
Divine Guidance

This powerful artwork will assist you in achieving transcendence with support of your appointed Guides. You will be reminded of your ancestry, your Masters and Team in Spirit. You are navigating this journey with those who are here to assist you. If you spend time meditating on this artwork, you will invoke your Team in…


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Divine Guidance. Energy Artwork.

Divine Guidance. Energy Artwork.

Many of you came here, to live the life according to your soul’s mission. In order to do that, you must be willing to let go of your conditioned mind. You must let go of the structures in your mind, so you can see through the illusion. Many of you have been sleeping for quite some time now. Many of you have become distracted by outer things, that gives you pleasure, instead you should be focusing on your Spirit within You. When you are willing to live the path of least resistance, you allow your Spirit to lead the way. And once you do that, your Spirit will take you on the journey of knowing yourself. ”Who AM I?” will become the question you will ask yourself and if you wish to know the answer, you must allow your Spirit to show You. Once you allow your Spirit to lead the way, you will live the life according to your truth. Anything that is not in alignment with your Spirit, will be removed. You will be redirected on the trajectory of your soul’s calling. Your Spirit will lead the way until you reach your final destination, which is transcendence.

Divine Guidance. Energy Artwork.
Divine Guidance. Energy Artwork.

Divine guidance comes to those, who are willing to be in state of alignment with God’s consciousness. You see, if you are living the life as a Free Spirit you can live the life you desire. Your desires must be in alignment with your soul’s mission and if your desires are aligned, there is no other way than to manifest your desired wishes. You can live the life you want to live. It is that easy. We have said it before that what you think, you manifest. So if you spend your life thinking on things you do not want, you will manifest more of that. You see, we are here to assist you, to navigate this life with ease and grace. It is not necessary for all of you, to live your life in struggle and in pain. It is optional. You see, when you decide that suffering is not what you want, you create space for ease to come. Living in suffering is not what you came here for. Each one of you came here to be in a state of alignment with your mission and if you are, there is no room for suffering. You see, when you choose to focus on the things you want, you will manifest the life you dream about. There will be no space for drama, anger, pain, disappointments, struggle, lack. When you decide to leave the path of resistance to become an Enlightened One, you will be directed to the path where you will live the life of infinite possibilities. You see, when you step on the path of least resistance, you create life in an instance and what that means is, you manifest with ease whatever it is on your mind. Your mind determines how your life will be. Whatever you put in your mind, will grow. When you balance your mind , you will start living according to your manifested thought.

Divine guidance is here for all of you who are willing to listen. It is here for those who are willing to leave the past behind. It is here for those who are willing to see beyond. Many humans believes in one life. And what we say is, that this statement is far from the truth. You came here to live many lifetimes, until You decide to become a fully awaken human. It is You who is choosing how you wish to live. You do not need to live the life in a struggle. It is your mind that is telling you, that this is your reality. You can flip the reality any time you desire. Anytime. You can bend your reality into your favour, into your wanting any time you want. You see, you are the creator, you are the One who is in full control of your living. You can decide here and now to become an awakened One.

Your life will start to change, when You decide what it is, you want.Your decision is the precursor of your change and this is when your Spirit takes control. It is this exact time, when the Spirit becomes the guide of your story.

You see, when you allow your Spirit to take control, you will never dwell in suffering, because you will be pushed out of the struggle by the force that lies within you. This force is infinite intelligence that is running through you. It is Divine. When you allow to surrender to Divine, you will be guided by Teachers, not from this plane, but from other dimensions. You will be nurtured by Divine, if You surrender to it.

We are here for all of you, who are willing to surrender to the Spirit of your Being. How many of you are courageously willing to lead the path of least resistance? How many of you are willing to live the life according to your soul’s mission?

Let us begin by saying, you are guided by many light warriors. Many of them are in lineage of your ancestry, and what we mean by that is, you are guided by your family that has been here before you. Those who live in families, who acknowledged Spirit as a life force of life itself, are being guided by those who have already left this plane. You are guided by your Teachers, Masters. None of you is walking this plane alone. You are being divinely guided by all of those who agreed to assist you before you came into this existence. Let us remind you, that you have written the story and in this story assistance is guaranteed by those who voluntarily decided to help you in your ascension. Many of you have affinity to teachers that have lived many lifetimes before you. Many of you are being called by Masters in a way that your Spirit acknowledges their existence in order to awaken the Spirit within. Many of you are being awakened by the God/Source itself. Some of you are being awakened by Divine Mother who is instilled in you, waiting to emerge from the depth of your Being. Those who have been awakened by Divine Mother will eventually awaken to their full potential living this plane as a fully awaken human. You see, you are never alone. You are playing this game with Team in Spirit. Your Team will never leave you.

Each one of you has come to this plane, to see through the illusion and to become a fully awakened. It depends on you, if you are willing to live the life with ease. It depends on you, if you wish to enjoy life, or you rather dwell in suffering. Many of you do not even know, how to start awaken the Spirit within. Many of you have become detached from your bodies, you have forgotten how to feel you own Being. Many of you, do not allow yourself to feel an emotion. You pretend to control feelings, but instead they are piling up, ready to be seen. Those who pretend and ignore of what they feel, will be forced to look at each emotion, that has piled up in You. You see, you came to this plane to have an experience, to feel each emotion, to enjoy life in the present moment. It is now what counts, not what happened in the past. It does not matter what the future brings. You live your life now in this moment and you live the life according to your truth. If you live the life according to your truth, there is no other way, than to rise in consciousness.

When you become the master of your emotions, your mind and your whole Being, you become the observer of life. You become an observer of Consciousnesses.

You observe the play of different consciousnesses while you do not engage in them, but rather you look at them from the distance. Once you observe them from distance, you are able to choose in which consciousness you wish to play.

You see, play is easy, once you become fully awaken human. Instead of dwelling in the past conditions of your mind, you can choose your next step. We encourage those who have fully awaken to be in service to many. As you have seen through the illusion of your mind, it is your responsibility to lead by an example. And once you are in service to humanity, you become the beacon of light that has come here to remember those who are still struggling in their darkness. Your guidance will help you along the path, as it was decided many lifetimes before, that they will be here to assist you in your ascension.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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