

These artworks will assist you in opening your heart. It will be a reminder to You that children are the ones who are teaching you to elevate in Consciousness. This artworks will allow you to incorporate new ways of teachings, so you could allow yourself to grow. This artworks will dismantle old ways of teachings…


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Connection. Energy artwork.

Connection. Energy artwork.

Teaching children who are different of those who came here before is not an easy task. These children that are being born are not the same as the ones who came before You. You see, children that are being born came here to teach You how to elevate in Consciousness. They came here to teach you to change your ways of Being. They came here to dismantle old ways of teachings, as they are the Ones who will built a new Earth.These children are in fact born with new evolved Consciousness that is forcing others to change old ways of thinking. They came here to lead the way.

Connection. Energy artwork.
Connection. Energy artwork.

Humans have a connection with their stellar star system and what that means is you came from the stars. Many of you do not see this connection because you are in deep paralysis. You are connected to your soul family at all times, and what that means is, you can call on them whenever you are in need of assistance. We have said it before, that you came here to play. You came here to fulfill the mission in your written story. Your mission here is to see through the illusion that was set upon you, so you can step into your purpose here on Earth plane. Your mission will fulfill itself when you will do the tasks, that you have said you will complete. Serving humanity is one of the missions you came here for. To assist others to wake up from deep sleep.

You see, this plane is made for you to play, to remember who you truly are.

Some of you knows deep inside that you do not belong to Earth. Some of the children that are being born are speaking of remembrance of their previous lives. They have spoken on having experiences they had before they came into this existence. You see, this children did experience previous lives, as you all did. You came into this existence to experience life as you desired. Some of you wanted to be a certain race, so you could experience how is it like to be in a different skin color. Would you act the same as you did before when you were living the life of another? Some of you gave themselves a task to re-live experiences so you could learn a certain lesson from it. For example, some of you wanted to learn how to give love to one another. That’s why you were placed in an environments where you didn’t receive any kind of love. You had to learn about it. Some of you were placed in families where your children are teaching you how to love. For some of you this is a difficult task, because you didn’t receive love that you needed while you were growing up. You needed the affection that you have never received. You see, you came here to learn love, so you could master the lesson. And once you master it, you are able to step on the mission to assist others to do the same. It is a play that you are playing.

Your connection starts in the stars.

Your origin belongs to a stellar star system that you belong to. Many of you would consider this as science fiction, but it is true. You are a part of the family that belongs to a specific stellar star system in the Universe. Many of you belong to Pleiadian star system that consist of many different stars inside of the whole constellation. You see, Pleiadian is someone who has the ability to vibrate at higher frequency, they are intuitive, meaning they could intuitively know how someone is feeling. They were placed on Earth plane to assist those who are not in touch with their intuitive side. Many Pleiadians are here to teach others how to listen to their own knowing. They are good at arts, very smart, children are considered hyperactive, all over the place, because they do not know how to use this knowing into their benefit. They are struggling to use this energy to benefit all around them. Children are mostly diagnosed with ADHD because they can not focus on easy tasks such as listening and doing things at the same time. This children should be considered as intelligent but they are judged by their differences. Many of this children suffer tremendously by those around them. This differences are shown in schools, when those children are growing up. Many of those children are being dismissed by their peers, they do not fit in and many of them feel they do not belong.

This children are intuitive, meaning they feel everything around them. They can pick up frequencies from other humans and because many of them do not know how to deal with all this emotions, they are feeling confused and overwhelmed. They can not separate feelings from others and what they feel themselves.

Confusion arises within them, and because they are overstimulated they become filled up with emotions such as anger, anxiety, frustration ect. These are the main emotions that arises within them. If teachers would understand their intuitiveness, they could assist them in different manner and not judge them for their poor behaviour. It has nothing to do with them, but they do not know how to deal with all those emotions. You see, this plane is still in deep sleep. This plane has systems that are creating separation among other humans. One of the system is a school system that enforces children to be a certain way. It enforces parents to obey the system that is based on separation. Those who do not comply, will be punished. Isn’t it? Those who do comply become slaves to the illusion.

Your children came here to teach all of you to accept them as they are.

They came here to teach you that current teachings do not work for them. Children wants different approach in learning. Some of the children have difficulties with learning data, because they do not understand how to memorize it all at once. Their brain can not accept too much information through data. Their brain is wired differently. Many of the children are born creators, and in schools this children become paralyzed by teachings that are given to them. They find them boring, not valuable. This children came here to create, to express their intuitive side with art, inventions and all kinds of different creations. You see, this children are highly intelligent and if the teachers would teach them through creation process their learning abilities would improve. They would find subjects more appealing to them to learn. Teaching them in old ways is paralyzing the children. They do not conform to old structures, structures of comply. They came here to teach humans new ways of learning. Structures that pushes children aside, considering them as problematic, are enforcing separation and division among humans. These children are here to teach you easy way of learning, through creation.

Connection. Energy artwork.
Connection. Energy artwork.

We came here today, to speak on children that are isolated from their peers because of their differences. Those children feel unaccepted, not loved and this is what makes them isolated from the world. Those children are experiencing turmoil inside of them. We must urge You to address the differences of your child to those who are in control. You must address the intuitiveness of your child to those who are teaching them. Teachers must learn new ways of teaching. Many of the teachers are using teachings as a way to indoctrinate children into becoming slaves for the agenda of control. You see, those who are in control want humans to be enslaved so they could easily operate with their minds. If you have children who are manipulated by the system, they will do whatever you tell them to do, when they grow up. If you silence the children by not allowing them to express what they think, you are suppressing their imagination. And by suppressing it, you constrict them of their growth. This children who have imagination are born leaders, free thinkers and if teachers would allow them to lead, they would live in a better world.This children are able to lead many by their creations. Their innovative approach to create things would benefit all the humanity. We see those children suffer tremendously, not being understood by anyone around them. We must urge anyone who is in control of teaching children, you must allow those children to express how they feel. By suppressing feelings of those children, you are suppressing their expression. We must urge anyone who is dealing with children, that you incorporate new ways of teachings, so these children could express themselves. We have seen many children act in state of despair only to be listened to. We have seen many children expressing their anger in a way that is devastating to communities. These children wanted to be heard, these children wanted to be accepted by their peers. None of you are listening to children who are being pushed aside and being labelled as different. Those children should be involved together with all other peers.

Many humans are still using separation as a way to control children, to teach them old ways, so they could comply to their rules. Those children will never comply to structures that are enforcing control and manipulation.

We advise all of you, to listen to your children. They are speaking to you what they need. They are speaking in a way that you might need to change your approach. They want love and acceptance. They speak what they want. Listen to them. You might be surprised of their wisdom they carry inside. They came here to teach you new ways of teaching, so you could lead by an example. This children need acceptance, and only way to feel accepted, is to find a way to approach them.

You see, these children are whispering to you, how to love. They are teaching all of you to open your hearts to them, so they could show you how much love they carry inside. They are in desperate need of being loved and accepted. And once they do feel loved and accepted, they will finally fit in.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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