
Friends from other Star System

Call on your guidance. Call on your Divine assistance. You are not here alone. You are not. You have all the tools that you need to awaken. Call on your star family, call on Galactic Federation of Light. They are here for you. You can put this artwork in your working area, or wherever you…


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Friends from other Star System. Energy artwork.

Friends from other Star System. Energy artwork.

We came here today, to speak to you about your friends, that are here for all of you who are willing to awaken. They come to all of those who lead from their heart. They come to those who are willing to live in Unity Consciousness, as they were placed here to live among You. You see, you are not alone. You are playing the Game and while you are playing it, there are many stellar star families assisting you. You have whole civilizations of different star systems assisting you. Galactic Federation of Light is here to navigate you, to live your life as a fully awaken human. You see, you came here with an assistance and you are the One who can call upon them. You see, you will awaken, you will. And once you will, you will live your life with other fellow Beings. You will co-create a world of infinite possibilities. You will.

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Friends from other Star System

We came here today, to speak to you, about having friends from other stellar star system. You see, we have told you before, you are not alone. You are one of the Beings that are living on this plane and what we mean by that is, you are coexisting in this Universe with other Light Beings. You see, you were placed here on this plane to Play, while other Beings are coexisting together with you. While they are not playing, they are living in this Universe on their own planets, stars or galaxies. You see, you didn’t came here alone. You are playing this game as a Light Being yourself, living this life as a human. And what we mean by that is, you play the Game as a star seed itself. You see, we have told you before, that you are a part of Great Awakening and you play this game as a Spirit from your own star family. Your star family is the part of this play as you are navigating this journey. You see, while you are playing, your star family is assisting you in this play, by providing you assistance at all times. And what we mean by that is, you are being guided to master your lesson, so you could start experiencing this play as a fully awaken human.

You see, you didn’t came here to suffer, you came here to play. You see, your suffering is optional. Your suffering is keeping you stuck in old. You have an opportunity to live this lifetime free. Your Spirit is waiting for you to step on the path of your mission, so it could liberate itself from the conditioned Mind.

Let us begin by saying, you have assistance with you at all times. It is You ,who is in control of your life. It is You, who is in full control of your living. You see, if you want to live your life how you desire, you must be willing to let go of your past. You must be willing to shed the layers of yourself, to discover who you truly are. You see, you are not who you think you are. You are a multidimensional Being born into this human body, to experience life in a human form. You are not human. You are a Spirit belonging to a specific star system, that came here to play the Game. You are an extension of God/Source itself. You see, all Beings in the Universe are an extension of God/Source itself. All Beings in the Universe are created by Source. What is Source? It is the beginning and the end of existence. It is the beginning and the end of all that is. All that is is carefully created master plan by God. God is all that is. God is what you call creator of All. God is what you call pure energy. It is an atom of pure Divine’s Intelligence. Your plane was created by Divine Mother so she is the creator of All Living Beings, including your planet. While you are navigating this journey, you are being guided to connect with your star family. Not many of you have the ability to connect, as you have been diverted from your true divinity by an illusion. It was imposed on all of you, by Beings that wanted to imprison you by conditioning you that you are a slave to their agenda. And while you are playing this game, you are being assisted by Galactic Federation of Light that was created by different extraterrestrial civilizations, that included different Beings from different stellar star system. You see, Galactic Federation of Light is here to awaken many humans to remind them, who they truly are. They came here to assist humanity in waking them up, so they can live in abundance of their living. They came here to remind humanity to remember who they are as a Being, to remind them to wake up from their illusion, so they could live this lifetime free. They want everyone to awaken as being awaken is your birth right. It is your plan in your written story to become fully awaken. You are the One who must see through the illusion and if you want assistance from Galactic Federation of Light, you must call on them to assist you in your awakening.

You see, each one of you has the ability to call on your Divine’s assistance. Each one of you has the ability to call on your Guides and what we mean by that is, you are the One who is in control of your own awakening. You must be willing to listen, you must be willing to see through the illusion. You are the One who is in full control of your conditioned Mind.

You see, you are not alone. You were given assistance by Source itself. It was written in the story that you were placed here, to remember who you truly are and once you remember, you start to live this Game free spirited. You see, you are Divine’s master plan in action. You are Divine’s Intelligence running through you. You are carefully created plan in order to assist all of those who live among You. You see, once you awaken, you assist many around you, including those who you do not see, with your visual eyes. We have said it before, you are able to interact with Beings, once you are able to see through your Mind’s Eye. You are able to co-create your life how you desire. You see, Beings are here to assist you. They are here to teach you to live in Unity Consciousness and once you see through your illusion, you will be able to co-create together. You see, humanity needs to awaken from their sleep, as they are still sleeping. Once you see through the illusion, you will see who is in control. And once you see who is in control, you will start to understand why are humans still sleeping. You see, once many humans awaken, there will be no possibility for those who are in control, to control them. Once humans awaken from their sleep, they will stand in their power. They will start speaking the truth. And once you have humans speaking the truth, they will start impacting all around them. And when you impact those in control, they will not be able to overpower you in their demands. You see, those who are in control, will start questioning their own conditioned mind and once they question it, there is no other way, than to become aware of their conditions and once they become aware, they will start speaking the truth. You see, once those who are in control start speaking the truth, they will expose those who are behind the agenda of the mind control. You see, humans must awaken to start living in co-existence with those who are here to assist humanity. Beings are here to assist in many things. You see, humans are using their mind to operate in their world and if you use mind, you will not assist many around you. But if you use your heart, you will start creating bridges between you and other Beings, that came here to co-create a world of abundance and love. You see, your Being is operating on frequency of love and once you start operating from it, you will create the world of love. You will create a New Earth.

Let us begin by saying, you are living on this plane with your friends from other stellar star system.

You are living on this plane with those who are here to assist you. They are here to remind you, that you are a Being of love. They are here to speak to you about love. They are here to teach many of you, that by co-creating together, means creating a world of Infinite possibilities.

You see, you came here to share your planet with those, who came here to assist you in building your world. They were placed here to teach you, how to create from your Mind. They came here to teach you, how to create only by generating thoughts of feel good emotions. You see, once you start operating from love, your manifestations are done by a single thought. And once you start acknowledging your mind as a creator of your reality, you will start generating thoughts of only feel good emotions. Your friends are here to teach you, how to create the life you want. They are here to show you, how you manifest your reality. It is what is in your mind, what creates your reality. Your thoughts are creating the world you want to live in. Isn’t it? So, you are the One, who is responsible what it is, you put inside your Mind. You are the One, who is in full control of your thinking.

Let us remind you, that you came here, to see through an illusion and until you are willing to see through it, you will live your life according to your Mind. You see, you are the One, who is in full control of your living. You are the One, who needs to see through an illusion, and only by doing that, you will able to create the life you want.

Allowing Beings to assist you, is important for all humanity, as they were placed here to live with you in Unity Consciousness. They were placed here to live with You. Friends are here for you to assist you in your journey and once you acknowledge them, you will be able to co-create the world of Infinite possibilities.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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