
Council of Light

You are on the verge of transformation. You are on the verge of becoming the best version of yourself. You see, once you become who you came here to be, you will start emanating love from your Being. This artwork will remind you, that you are being guided by Council of Light. You will be…


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Council of Light. Energetic Artwork.

Council of Light. Energetic Artwork.

While you are ascending to higher state of consciousness, you are being assisted by your Guides and Team in Spirit. You are being guided to ascend so you could be in service to many. You see, once you realize how important you are, you start living in your truth. And once you start living it, you become the One who has been destined to become fully awaken. You see, you came here to play and while you are navigating this journey, you are being assisted so you could overcome each challenge you face. You see, if you would connect with yourself for longer periods of time, you would find answers you seek. You see, letting go is what you will need to do, in order to become awaken. You will have to let go of some of your beliefs, that are holding you bound to your living. You see, once you let go of anything that bounds you, you will be guided by Council of Light to ascend. You will be taught by Teachers, that will lead you to evolve in consciousness. You will be monitored by them to complete a process of your evolution. You will be awarded once you complete your graduation. You see, those who graduate will lead the way. Those will speak on ascension. Those will ascend to higher state of consciousness. You see, if you are willing to surrender to what is, you will be able to see beyond what it is, that needs to be let go. You will see beyond of your current state of Being, so you could merge yourself with God. And when you do so, you will emanate God’s love. You will emanate God’s consciousness. You see, only those who are willing to see beyond, will transcend to higher state of consciousness. Only those who are willing to be love, will transcend to God’s love. You see, those who are willing to emanate from God’s love, will emanate from their pure essence of their Being, and that is, Source’s creation of it all.

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Council of light

We gathered today to speak to you about Council of Light. We are a group of Ascended Masters, Teachers, Galactic warriors of Light that have gathered here today to speak to you, about how you are supported while you are navigating this journey. You see, many of you need guidance while you are navigating this journey. You need assistance while you are courageously walking this plane. You came here with whole group of teachers, that will teach you how to transcend. You see, each one of you came along way. Each one of you lived many lifetimes and what we mean by that is, you are graduating in consciousness, while you are living on this plane. It is beautiful to see how you are all evolving. It is beautiful to see, how many of you are willing to let go. We are very proud of you. We are. We came here today to remind you, that you are never alone. We came here today to say to you, you will awaken to your full potential. You will awaken to your highest version of you. You see, you will explore your Being in a way, that you will transcend in consciousness. You will let go of everything that you do not need in order to transcend. And what we mean by that is, you will let go of all of your conditions, so you could live your life free. You will be free. You will be awaken. You see, many of you are still living in your Mind. Not many of you are willing to let go of your beliefs and if you are not willing to let go, you will remain in state of lower dimension. You see, we have said it before, there are many dimensions to transcend. When you came into this existence you have started from lower dimension and we have said it before, that you are all operating from fear and confusion. You see, once you see through the illusion of your mind, you will be guided by your Spirit, to take you to higher state of consciousness. You will be led to explore other dimensions.

You see, you must be willing to surrender to exploration of higher states of consciousnesses. You must be willing to seek unknown. You must be willing to let go of your mind, so you could fully transcend into higher state of consciousness.

You see, not many of you will explore consciousness in higher states, you will not be willing to see what it is that is beyond. You will be willing to be content with where you are. You see, you are so caught up in your mind, that you are not willing to perceive other dimensions. You are not ready to acknowledge them. You see, dimension that you are living in, will bound you to fear and confusion. You will live in a world of constant drama. You will live in a world of constant fear. Many of you can see this in your daily news. Many of you can see fear being perpetuated everywhere you go. Is this what you want? Is this what you need? If you stay in state of fear, you will live according to your state of Being. You see, only by raising your frequency of your Being, will direct you to the path of higher dimension.

You see, you came here to speak on consciousness. You came here to evolve. You came here to transcend and to see what it is beyond. Once you acknowledge your Being being aware of it’s surroundings, you can explore other dimensions. You see, you are all here to see, what it is beyond your living. You are all here to see, what it is beyond your mind. Not many of you will see. Not many of you will seek. You see, you are all to comfortable with your conditions and you rather complain about them not willing to change. We have said it before, you are in constant change of your mind. You are in constant change of your Being and what we mean by that is, you are constantly evolving into higher states of consciousness. You see, you are on the verge of transformation. You are on the verge of your ascension. You see, you must let go of perceptions of your mind, you must let go of fear. You see, if you are in state of fear, you can not evolve. You can not transcend. You must be willing to let go of your current living, so you could start exploring what it is you desire. None of you are willing to sit in stillness. None of you are willing to let go of your conditions.

It is much easier for all of you to stay in your suffering, so you have an excuse for not evolving at all. You all have excuses for staying the same. You all have excuses for being who you are. You are not interested in evolution.

Many of you are all living the life as someone who you are not. You are living your life as someone who thinks who they are, but in truth you haven’t grasped the meaning who can you truly be. You see, you like following others, isn’t it? You like being recognized. You like following others for being appreciated, even if it is against your truth. Even if it is against your mission. You are willing to throw it all away. You are willing to walk other people’s truths. You are willing to walk in other people’s missions. You see, until you see through your illusion, until than, you will waste your life for others. You will waste your living for someone’s truth. You see, not many of you are willing to step back from being liked. Not many of you are willing to step back from your status. Isn’t it? How many of you are willing to throw it all away? How many of you are willing to release those who are getting in your way? You see, you keep staying in situationships for the sake of agreement, even though there is no love. There is no love among you and your significant other, there is no bond between all of you. But you still continue to be in a relationship that bounds you to your current conditions. You see, how many of you are willing to release yourself to Divine? How many of you are willing to release yourself to your mission? How many of you are willing to speak the truth? You see, once you start speaking the truth, no one can stop you from your ascension. No one can stop you from your full potential. You see, only those who are willing to step into their mission with intention to surrender to it, only those will fully awaken. You see, you must be willing to surrender to Divine, so it could teach you how to proceed. You must completely surrender to the path of your knowing, so you could step into your mission.

Let us begin by saying, we are the Council of Light and we are here to assist those who have surrendered to Divine. We assist those who are willing to let go of everything that bounds them. We are here for those who are courageous for leaving those who are not in alignment with them. You see, you must be in alignment with Divine at all times, in order to fully awaken. You must let go of attachments that are bounding you to stay the same. You must let go of attachments that are forcing you to be in victimized state of your Being, so you could stay the same, not able to grow. You see, only those who are seeing through the illusion of their mind, will detach from their poison. Only those who are seeing through the illusion of their mind, will detach from their living, that is forcing them to stay the same. You see, you must be willing to leave everything behind in order to start living the life authentically You. You must be willing to live the life according to your truth, so you could lead in ascension. And those who are brave enough to see beyond, those are rewarded by the Universe. Universe will give you what you need. It will. It will take care of you with everything that you need, while you are navigating this journey. It will give you everything you need so you could fulfill your mission. You see, once you complete your mission, you will enjoy life as an awakened One. You will navigate this journey with ease and grace and you will give love to everyone you meet. Everyone is your sister and brother. Each one of you are connected to one another and what we mean by that is, if you awaken, everyone will benefit from your awakening. You see, we have said it before, if you surrender to your path of self realization, you will lead many to do the same.

You will lead those who are still pretending. You see, those who are still pretending are longing for deep change within them. They are begging to be saved. They are begging to be loved. You see, what they want is to be listened to. What they want is to be heard.

You see, your light is an igniter of their awakening. Your light is here to remind them to start walking in truth. You see, your light will affect many who are still sleeping and how you attract them to listen is, to let go of expectations to be understood. You see, those who listen do not need to be impressed. You will not need to impress those who are willing to pay attention. You see, truth will resonate with Being when it is said. The truth resonates with a Being when it is in alignment of who you are. The truth will resonate with those who’s Being is in alignment with their own truth. It will affect those who are in doubt of their path. It will affect those who are in willingness to surrender. You see, those who are a sleep, will hear you roar. Those who are a sleep, will hear you speak. But it is upon them if they wish to awaken. It is upon them if they wish to follow you to bliss. You see, you can not force anyone to choose if they are willing to see. You can’t force anyone to see what it is that lays in front of them. You see, each one of you must awaken according to the Divine Timing. Each one of you must be awaken according to your story. None of you can skip the story as it is written in way that pushes you to awaken at your own pace. You see, once you start walking the path of self realization, you will be presented by a choice and that is, do you wish to proceed with an awakening, or you wish to stay the same. You see, in order to awaken you will have to let go of many things, including your need to control. Controlling your environment can only lead you to fear unknown. It can only lead you to fear what it is that is beyond. You see, we have said it before, there is nothing to fear. There is nothing to be scared of. It is pureness of your Being that is pushing you to see beyond. Your Being is forcing you to allow to be loved by Divine. Your Being is showing you that you are loved no matter what it is beyond your control. Council of Light is here to support you. Council of Light is here to be by your side. They are here to embrace you in their arms while you are receiving pure love from Divine. They are here with you to experience unity with God’s consciousness, while you are navigating this journey.

You see, Council of Light is here to show you support that you need, while you are surrendering to God’s love. They are here to show you how you suppose to be loved, while you are living on this plane. They are here to be by your side, when you transcend into higher state of consciousness. They are here for your graduation once you transcend into love. You see, you will let go of fear of the unknown. You will let go of fear what it is that lays beyond. You see, once you surrender to Divine, you will start operating from frequency of love and love is your primal state of Being. Love is your state of Being who you came here to be.

You see, love is nothing to be feared. Love is nothing to be reserved for. It is who you are.

You see, we understand your life wasn’t always good to you. But let us remind you, you have written your story, so you could see through the illusion in order to fully awaken. You see, love is there for you to remind you, how easy it could be if you are willing to emit love all around you. It is here for you to remind you, you are love frequency. You are love that will affect anyone around you. You are.

You see, love is embedded in your Being. It is embedded in the core of your heart. Love is what you are made of. It is light embedded into your tissues. It is force that runs your Spirit. It is.

You see, your Spirit can’t wait to operate from love. It can’t wait to operate from heart. You see, your heart is connection to Divine. Your heart will break open to connect with God’s love. Your heart will crack in order to make a connection with Divine. It will emanate pure God’s consciousness. It will. You see, once you do connect with God you will never be separate from one another. You will never be separate from God’s Love. You will forever be in connection to Love. That love will lead you to completeness of your Being. Nothing can step in between of your love with Divine. You see, once the connection is made, love will never leave you. Love will be embedded into your tissues. It will be embedded into the core of your Being. Your Being will be running on love, and what we mean by that is, your Being will never part from God’s love. You have become One with God’s Love. You see, One with God’s Love means, you are love that was created from Source. You are love created from particles of Divine’s Intelligence. You are One with it. You see, once you become One with God’s love, you operate from love unity. You operate according to God’s Intelligence. You see, God’s Intelligence is higher state of consciousness that can be reached if you are willing to become part of Great Work in action. Great Work in action means you have becomed self-realized as human and you are willing to surrender yourself to Source. Meaning, you are willing to surrender yourself into non-existence of your Being, to be part of Great Awakening. You see, surrendering to non-existent state means you become love on your own. You become love emanating God’s consciousness. You see, when you transcend you are able to accelerate your consciousness to God’s frequency and what we mean by that is, God’s frequency is a state of Being where you become Light of pure essence. And pure essence lays within you.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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