the barriers of your conditioned Mind. If you operate from the frequency of fear, you will attract fearful situations. And if you operate from the frequency of love, you will attract loving situations. Change in frequency is necessary for you to operate in Higher State of Consciousness. You can not fully awaken if you are attracting situations you do not want. Isn’t it? So you must first raise your frequency in order to gradually evolve in Consciousness.

Let us begin with saying, you will ascend when you stop attracting things you do not wish to happen. You see, it is only You who is responsible for your conditioned Mind. It is only You, who is having thoughts of things you do not wish to happen. And why would you plant those seeds in your Mind, anyway? If you are aware of those thoughts, we advise you to reprogram your Mind to refocus your thoughts of unwanted wishes to wanted ones. When you reprogram your Mind, there is no other way, than to raise the frequency of your Beings, as it will automatically start attracting things you want. For example, if you are having a bad thought of someone hurting you, change this thought to ”I am loved and accepted.”, than there is no other way, than to attract loving partnerships and companions. You see, everything in Universe is working in favour of your thought. When you have nice thoughts, thoughts that feel good, than there is no other way, than the Universe will bring you more of what you want.

You see, everything in Universe works according to your frequency. And if you reprogram your Mind to wanted wishes, than Universe will grant this to You. There is no other way. And when You raise your frequency, you start evolving in Consciousness. We say, loving yourself is a necessary step in admitting you are worthy of your wishes and if you are worthy, than there is no other way, than the Universe will give You, whatever you desire.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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