Divine Intervention B2 Original Art framed


Divine intervention is a light code system that will assist you in overcoming your illusion. It will assist you and redirect you to your authentic self. Your Self needs to be rediscovered in order to complete the mission of your coming. This artwork will help you discover your abilities that were assigned to you before you came here into this existence. This abilities are waiting to be rediscovered so you navigate this journey with ease, meaning you will be able to live the life authentically You without fitting into society structures. You will lead the way, by being You and what that means is, you will be authentic in your endeavours and living your life completely free from any conditions that might suppress your living as you all came here to live authentically You without being put in a box. You all came here to be free.

Original spirit art made on black thick paper size 50×70 cm with golden markers. Framed. Energetic Art.


Channeled message:

This artwork was made for human collective and what we want to say to you is: You all came here to lead the way. You all came here to follow your missions. In order to lead the way, you must follow your inner guidance and what we mean by that is, You must follow your desires that are guided by your heart. You see, your heart desires are the ones that will lead you to your mission. You see, your heart knows what it is, you must follow in order to become free. To become free, you must complete what it is, you came here to do. You see, each one of you have a specific mission to complete. Each one of you came here to have an experience that is leading all of you to your best versions of you. You see, being You is what it is you came here to do. Knowing You is what it is you came here to be. You see, exploring the depths of your Being is something you came here to explore, but many of you are leading in a way that are preventing you to become who you came here to be. You see,  not many of you knows yourself. Not many of you knows who you are. That is why, divine intervention is here to assist you, so you can discover all parts of you that were dismissed in order to become complete of yourself. You see, some of you, have ignored your passions. Some of you have ignored your call. And that is why we are here to assist you, to put you on the path that will bring you to your Divine essence of who you truly are. You see, not many of you will follow your call. Not many of you will follow your heart. That is why we have created a code system that will assist you to bring you back on track. You see, if you would meditate on this specific art, it would not only activate your light body, but it would bring you close to your mission. You see, if you spend at least 15 minutes per day to meditate on this specific code system, it will lead you towards your passions. It will lead you towards your calling. You see, creating a light code system will help you to activate your light body, so you can find your way home. It will help you remember of who you truly are. It will lead you to your mission, with ease. You see, you will no longer follow other people’s paths. You will no longer entertain their stories. You will start following yourself. Your desires, your passions. Your story. It is why you came here to be. It is why you came here to do. You must follow your story, in order to transcend in consciousness. You must follow your path, in order to be free. Not many of you, will do that, because it is much easier to be someone who you are not. Let us remind you, you all came here to be authentic of who you are. You must become free from the illusion of society norms that wants to put you in a box. You must step out from their agenda, in order to become free spirited and when you become free spirited you will no longer entertain society to fit in a box, as you are not the one, who fits in their structures. You are not the one, who fits in their mold. You are becoming the One, who will lead by an example and by doing it so, you will transform their Mind in order to see how they look at things. You will help create the New World by leading authentically as yourself not binding to their structures. You will not try to be who they want you to be, but instead you will lead as a light beacon leading them all.

This artwork will be sold as an energetic art and we welcome you to put this in your bedroom, so you can see the art every time you wake up. It will help you to overcome the illusion, so you can follow your heart desires in order to become free. You see, each time you will wake up, you will ask yourself, how can I be in service to humanity? How can I be in service to you all? You see, when you ask question like these, you will start asking your Spirit to reveal what it is, it needs to be seen. You see, your Spirit will lead the way, when you allow yourself to completely surrender to the unknown and what we mean by that is, when you allow your Spirit to lead you, it will show you the path of your Self. Your Self is not one layered. Your Self is multi-dimensional. It is plastered in abilities, that will help you navigate this journey with ease. Once you know who you are, they will help you to navigate this journey as who you came here to be. You see, knowing your abilities will lead you towards your authentic Self. It will lead you towards your unawakened parts of yourself that will show you who you truly are, and by discovering them you will feel complete as whole. You will become the highest version of You using all of your abilities without any hesitation. Your abilities are here to show you how layered you are. They are showing you how many layers you have, meaning you are all of this and many more. You are all of your gifts. You are a walking beacon of light leading by an example not being afraid of showing who you came here to be.

Let us begin by saying, this art is available for any of you who are willing to follow your missions. It is for any of you who are willing to see beyond. You see, this art will help you to become authentically You. This art is available for purchase. It is made on a B2 format (50x70cm) on a black thick paper with golden markers. Energetic Art includes specific light codes that will assist you in becoming who you came here to be. This art will not be reproduced, but it is available for purchase. You can buy this artwork. ”

#ascensionart #divineguidance #divinedesign #ascension #energetic #energeticart #energyart #energyartist #energyhealing #energyhealers #energyhealer #lighlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #spiritartist #spiritart


I AM accepting individual orders as well. All art is an energetic and what that means is, it will penetrate your Being and activate your Light Bodies. By meditating on it, you will start remembering who you came here to be. By becoming aware of your Being, you will step on the journey of an awakened human.

Additional information

Weight 10 kg


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