Galaxies in your solar system B2 Original Art framed


Energetic art that will assist you in overcoming your illusion. It will allow you to become who you came here to be – a highest version of you aligned with Divine. Original spirit art made on black thick paper size 50×70 cm with golden markers. Framed. Energetic Art.


Channeled message: “

These are the galaxies that are present in your solar system. Many of them are not visible to your visual eyes. Many of them are unseen to human perspective as they are operating in different dimensions. Humans are operating in frequency of fear and until they rise their consciousness they will not be able to see beyond. Once they transcend in consciousness, they will operate from frequency of love and once they do that, they will be able to see beyond their Mind. And what that means is, humans will operate from love frequency and when they start emanating love around them, they will attract light beings that will visit their planet. You are not alone in this Universe. You have many friends assisting in raising consciousness. Those light beings can not wait for the human collective to rise in consciousness, so you can all live together in unity of all. You see, many of you are willing to stay in lower vibrational frequencies, even though you do not wish to stay in dimension of chaos and drama. Many of you are used to live in an environment where there is no growth and where is no growth, there is no ascension. You see, once you step out of drama and chaos, you will be able to create whatever it is, you want to manifest. Without stepping out of your comfort zone, you are not able to grow. That is why, it is necessary for all of you to see beyond your illusions, so you can outgrow your conditioned mind. Only by stepping into your power, you will create a New Earth. Only by following your joy, you will manifest whatever it is you desire. You must step out of your mind in order to elevate in consciousness. This art will assist many of you who are willing to take the risk to the unknown. It will take you to another dimension that will assist you in raising consciousness, so you could assist others to become their true self. Only by becoming authentic to yourself can liberate you to higher states of consciousness. Only by following your heart’s desires will lead you to transcendence of all that is. You are powerful to be who you came here to be. You are leading the way by becoming authentic in your endeavors. You are.

It is one of a kind energetic art that will be sold to only one person. There will be no reproduction. This art is made on B2 format (50x70cm) black thick paper with golden markers. Energetic art includes specific light codes that will assist the one who is willing to step out of his comfort zone so he can operate in frequency of love. He/she will be divinely guided to become who was destined to be. #ascensionart #divineguidance #divinedesign #ascension #energetic #energeticart #energyart #energyartist #energyhealing #energyhealers #energyhealer #lighlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #spiritartist #spiritart


I AM accepting individual orders as well. All art is an energetic and what that means is, it will penetrate your Being and activate your Light Bodies. By meditating on it, you will start remembering who you came here to be. By becoming aware of your Being, you will step on the journey of an awakened human.

Additional information

Weight 10 kg


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