
Divinity in You

Divine Mother wants you to understand, that you are the One who is in control of your Being. You are in control of the life you want. If you desire different reality for yourself, you must go deep within you to search for whatever makes you feel unhappy. Whatever makes you feel unworthy of what…


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Divinity in You demands from You to be the truest version of yourself. What that means is, you must live your life according to your truth. Suppressing your authenticity will make you suffer. If you allow yourself to be who you came here to be, you will walk the life you desire. Your perception of living the life you desire, is coming from the thoughts you are thinking. What you want comes from how you feel. It’s easy to comprehend this, once you reprogram your mind, to follow the feel good emotion. Whatever you do, must come from the place of feel good emotion. If you do not feel good of whatever you are doing right now, we advise all of you, to change the activity, so you realign yourself with whatever makes you feel good.

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Let us begin by saying, you are all divine. You are. Each one of you has infinite potential inside of your Being, waiting to be emerged into reality of your existence. We are here to say that your reality will change, when you are ready to live your life as a true version of You. Your reality is the outcome of your conditioned thoughts that you considered them to be true. You see, whatever you think will be reproduced in your current reality. It is important for all of you to train your mind to refocus each time you catch yourself thinking in old ways. It is important to be consistent with your reprogramming so you could switch the reality of your existence. In order to do that, you must be willing to disregard old versions of you behind, so you could step into new version of your reinvented Self. You see, you can reinvent yourself whenever you want. You can be whoever you desire. Whatever you want to achieve in this lifetime is possible for You. It is. However you speak to yourself is very important, it shows the willingness to love yourself to the depths of your Being. If you speak to yourself with unloving thoughts, there is no other way, than to attract unloving situations, experiences that will give you unloving feeling. Isn’t it? You see, shifting reality to your wanted desires means, you have to switch the mind to operating mechanism that will attract things you desire. In order to do that, you must change the feeling to a feel good emotion. Once you feel good about yourself, you are in state of attracting things you desire. It’s that easy.

What you have to do is, is to entertain yourself in order to feel good. You can find activities you like to do that will put you in a state of feel good emotions. Once you occupy yourself with whatever makes you feel good, repeat those experiences every day, until you have become a new version of yourself. Breaking the pattern of the way you look at things, will rewire your brain in a new way. Rewiring your brain cells will create new experiences of feel good emotion. So in order to create new patterns of your mind, you must feel good while you are breaking the cycle of previous thinking. Your only job here is to find whatever makes you feel good. If you feel good doing things that inspire you, that makes you feel good, than we say, keep doing what you do. And if you feel drained after doing a certain activity, than we advise you, to change the activity in order to feel good. You see, how easy it is. When you do things and feel good, you are in state, that is attracting more of what you feel. Keep searching for what makes you thrive. What makes you in motion of feeling good. Remember your childhood, what is it that brought you joy? Is it being in center of the play that caused you to feel good? Do you like to stand out, to be in front of the audience? If so, why would you hide this part of you, if it made you feel good? Some of you wants to be more quieter than those who are unapologetically walking this plane owning their light in their truth. We do not judge you, we do not. But we would like to emphasize on importance of living the life in your authenticity rather than to be a submissive being to conform to demands of another. We must remind you that you are all here to stand in your truth, meaning you are here to be authentically you.

If you see traits in another that inspire you to be like them, than it means you posses those qualities yourself. You didn’t came here to compare yourself with others as you are worthy already. Bringing out the trait you admire in others, is waiting for You to acknowledge the part in You, so you can claim it as your own.

How you live in your current reality will be shown through the experiences you have in this lifetime. Whatever experience comes your way, is a reminder for you to look deep inside of your Being, to speak on suppressed emotions, that are causing you to be stuck in your mind. If you do not change your perception of seeing things in a different way, you will live according to your perception. In what kind of reality you wish to live? What do you want for yourself? How do you wish to live this lifetime? Is it conditioned mind that is preventing you to live your life the way you desire? Ask yourself what you want.

Divinity that lies within you is reminding you to be in your truest version of You. Divinity means that you are authentically You, creating the life you desire. Authenticity lies within your truest version of Yourself. Authentic beings follow the truth of how they feel and if you feel good being of who you are, than we say, you are living the way you desire. If you feel unhappy of your life choices, we say, switch the mind to wanted feeling of feel good emotion, so you realign yourself with what you want. Feeling of unworthiness will cause you to be in state of not willing to change. Empowering yourself is what we advise all of you who have experienced unworthiness throughout your experience. Those of you who have been silenced by your birth family, those of you who had troubles voicing out of how you feel, had to experience an emotion that caused you to feel unworthy. Isn’t it? We say, it is important for all of you to voice out, to vocalize your truth.

Your worth is not measured by your parents love. You are worthy of being You. You are worthy to be listened to. You are worthy to speak whatever is on your mind. You are worthy to speak how you truly feel. You are worthy of having emotions that arises within you. You are.

If your birth family didn’t acknowledge your emotions, you started to dismiss them as well. Isn’t it? Each emotion that you feel is valid. It is. Some of you have chosen the families that dismissed your emotions, so you could learn that you have to stand on your own, to set boundaries to those who didn’t value you. Once you claim your worthiness, there is no other way, than to fully accept yourself as a worthy Being deserving it all. Divinity in you is guiding you to be the best version of yourself. Divinity in you is redirecting you to be in state of alignment with who you truly are. You are not in alignment of who you are if you do not listen to yourself. Divinity in you demands from You to walk this plane unapologetically. Meaning, you came here to rediscover yourself, so you could be a version of yourself that demands from You to grow, evolve in consciousness. It demands that you are willing to shed old skin of your previous selves, to leave behind mind patterns that kept you stuck in the old. It demands from you to be willing to re-surface as the highest version of You. You have to leave old behind. You have to seek in the unknown. You must dive deep into depths of your being. If you are not willing to change behavior of your previous selves you will be stuck in the same conditions of your previous selves not willing to evolve. And by this we mean, you will not evolve in consciousness as you are living this current reality as the old version of You. Those who are courageously walking this path as their authentic self, will be liberated of their previous selves as a resurrected Being, living in it’s true potential.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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