

We invite you to meditate on this artwork that will assist you in seeing through an illusion. This will assist you in becoming master on it’s own. You are the manifestation of your soul’s family, meaning, you are the one who is leading himself into the path of self-realized one. You are the One who…


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Many of you have been fooled by those who are enforcing their agenda,in order to enslave you into thinking you are not in control of your Being. They have enslaved many into believing, you do not have power of yourself. You became enslaved by those who are in power to control. Only You is responsible for seeing through the illusion, that is set upon you. Whatever you face as a challenge, is teaching you to see through an illusion of your conditioning. Many of you have been indoctrinated by those who are in control of many illusions. You are the one to see through it. Before your existence, humans had teachers that taught them how to see beyond their mind. Those teachers were teachings others to step in their power in order to control their own Being. Teaching came from Elders who were placed here as fully awaken humans. Elders were here to teach you how to become self-realized. Each one of you has the potential to become master of it’s own reality.

Elders. Energy artwork.
Elders. Energy artwork.

Elders are here for you, to assist you in your ascension. They are here for anyone who is ready to listen to the knowledge of the Universe. They were the ones who had evolved Consciousness, while they were living on this earth plane. Elders gained universal knowledge while they were living this plane fully awaken. Their knowledge was mastered by others so they could assist those in need. Those who have spread their knowledge among others, were the way showers of Infinite Design. Spreading seed of Divine Intelligence was their mission, so they could assist those who were willing to listen. Gatherings of those who were listening to guidance of their elders, were performed in communities, where they spread the knowledge between generations of new born spirits. Spirits who came into this existence, were guided by the same ones who navigated this journey with ease and grace. They were groomed into becoming the best version of themselves. They were guided into becoming leaders in their own way. Teachers they had, were those who have been taught by masters. They were the ones who were taught by elders. Communities have expanded over the years in order to share the knowledge among those who were willing to evolve.

This knowledge was hidden for many years until it became evident that humans needed the guidance from elders, so the divine master plan could occur. Those who were put here to master this teachings, were the ones, who would guide others in becoming their best version of themselves. Only the realized ones are here to teach you in becoming the highest version of you.

Elders came into this existence as a new born spirits that were already fully awaken. Elders were in connection with Divine at all times. They were using their power to embrace their soul’s gifts so they could assist humanity. This gifts assisted them to navigate this journey with ease and grace so they could fully live the life as realized ones. Elders came into assistance to those who needed help with their physical pain. They have assisted in ceremonies so they could heal those who had issues with their daily life. Those who didn’t understand their healing capabilities were creating separation between those who were sceptical about them. They didn’t understand how are they able to heal those who are in physical pain and than remove that pain from them. Elders were capable of healing those who had severe damage in their energetic bodies to become healed in an instant. This healing lasted for a lifetime. Those who came for healing were healed. Healers were put on this plane to assist those who are assisting humanity in larger scale. Healers are here to align your energy to be in alignment with Divine. Understanding healers could benefit everyone’s ascension. Not everyone is able to assist those in need.

We are here to say, that you are all able to heal themselves. You are all here to transcend in consciousness.

Many of you were indoctrinated by systems that prevented you, to see beyond the illusion of their structures. They have constructed you into a belief of believing that you are not powerful enough to heal yourself. They have confined you into believing that you are separate from yourself. They have imprisoned your mind into believing that you are the slave to their agenda. They have imprisoned humanity into believing, that they need to follow those who took away their freedom. Agenda they have created is to enslave humanity, to not have their own will in power, to follow structures that are enslaving their mind. We have said it before, you came here to see through an illusion of their conditioning. You came here as a free spirit living the life you desire. No one is in control of your Being. You must see through an illusion in order to live the life you want. No one has the power over you unless you allow them to control you. Spirit is here to be free.

Their agenda to control you, overflooded humanity into believing, you need structures as necessary to survive. They convinced you into a belief that you must obey their rules in order to live the life you want. What they do is, control humanity by setting time as necessary tool to complete the work. If the work is not completed in time, they have created punishments for those who are not following their agenda.

When you become your own master, this structures fade away by seeing through them.

Mastering your thoughts is what you need to do. If you allow them to control you by believing you are depended on them for your survival, you will forever be the slave of their agenda. When you start seeing beyond of your current reality, you will become the master of your life. Here comes our guidance in place, so you could navigate this journey easily. So you do not worry how you are going to navigate your current condition. When you surrender to divine guidance you will be guided, taught by masters and your Team in Spirit. We advise all of you, to completely surrender to your guidance, your Divine connection, so you could live the life you desire. Elders are waiting for you, to fully step in your power, so you could reclaim your gifts and lead by example. Some of you will have the abilities to heal those who were so indoctrinated by the system that will open their Mind’s Eye to help them see through an illusion.They will have an instant revelation of the belief they were holding onto. Some of you will heal physical pain of those who were suffering for longer periods of time. Who were born with disabilities, who were born with defects such as blindness, who are mute, those who have difficulty to center them selves, who have speech impairments, who are psychotic, anyone who has any kind of neurological disorders. All of you were convinced into believing that you are not a healers themselves. They made you believe you need others to heal you. They have created systems dismissing your energetic fields, so you could depend on them. You are able to heal yourself if you are willing to release the conditioning of your beliefs. We are here to say, that whatever you believe is real, is an illusion.

To fully step in your mission you must let go of the structures that are weighing you down. Only those who will step on this path courageously, will be free. Meaning they will live the life they desired with no conditioning. They will embrace others to do the same. They will step in their mission in order to help humanity in elevating their consciousness. Your light will emanate through galaxies. We are here for you. We are the Galactic federation of Light assisting humanity to raise their consciousness to become free.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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