Personalized Spirit Art B2



I accept inquiries for personalized Spirit Art in size B2. I will create custom artwork only for you. It will assist you in your ascension and what we mean by that is, you will be guided towards your written story that you have written for yourself before you came into this existence. You will be guided to follow your mission. You will be guided towards your heart’s desires and what we mean by that is, you will follow what it is you need to unlock inside of your Being, that will assist you in discovering all parts of you and what that does is, you will be unlocking gifts inside of you that will lead you towards your completed mission. Only by unlocking your gifts will help you navigate this journey with ease and grace. Only by living this life with ease will lead you to your completed mission.  Only by using all of your gifts can assist you in becoming the best version of you. You see, by unlocking all of your gifts, you are than able to assist humans from perspective they can not see, as only those who have followed their knowing can lead the way. You see, leading the way is not meant for everyone. Not everyone will ascend. Only those who are willing to see beyond their Mind, will see the truth of their living. Only those who have stepped into this lifetime with knowing that love can lead the way, will be able to create a New Earth and what we mean by that is, you will lead only by following your heart’s desires as only following joy, can bring you transcendence in consciousness. Only by leading in joy, you will be able to move the heart of those who are still sleeping.


This Art will be created only for you and what we mean by that is, you will receive specific light codes that are embedded into specific Light Beings. Art is embedded with ascension Beings that will assist you in navigating this journey with ease. You will be activated and by doing it so, you will start listening to what it is you need to embrace. Only by embracing You, will lead you to your awakening. Only by following You, will lead you towards your mastery and by becoming a master yourself, you will need to awaken your soul gifts, that will lead you towards your evolution in consciousness. Only by following real You, will lead you towards your graduation in consciousness. By becoming real You, you will than start manifesting whatever it is, you want in life in order to become free. To become free is what you came here for. To become free is your birthright and once you learn how to use all of your gifts in order to transcend in consciousness, you will than be able to help those who will need your assistance. And by doing that, you will than be able to complete the mission of your coming, as only by completing the mission, you will than be able to transcend.

Original artwork is made with golden markers on black thick paper and it comes in size B2. Originals have golden shiny effect.

With each artwork comes your personalized message.




Additional information

Weight 10 kg


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