Written channeled message



In this channeling session we will give you guidance from your Higher Self, your Team in Spirit, family of Light. Sometimes we will receive guidance from Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters and Council of Light.

In this channeling session you can prepare 3-4 questions that you would like to ask your Divine guidance. Your willingness to heal is predisposition for your healing. You see, if you are not willing to listen, than there is no other way, than to stay the same. You all came here to change and what that means is, you all came here to elevate in consciousness and to become the highest version of You. You see, your Self is waiting for complete alignment of your true Self with written story of your coming. You see, you must step on the path of self discovery so you can create the life you desire and once you create the life you want, you will than be able to complete the mission of your coming and that is, assisting humanity to transcend in consciousness. You see, all of you have specific missions that are assisting each one of you, so you can all start elevating in consciousness. None of You is here by chance. None of you is here by accident. You see, each one of you is interconnected with one another as you are all brothers and sisters working on their missions to light up systematic grids of light that must be in coherence of unified light as a single light. You are all part of Great Awakening. You are all part of Great Work in action.

This channeled session will be performed as a remote session. You can create space for yourself in the presence of your home while Stashka connects with your Higher Self. You must eat lightly on the day of the session, drink plenty of water. Create space in your home by doing things you enjoy. You can relax or read a book. While you will enjoy your desired activity, Stashka will connect to your Higher Self in order to retrieve information from your Higher Self that will later assist you in your awakening. Your Higher Self will always redirect you to the path of your written story, that is why you must allow yourself to change in order to transcend in consciousness. Some of you will question the paths that your Higher Self will preset to you, but in order to follow your mission, you must allow yourself to be put on the path of deep knowing as only by allowing, you will step on the path of your Spirit. Many times you will question the path of your mission, but let us remind you, that each one of you came here to be the highest version of themselves in order to fully lead from your authentic Self and that is why you will be redirected to the path of your written story. You see, only by following your written story, you will be able to be in service of humanity. Only by leading from true authentic Self, you will transcend to higher states of consciousness. Sometimes you will be stripped off of your false identity in order to see through the illusion of your own mind. Keep in mind that you will be awakened to the extend of your written missions and you might feel intimidated by your mission itself. It is nothing to be afraid of, as you have written the story yourself. You might feel pushed in direction of non usual living so you can live the life authentically you, outside of your current conditions. Sometimes your Higher Self will lead you to change your ways living. Sometimes you will live differently how you used to live. Sometimes you will change places, so you can be in alignment of your written story. Many times you will feel isolated while you are going through a transformation, but keep in mind, that by being isolated is leading you to discover the depths of your Being, so you can meet yourself as who you came here to be. Let us remind you, you are never alone and while you are going through a transformation you can reach out to your Masters and you will be lead to your mission with ease and grace. You will lean on them in moments of despair or you might seek guidance while you are navigating your journey. You see, once you receive information from a channeled session, you will choose if you wish to continue to live the same way, or you will make a step to your written path. You see, if you choose your written story, you will transcend in consciousness and if you choose to live the same way, you will continue the cycle of your living, by not changing and that will have an effect of your living. You will continue to suffer as you are not willing to grow.


Stashka will channel the message from Team in Spirit , your Family of Light, Council of Light and Masters. She might receive additional information that might assist you in your daily living. Sometimes she will give you an information that will require from you to change some of your behaviour structures. Sometimes you must change your beliefs in order to create space in your Being. You see, if you want to transcend in consciousness, you must let go of your old ways of living and in order to do that, you will need to change your daily habits, so you can than create space for new possibilities and new ways of living. Sometimes you will shake off your habits by quitting the things you used to do and that is a good start for creating space, so the new things can come. Sometimes you will receive an information that will be painful to accept, but if you are willing to leave the old behind, you will listen to the whispers of your Spirit, so you can step on the path that is meant for you. Sometimes you will need to leave your loved ones behind and that is why you will be hesitant to make a step towards your path of ascension. Keep in mind, none of you are here to be in service of those who wants to keep you in control, as you all came here to be in service of those who perpetuate unity instead of separation and divide. You see, leading in consciousness means you see through the illusion of their agenda and in order to see through it, you will be reminded to choose, how you wish to proceed in order to awaken to your true potential. Ashe


You must take time for this channeled message. Be in environment where you have space for yourself, not being bothered by loud noise and public transportation. Be in space of tranquility. We advise all of you to be in space of your home while Stashka connects with your Higher Self. Take approx. 1 or 2 hours for channeling session, so Stashka can retrieve information from your Higher Self. By choosing this channeling session you are in agreement of assistance so you can become the highest version of You. You will transcend. You will elevate in consciousness. You will.


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