Council of Light

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Energy artwork is here to assist you in your ascension. It is made for all of You, who are willing to sit with yourself. It is made in cooperation with Spirit so you could follow your soul’s mission. It is made for you to awaken to your true potential. Each artwork has energetic codes within them and it will assit you in seeing through the illusion of your current lifetime. You came here to be fully awaken. You came here to be one with God’s Consciousness. You came here to be in service to many. Let this artwork be in assistance while you walk through this journey. Ashe

Stashka and the Guides

Council of Light

While you are ascending to higher state of consciousness, you are being assisted by your Guides and Team in Spirit. You are being guided to ascend so you could be in service to many. You see, once you realize how important you are, you start living in your truth. And once you start living it, you become the One who has been destined to become fully awaken. You see, you came here to play and while you are navigating this journey, you are being assisted so you could overcome each challenge you face. You see, if you would connect with yourself for longer periods of time, you would find answers you seek. You see, letting go is what you will need to do, in order to become awaken. You will have to let go of some of your beliefs, that are holding you bound to your living. You see, once you let go of anything that bounds you, you will be guided by Council of Light to ascend. You will be taught by Teachers, that will lead you to evolve in consciousness. You will be monitored by them to complete a process of your evolution. You will be awarded once you complete your graduation. You see, those who graduate will lead the way. Those will speak on ascension. Those will ascend to higher state of consciousness. You see, if you are willing to surrender to what is, you will be able to see beyond what it is, that needs to be let go. You will see beyond of your current state of Being, so you could merge yourself with God. And when you do so, you will emanate God’s love. You will emanate God’s consciousness. You see, only those who are willing to see beyond, will transcend to higher state of consciousness. Only those who are willing to be love, will transcend to God’s love. You see, those who are willing to emanate from God’s love, will emanate from their pure essence of their Being, and that is, Source’s creation of it all.

You are on the verge of transformation. You are on the verge of becoming the best version of yourself. You see, once you become who you came here to be, you will start emanating love from your Being. This artwork will remind you, that you are being guided by Council of Light. You will be reminded that you have everything you need, while you are navigating this journey. This artwork will assist you to let go of fears, that keeps you bound to your current living. It will push you to let go of everything that is going against your truth. It will liberate your Spirit, so you can become One with God’s Love. This artwork is powerful and it will penetrate your Being, so you could let go of anything that keeps you stuck in old.

To read to whole blog post we invite you to read the post here:


These posters are made of 250gsm photopaper that is FSC-certified (aka ethically sourced from sustainable sources) and feature a satin as well as a matte finish. All raw materials for these posters are made in Germany.

.: Material: high-quality 250 gsm photopaper
.: FSC-certified paper
.: Available with satin or matte finish
.: Material is sourced in Germany

11.7″ x 16.5″ (Vertical) 16.5″ x 23.4″ (Vertical) 23.4″ x 33.1″ (Vertical)
Width, cm 29.70 42.00 59.40
Height, cm 42.00 59.40 84.10


Additional information

Weight N/A


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