
Awakened One.

Spend time on meditating on the artwork. We advise you to speak with your Master, to ask for guidance. He is always listening.


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Master Jeshua

Master Jeshua, Maitreya. Teacher and Guide.

The One who will speak on Consciousness fully awakened and the One who will prophesying the world’s events.

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Awakened One.

This is an activation of the Master Jesus. Master Jeshua guiding You. Allowing Yourself to be guided by Master Jeshua is allowing Divine’s presence to be in your daily life while you navigating this play.

Message from Master Jeshua

Jeshua is my birth name and I rather see you calling me Jeshua instead of Jesus (american). I am here to guide all of you who are willing to listen to my teachings. I am here to show you a sacred knowledge by Divine. It hurts me when I see all of You struggling with heart. It hurts me when I see You seeking comfort in things that are not beneficial for you path. I would rather see you to take the path of least resistance instead of you suffering while you take the path of pain and struggle. I wish I could see you liberated by Divine’s grace. This Divine intelligence is instilled in your Being, allowing her to penetrate your Being with ease and grace can liberate you from your illusion. And when you allow yourself to surrender to Her, you will feel the God’s Love and Union of All Living Beings. I wish for You to nourish your heart center, to follow your knowing. I understand if you would rather walk the harder path, nevertheless in the next lifetime you will have the opportunity to complete the lesson. You will master the lesson when you feel willing to do so. There is no rush in your awakening, but I would rather see you to accelerate the process so you could be free. I see many of you hurting one another, I see pain being caused deliberately. Why would you hurt my brother? Why would you hurt my sister? Many of You are walking the path with hate in their heart, many of you are giving away your freedom for money. You are willing to exchange sovereignty for money. But where does this take you? You were not placed here to be controlled by anyone. Compassion is missing from today’s world. Compassion is the key to forgiveness. If you find compassion in You and share it towards a human that needs to be comforted, you will be guided to do so by your own knowledge that is instilled in you. I teach how to be merciful to your fellow human Being, how to be in touch with you heart center. Heart is the main driving force of your vessel connected to Divine’s Love. And if you share this Love from Divine to many, you will expand your heart. This is what you came here for, to share your Love that you have with Divinity, to those who have forgotten what Love is.

When you share Love with other fellow Beings you are sharing Divine’s Love.

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Master Jeshua. Awakened One. Maitreya. Spiritual teacher.

When I lived many lifetimes before I have prophesied my returning. The One who is coming back to teach the children about their salvation will be the One that will share this Divine Love to many. It is not only One who will teach and gather masses, but they are placed everywhere in this plane to guide those who are willing to listen.

Maitreya is the awakened One walking this plane awakened and teaching many to evolve in their Consciousness. Maitreya is the Master living among many fully awakened. Maitreya is not associated with indoctrination of beliefs that keep humans enslaved by their Mind. Maitreya is incarnated as a human that is not indoctrinated by any world’s religion and he, she is here to show the way to enlightenment. Maitreya is the Master of Conscious teachings fully awakened sharing his knowledge without a single intention of doing harm to any living Being. He, she is consciously sharing her, his heart space with other fellow Beings in Unity. She is teaching Divine’s Love selflessly as she came here to teach and guide many. Maitreya is everyone who is teaching sacred knowledge of Divine master plan. It is a spiritual teacher among those who are a sleep. It is a master living fully awakened assisting those who have forgotten about their Light. He is the lighthouse to anyone who forgot about their origin, their knowing. He will be the One who will speak on Consciousness, how to raise it to fully master the lesson and he will be the One who will speak on world’s event prophesying.

You are at the pinnacle of spiritual awakening. You are here to evolve in Consciousness liberated from conditional Mind.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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