

Meditating on this artwork will assist you in being aligned within yourself. To be in alignment with Divine at all times. It will redirect you in a way, that will force you to be in state of alignment. You will be forced to follow your inner knowing of feel good emotions. Spend at least 15…


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Having balance within you, requires you to be in state of allowing to feel good.If you do not feel good about yourself, you will attract those, who are not appreciative of You.You will attract those who will make you feel unworthy. You see, how you feel is important. If you disregard the feelings, you are living the life emotionless. You were not placed here, to live as a machine. You were placed here to feel each emotion. Disregarding emotions of not feeling good, will make you suffer. Feelings are the wayshowers, so you could know, what you want. If you do not know what you desire, this will cause You, to be out of alignment. And if you are out of alignment, than we say, you are disconnected from the Source.And if you are disconnected from the Source, than we say, you are not who you were placed here to be.

Balance. Energy Artwork.
Balance. Energy Artwork.

Balancing yourself is important for you to be in state of alignment with Divine at all times. Isn’t it? If you drop out of balance you become someone who you are not. Isn’t it? It is important to be in alignment at all times so you could be yourself at all times. When you allow yourself to be someone you are not, you suffer. Many of you are doing things that are not in alignment with yourself. Many of you are allowing yourself to be guided by your addictions, your belief systems or whatever it is, that is keeping you stuck in old behavioral structures of your Mind. This structures comes from not appreciating yourself enough, not loving yourself enough. Isn’t it? So why would you do things that puts you out of alignment?

You came here to experience situations that will test your Being in what you desire and what you do not. If you desire things that are destructible for your Being, you can expect you will feel out of alignment. If you do not like to drink, why would you drink yourself to death? Is it something inside of you that needs recognition of your repressed emotions? Are you worthy? Are your not loving thoughts keeping you in place of worthlessness? You must dig deep inside of your Beings to discover what it is, that keeps you in that emotional state of your Being.

Many of you are speaking to yourself with harshness. Many of you are not kind to themselves at all. It is nothing wrong to experience such emotions, but you must find the source of it’s feeling. Feeling is guiding you to your unresolved emotion. Whatever you feel is leading you to discovering of who you are.

You see, you have many layers. Layers are parts of you that are creating you whole. Isn’t it? Each layer represents your state of Being, so when you feel whole you are complete as a Being. Isn’t it? You see, things do not go always as you planned, that’s the beauty of life. Isn’t it? So when you try to control and force things, they usually puts you out of alignment. When you allow things to be as they are, not trying to change them, we say, you are on the verge of transformation, that is allowing you to accept things as they are. Whatever it is, you accept it with ease and grace. If you try to change it, than it backfires on you. Many humans have regrets of doing things they do not like, but they keep doing them. That’s why, we advise all of you, to listen to your knowing what you desire. And if you listen to it, than there is no other way, than to listen to your feeling of feel good emotions. When you feel good, you know, you are on the right track. Isn’t it? So do things that makes you feel good.

Expectations are structures of the conditioned Mind that is stuck in believing you can change the outcome of reality. This reality is not what it seems to be. You have one point of view, but the reality of it, is way different than you can imagine. Many of you, are having expectations of one another, not allowing to see the other person as they are. When you set conditions to whatever you see, you will suffer. Having expectations will put you in a place of questioning yourself and the other. If you find yourself questioning yourself, that is, what puts you out of alignment. Many of you are trying to change others by forcing them to change. You were not placed here to change anyone. Each one of you are here to discover themselves as they are and allowing others to be who they are. We understand that many of you are struggling with worthiness. If we say to you, that you are worthy of whatever you desire, we mean it. It is your birth right, to experience whatever you want, that makes you feel good. But many of you, are not following this knowing, that’s why you suffer.

We advise all of you, who are struggling with being not worthy enough, to repeat affirmations or decrees of feel good emotions. For example:

I AM worthy
I AM worthy
I AM worthy

I allow myself to feel good
I allow myself to feel good
I allow myself to feel good

I AM worthy of whatever I desire
I AM worthy of whatever I desire
I AM worthy of whatever I desire

I AM feeling good about myself
I AM feeling good about myself
I AM feeling good about myself

I AM attracting people who are worthy of me
I AM attracting people who are worthy of me
I AM attracting people who are worthy of me

I AM wanting more for myself
I AM wanting more for myself
I AM wanting more for myself


You see, when you feel worthy inside of your Being, you will attract experiences that will reciprocate your feelings of feel good emotions. We advise all of you, to think of feel good emotions, to elevate your state of Mind.

If you think of yourself as worthy, you will attract experiences that will show you how worthy you are.

Many of you are out of alignment, because you do not love yourself. Loving yourself is what you came here for. You operate from frequency of love. Remember? And if you do not love yourself, you can not attract loving experiences. If you operate from non loving state of Mind, you will attract unloving experiences. This mindset is rooted in worthlessness. Isn’t it? Many of you have experienced situations that have put you in the state of not being appreciated enough as who you are. So you allowed yourself to feel worthless by some conditioned mind of others. If others made you feel that way, it wasn’t you, who felt that way, but it was the feeling of another. You see, you attracted those, who are not worthy of themselves, that’s why you have attracted experiences that made you feel unworthy. This is not who you are. You are worthy of everything. You are worthy of feel good emotions. If you feel worthy of being loved, you will be loved. If you feel worthy of being taken care of, you will be taken care of. And if you feel being appreciated of who you are, you will be appreciated. Change your mindset from worthlessness to worthiness.

Let us begin by saying, you are worthy. You are. Whoever told you are not, is operating from feelings of not feel good emotions. It is not who you are, it is their state of Being. Humans tend to intentionally hurt one another, so they could feel good about themselves. The truth is, they are hurting themselves. Those who are masking their emotions are usually the ones who have been hurt multiple times by humans who didn’t appreciated their worth. You shouldn’t blame yourself for it. It had nothing to do with you. Those who are playing games with significant others by not being truthful of who they are, will suffer at the end.

That’s why, we advise all of You, who are having connections with one another, to be sincere of who you are. You must voice out – what you want, what you desire. If you speak on what you want, you can not have expectation of another, if both of you are truthful to themselves. Isn’t it?

Many of you are struggling with themselves, because you do not even know what you desire. We see a lot of you playing pretence of someone who you are not. This usually ends in suffering. You were not placed here to play the game of your false identity, but you came here to be who you were meant to be. Sincere to yourself. If you do not want steady relationship, why would you force yourself to be someone who you are not? And if you prefer to be in a relationship, why would you hide this part of you? At the end, it is You, who will be hurt. You.

We understand that many of you, are afraid of committing to one another, because of your previous relationships. We have said it before, you must leave the baggage of your previous selves behind. Having a life experience is too short to dwell in past conditions of your Mind. We see that many of you, are having connections with one another by hiding the part within you, that would reveal the true You. For example, some of you are making connections under false pretence. You say, you do not want a connection, but your heart is telling you the opposite. Voicing out of what you prefer at the beginning of the connection, will make it easy for both of you, who are trying to have a connection at all. You see, expectations arises within you, because you weren’t truthful of who you are. If you would like a connection with someone, you must speak out of what you want. Many connections are getting lost because none of you are expressing of how you feel. Pretending that you do not want a connection, but your Spirit does, only shows how split you are as a Being. Being in balance of who you are, will guide you to always make a choice, based on your feeling of feel good emotions. Your knowing will tell you what you want. We keep saying to all of you, if you do not listen to your feelings of feel good emotions, you will suffer at the end. That’s why it is important for all of you, to start listening to your inner knowing. Once you start listening to your feelings of feel good emotions, you can have connections based on your heart felt desires. If you do not listen to your knowing than there is no other way, than to be hurt at the end.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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