

This artwork will assist those who are willing to be guided by their ancestors. If you spend 15 minutes per day meditating on it, you will be assisted in a way, that will help you voice out whatever it is, that needs to come up to the surface. You will always be reminded to speak…


6 min read

Ancestors. Energy artwork.

Ancestors. Energy artwork.

Many of you came here to become a lighthouse to many. What that means is, you are here for a reason. And that reason is, that you are important. You might not see it, but you are. You came here to be the One, who will speak out for all of your lineage. What that means is, you will speak out for those who have been silenced. You came into this existence to speak your truth. Your truth will break the cycle in your lineage of ancestry. You will become the ambassador for your ancestors who lived in silence. When you voice out of what it is you feel, you are breaking up that cycle. You are the One, who will become the lesson to the Ones who tried to silenced You.

Ancestors. Energy artwork.
Ancestors. Energy artwork.

We have gathered today to speak on ancestors. It is the first connection you make when you start walking on your path of self realization. Ancestors are the ones who came before You. They are the Ones who will assist you in speaking your truth and what that means is, you will be forced to speak what it is you want to express. They are here to remind you, to always speak from your heart, as they were the ones who lived before you in conditions that wasn’t pleasing for their evolution in consciousness. Speaking the truth will traject you on the path of voicing out whatever it is they couldn’t express. It is important for all of you to speak the truth and what we mean by that is, speak whatever it is you do not agree with. Your ancestors were mostly silenced by the ones who imposed control. The Ones who were put here to silence them in order to maintain control. Ancestors are here to support you, while you are voicing out disagreements with current authority or anything that question your Spirit. Your ancestors are rooting for each one of you, to step out of the illusion of the mind in order to break free as a sovereign Being.

We came here today, to speak on connection you have with those who have left this plane. You came here with guidance, so you could never be alone. This experience demands from you, to see beyond the illusion of your mind and what that means is, sometimes the experience puts you in a disempowered state nor you are never weak. It is the illusion that puts you in a state of disempowerment. Let us remind you that you are a powerful Being, that can overcome whatever lesson you have written for yourself. You were the One who has written the story and you have created such a story that at the end of it, you master the lesson and become an awakened One. That means, each one of you, have the opportunity to become an awakened One in each lifetime.

You are the One who has full control of your Being. You are the One who has the ability to master the lesson here and now.

Ancestors are here for you, to assist you in navigating this journey. They are here for you, to push you to be the voice they couldn’t be. If you silence your voice by not being authentic of who you are, you are enslaved to your mind forever. Sometimes you will be put in families that will try to stop you from voicing out your truth. Many children are being born in families where parents are being indoctrinated into a belief, they have to be controlling with their children to teach them a lesson. Those children are being silenced to speak their mind and usually they rebel in a teenage years with confronting their parents about their parenting. This children have silenced their voices to speak their truth, they live in a fear of telling it what it is. When a child grows up and becomes an adult and if they decide to step on the path of self realization, they will be confronted with first speaking their truth. Many adults who have difficulty speaking out their truth, have blocked their throat chakra or we rather say energetic point. Children being born today are coming in families that are more conscious of their living. This children are speaking their truth with ease.

Ancestors will assist those who ask for their assistance. Many of you are already embracing their presence by appreciating them, when you are lighting them a candle. Isn’t it? Your ancestors are here with you. You might not see them, but they are present with you at all times. Ancestors are willing to assist you, if you are willing to receive their guidance.

Your ancestors don’t mind what you choose to be in this lifetime. They support you for whatever you wish to be.

Many of children are struggling telling their parent who they are, what they want to be. It shouldn’t be this way. Children should be embraced by who they are and if they are not, they have full support of their ancestors. You came here to live the life you desire. You have written the story of your desired life. What it is you must do, is to confront yourself with truth. Truth is something that will set your Spirit free. Many humans are living their lives pretending to be something they are not. Can you imagine how suffocating it is for your Spirit to live in a lie? Many humans thinks if they speak the truth, they will loose their connection with their birth family. Many of them do. And if they do, you will be guided by masters to reach the point of self realization. You will be protected and guided to become a self realized one. We promise you that.

Let us begin by saying, you are safe to voice out how you feel.You are safe to speak out your truth. Nothing is wrong with you. You are a divine masterplan in action.

You will become the One who will speak the truth of your ancestors. And they all support you. Many of you will become an ambassadors for telling the truth in their own families. You will be the One who will break the cycle of the silent treatment. You will become the One who will lead by an example so the other family members will follow you. You were the One placed here, to teach them to see through the illusion of their mind in order to break them from the cycle of their own suffering. Each one of you are interconnected with one another. Each one of you has the lesson for the fellow human being. Each one of you were placed here, to teach others to come together in unity, to live the life in pureness of their Being. Each one of you is pure in your essence. Each one of you is here to love one another. Each one of you is here, to be the lighthouse to another.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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