

This artwork will assist those who are willing to confront their stuck emotions. It will assist you in breaking free to be fully aligned with your Spirit. Meditate at least 15 minutes per day.


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Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.

Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.

Ascension is a process of gradually evolving in Consciousness. You see many humans get stuck in their mind for many reasons. Some of them are trying to find comfort in them, some find excuse, but many of them are trying to neglect the power of an emotions, so they try to dismiss them by ignoring them.

Once you allow and acknowledge emotions to be your guide, you will free your Being from any kind of suffering. You will release what is not needed, so you could be in full alignment with your Spirit. Once you align with your Spirit, there is no other way, than to fully awaken to your full potential. Once you align, you will re-connect with Divine for daily guidance. You see, you are a Spirit having a human experience. Once you acknowledge your connection to Divine, you will start living the life you always wanted.
Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.
Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.

Ascending to higher state of Consciousness requires of You to be present in any given moment. It means you should be aware of your surroundings, meaning allowing outer experiences to not influence you, so you can not be distracted by them. You see, once you get distracted by them, you are allowing to be in a position to be influenced. If you allow to get out of balance for some external condition than you are being influenced. If you allow to be influenced by something or someone, than you allow this person or a thing to have a control over you. Isn’t it? We are here to assist all of you who are struggling with their balance, to first recognize the help you need, to refocus on yourself as a aligned Spirit, so you could be connected with Divine at all times. We understand that living on earth plane does sometimes burdens all of you, but we came here to assist those in need. Each one of you has the ability to reconnect with your soul family, your guides, your team in Spirit. Help is always here. Many of you are not willing to accept it, if you would, you wouldn’t suffer. Isn’t it? Once you awaken, you accept divine guidance as your daily practice. We advise all of you, who have lost their connection with Divine, to meditate, sit still with You. We have said it many times before, none of You are willing to sit in stillness. If you allow yourself to be with You, there wouldn’t be so many humans out of their balance. Isn’t it? We say having a closed heart will make you do things that are not in alignment with Divine. You were placed here to fully live on this plane with an open heart. You were placed here to enjoy each moment that was given to you, to fully experience it. Why would you allow yourself to be distracted by outer circumstances that puts you out of alignment? Having an open heart will guide you to choose from your heart center. Whatever you do here on this plane has to be in alignment with your Spirit. Once you acknowledge that you were placed here to see beyond the illusion and to start fully live with your heart center, than you will enjoy life much more. Isn’t it? Your life here on this plane shouldn’t be a struggle to survive. Anyone who is living this life struggling to survive, are willing to conform to the illusion that was set upon all of you. Once you see through it, you will start to ascend. Once you see that you are living in simulation of your Mind, than you will start to awaken your Being. And once you awaken the Spirit and once you allow yourself to be guided, there is no other way, than to find your calling in this plane. If you allow yourself to be guided by your team, than there is no other way, than to fully awaken.

Calling is the story you should be living. Isn’t it? The calling of your Spirit will put you on a path of self-realization. It will lead you to manifest life you want. Isn’t it? Each one of you has a specific calling to live on this plane of possibilities. Some of you were placed here to assist others, some of you are here with a special role to play so you can manifest what you have desired as a Spirit.

You see, we have told you before, that you are the scriptor of your play. You have scripted your own life experience, so you could evolve in Consciousness. Once you evolve, you will play the game with ease and grace. You will not force anything if it doesn’t come from your heart. You see, once you acknowledge that your heart is the main center of your human form that is trying to guide you at all times, you will be in alignment with your Spirit.

Heart is a way shower that is showing you how you feel.

Once you acknowledge that you came here to feel everything you will start to be in presence of You more. Those who are pushing the emotions down and those who are neglecting them, will continue to suffer. We have said it before, you were placed here to feel everything and once you feel and allow yourself to acknowledge each emotion and let them go, than you will start to be in alignment with your Spirit. Spirit does not have emotions, spirit just is. Light that Spirit carries is emitting the frequency of love. This is his primal state of being. Once you learn how to deal with each emotion in your human form, than you will be more free. You see, being free is what you are, as a Spirit. And once you master your being as a free one, than we say, you will live life unburdened from the illusion that is trying to divert you at all times. Everything you see is an illusion. Your soul family is the connection that will guide you to your purpose. Once you allow yourself to be in a state of allowing, the re-connection to your soul family will be immediate.

Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.
Ascension. Ascended being. Spiritual artwork. Energy Art.

Let us begin by saying, ascension is a process that is assisting a Being to evolve in Consciousness. It is a process that is mastering the Being to fully awaken in this lifetime. Meaning, once you learn how to master your emotions, once you acknowledge your heart is the primal connection to your soul family and Divine, than you will gradually ascend to higher State of Consciousness. Once you come out of fear based living, once you allow your heart to be the guide to your experiences, than you will start to ascend to higher frequency of your Being. Your Being will start to emit the frequency of your heart, meaning you will emit love as your primal state of frequency. And once you emit love, you will transcend in Consciousness.

Ascension is guaranteed to anyone who is willing to see beyond the Mind, who is willing to see beyond the illusion, it is a possibility to be fully present in this lifetime as a conscious Being. Suffering is an option, it is not mandatory to be in state of fear based reality to fully awaken. Once you see through it, your living will change according to your frequency of your Being. Once you emit the frequency of love, you will attract love based experiences. We say, release what is not needed, meaning you must release the experiences that are holding you to be stuck in past. Release people, that are causing unnecessary attachment to your Spirit. You are causing the attachment. If you had an experiences that made you feel unpleasant, we advise you to release the experience from your Being by forgiving yourself and others. Release the stuck emotion that is causing your Being to feel unwell. If your experience exceeds your power of control, than we say, those experiences should be released to Divine. As only Divine can assist in circumstances that can benefit to all involved. You see, once you acknowledge that you do not have control in any given situation except of how you feel, than we say, your Being is ready for ascension.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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