
Divine Design

This artwork is for those who are needing the guidance from their Elders. We have said it before, that Elders are the ones who are helping those who forgot about their mission. It is for those who needs more than just protection and support. It is for those who want to claim their soul’s gifts…


11 min read

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Stripping you off your power is their main agenda to have control over you. You didn’t came here to give away your power. In order to fully live the life you desire, you must stand in your truth as a sovereign Being.Only those who are living the life authentically themselves, are the ones who are living the life they want. You came here to be the best version of you, meaning you came here to follow your heart’s desires. Your heart’s desires must be aligned with your soul’s mission. Those who are searching for their mission are able to call for assistance of their guides. None of you are walking this path alone. You are able to call on those who will lead you to the path of your self-realization. You can call on those who will show you the way. You can call on those who will give you guidance in order to become your highest version of you.

Divine Design. Energy artwork.
Divine Design. Energy artwork.

Divinity in You is calling all of you, to step into your soul’s mission, to be in service to others. Divinity in You is calling all of you to become the best version of themselves. You are being called to be fully awaken in this lifetime, so you could live this life as a highest version of you. Once you live the life as a fully awaken human, you become the lighthouse to those who are searching the way out of their darkness. They are lost in their mind, trying to figure out how to be free. You see, once they question the reality of their living, their existence is starting to crumble. Each one of you, has written their own stories. Each one of you, is experiencing the situations that you have written for yourself in order to see through an illusion. Only those who are willing to see beyond their conditioned mind will be free. We have said it before, you have written your story with challenges that you are able to overcome. Nothing is impossible for you. Even though some of you are experiencing stories that might break the Spirit inside of You, we promise you, there is a lesson behind it. It is.

You are never alone. And by that we mean, you are always supported and guided by those who love you. You have an army of light warriors beside you. You are supported by your soul family that is leading you to fulfill your soul’s mission. You are guided by your Team in Spirit so you know how to walk this path with ease and grace. They are leading you to become the version of You, who is full in it’s potential. Meaning, you will walk this plane unburdened by social structures, living your best life with ease and grace. Free spirits can not be contained, nor they could be bound down to rules of those, who are trying to control humanity into believing they are the ones who are in power.

Spirit is free. Spirit came to this existence to walk this plane unapologetically without permission to be who it came here to be.

You see, you came here to experience life to become whoever you want to be. Some of you have written your story many lifetimes before, before you came here as a new version of you. Some of you are writing their story as we speak. What we are referring to is, you came here to become whatever you desire. As this is the playground of your desires, you are able to create the life you want. You can play this game in different roles. Meaning you are able to be the mother, a teacher, a guide to many all at once. You are not bound down to become a single role, but instead you can play this game however you want. Some of you desire to become something you wished as a child, and somehow your life brought you to experience other roles. Isn’t it? We say, you are not bound down to play this game in only one role, but you are able to play it in many roles you want. You are not bound to be something you do not want to be. You see, you must follow your heart’s desires and what that is, you must follow your inner knowing of what it is you want to be.

What is it, that expands your heart? What is it that brings you joy? What is it that makes you happy? What is it?

You see following your heart’s desires is leading you to become the best version of you. Many of you are choosing desires that are not aligned with your soul’s mission. You see, if you are not aligned with your Divinity in You, you are not able to fulfill your soul’s mission. When you came here, you signed an agreement that you will fulfill that mission, so you could assist humanity in evolving their consciousness. You see, many of you have scriptured your mission in a way that will assist humanity. Many of you have bigger roles in evolution in consciousness, many of you do not. And it is ok. It’s ok. You are all playing an important role in evolution in consciousness. You do. Your Spirit knows exactly what it needs in order to complete this mission. It does. Many of you have chosen the path of leading those who needs assistance in their awakening. Meaning, you might have bigger roles in order to assist those who needs to evolve in their consciousness.

Some of you are walking this path to enlighten those who had been sleeping for years. We understand that some of you have kind of bigger tasks than others, but let us remind you, that you were the one, who has written your play. Spirit is always here, guiding You. It does. Some of you, needed to wake up from sleep in order to remember your mission and once you remembered it, you became committed to it by leading the way unapologetically. You see, not everyone has the same mission. Not everyone has the same roles. Some of you have roles that are so important for humanity, that Spirit is leading you to become the leader in evolution in consciousness. It forces you to step in front of the masses, so you could lead many to see through their conditioned mind.

No role is too big for a human. No role is too small.

You see, everything works out for you, when you are in alignment with your Divine’s Guidance. You are being pushed to become the highest version of you. So for some of you, this mission is written in a way, that you will surpass the conditioned mind of your limited beliefs of your Being.

Let us begin by saying, you are here to follow your heart’s desires that are in alignment with your Divine’s guidance. If you feel unhappy with what you do, it is time for you to ask yourself, what is it, that brings you joy. If you allow more joy to come in, you will follow that feeling of feel good emotion. Isn’t it? You will follow your heart’s desires in order to feel good. Only those who are following their true version of themselves, can lead those who are still seeking their mission. You see, we advise all of you, to search for activities that makes you feel good. Only that can bring you more of what you want. You can discover yourself only if you are in full receptive mode to be guided. You are not navigating this journey alone. You will always have your guides with you.

Your Elders are teaching you how to manipulate energy so that everything works out in your favour. They are teaching you what needs to be done in order to complete the mission. They are whispering your Spirit where to go and what to do. As you have roles that will wake up those who are still a sleep, you will never be alone in your tasks. Elders are with you at all times. They are also teaching you to use all of your soul’s gifts that are given to you. Many of you have lost them through different lifetimes, but you have the power to call them back. You see, when you call back all the lost parts of you that were lost, you can use them in order to assist those in need. Many of you who struggle with their mission, must ask for Divine’s guidance so you could be put in alignment with Divine. This guidance can come in different ways. You can call on Archangels, Spirit guides, Ascended Masters, Beings from another dimensions. We have said it before, you are not alone on this plane. You have many stellar star systems assisting you in your evolution in consciousness. Your star families are assisting you to play this game with ease, so you do not need to suffer along the way. Your star families are waiting for you, to come home to speak on your experience you had on this Earth plane. They are eager to know how was your experience affecting all around you. They are eager to know how is it, so they might come to Earth plane as well.

They want to know if you have successfully mastered your lesson, if you assisted in raising the consciousness and if you showed others to be what they came here to be. They are interested in fulfilled mission. And they are proud of anyone who has taken the step to discover who they truly are.

You see, if humans acknowledged their Spirit as the leading force in experiencing this plane, than they have acknowledged they are beyond the illusion that was feeding them to be something they are not. If humans would understand they are Spirits having a human experience, they would approach life differently as they are approaching it, right now. They are living the life, not knowing they are being controlled by those who are in power of their lands. They are allowing others to be manipulated by their agenda, not knowing, they are giving away their power. Humans are willing to give their power to the ones who are deceiving. In order to completely rule humans, they have imprisoned them into believing, that they have power over them. When humans are willing to give away their power, by surrendering to the ones who have control, we say, they have succeeded in gaining your life force. We must emphasize the importance of your light. Your light can not be contained nor it could be defined. You came here as a free spirit. You have the right to be free. No one has control over your Being. Nor they have the power to manipulate you. You are the one who is giving away your power. You are the one who is allowing them to treat you less than you deserve. You are the one who is allowing them to make you feel powerless. You are the one who is in control of your Being. You are. You. Everything else is an illusion that is bounding you into believing you are powerless. It is all the construct of your mind.

Humans are willing to be manipulated by those who are forcing the agenda of control. They can not force anyone who stands in their power. If you stand in your power, than you are standing in your sovereignty. And if you stand in your sovereignty, you are in control of your Being.

No one can diminish you, by forcing upon you constrictions and rules that are dis-empowering you to the point that you give in. Isn’t it? You came here as a sovereign Being to become who you came here to be. You didn’t came here to give away your power. You did not. Let us remind you, that you are the One who is in full control of your Being. No one has the right to enforce you to be who they want you to be, but you came here to live authentically as you desire. You are the manifestation of your soul’s family, you are courageously walking this plane to be the best version of yourself. You are not able to be that, if you are giving away your power. You must stand in your truth in order to become fully awaken human. Those who are standing in their truths are the ones who will be free.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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