
Embodiment of the Light within.

Those who are willing to live the life according to their truth will step on their mission. Your only goal here is to fully awaken. There is no other way. You can fully awaken now in this lifetime or you can repeat the cycle of your unlearned lesson until you realize that your challenge is…


10 min read

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Living the life according to your truth will eventually lead you to your purpose. Your soul’s mission will be completed when you are willing to live the life as the version of You of your highest potential. You came here to step in your power, to see beyond the illusion of your current challenges, so you could start living as a version of your Highest Self. You came here to be One with God’s Consciousness, to embody that light as a human. Once you embody the light of Infinite Design, you will lead others to do the same. Living the life as an embodiment of the light within, will lead others to become self realized. Self realization waits for everyone who is willing to see through the illusion of their mind. Being fully awaken in this lifetime is your only mission here. Everything else is a distraction of your highest potential.

Embodiment of the Light within. Energy artwork.
Embodiment of the Light within. Energy artwork.

You are courageously walking this plane as a version of your highest self. This is why you came here for. To be the embodiment of your truest version of You. You came here to be in alignment with your Higher Self. To be One with God’s Consciousness.

Your light is the reflection of your inside world, meaning your world is the manifestation of your conditioned mind. It is upon You to choose how you wish to live. It is upon You who is responsible for the life you live. It is upon you how you react to situations that are triggering You. Whatever triggers you means you are allowing outer situation to control You. Triggers are here to teach you where do you need to heal. Whatever is triggering you, means you must dive deep inside of your Being to search for the root cause of your pain. Whatever is causing you pain, you must face it with willingness to heal. Only those who are willing to face their shadows are able to heal themselves. They are the ones who are able to step on the mission of their scriptured path. You see, in order to be embodied in Light, means you must confront you fears to whatever is blocking you to live in your true potential. That means, you must confront your conditioning in order to be the version you came here to be. Your conditions are pulling you from your path. Your conditions are creating your reality. Your conditions are directing the path you are currently on. If you courageously choose the life you desire, you will take necessary steps to live the life you want.

You will face your fears, speak the truth and stand in your power in order to live this life as a conscious Being.

Only those who are willing to speak the truth of their essence, will evolve in Consciousness. Only those who are willing to live the life authentically as they are in their essence, will raise the consciousness to be one with God, Source or whatever you want to call it. You are the spark of Infinite Design, the seed that came here on this plane to be the example to those who lost themselves in their shadows. You are all Light. You are. Some of you do not believe you came from the Stars. Some of you still think you are humans. You are playing this game as an extension of God, in order to remind others to do the same. You came here to play, to fulfill your mission and to be fully awaken as a human. Once you see through the conditioned mind, you will see through the illusion that was set upon all of you. Let us remind you, that you are playing this game as one version of You. There are multiple versions of You in the Universe. You are living in parallel dimension of your mind. So whatever you think, you will live according to your mind.

Let us begin by saying, you are the embodiment of higher intelligence within You. Once you embody the light you will be fully awaken human. You came here to anchor this light so you could guide many to do the same. You will loose your past versions of You, so you could be the version of your true potential. Embodying the light means, you are ready to fully live the life you want. Embodying the light means, you will step on your mission that you have scriptured for yourself. You didn’t came here to suffer and you weren’t placed here to go through the experiences that would bound you. Once you see through the illusion of your mind, you will start experiencing life that will cause you to question your reality. And once you question it, you will start question whatever you see. If you are willing to be in stillness with yourself, you will start seeing the world as it is. Once you are still with You, you will start paying attention to your Being. And once you start paying attention to everything around you, you will start being aware of your surroundings. Isn’t it? Once you start being in state of awareness, you will feel your Being. Your Being will show you, what you are. And once you see and feel your Being as the light, you will step on this journey of rediscovering yourself, to become the version of your intent path.

Those who are not willing to listen to their Being will never discover themselves deeply as they should. Superficial life seems more convenient for them. So in order to embody the light of your essence you must take full responsibility of your mind.

The Mind is here to trick you, to divert you from your true potential. It is a construct of your mind that keeps you stuck in old.

Old beliefs, old structures, old ways of living is holding you back. Some of you are so conditioned in your mind, that you are willing to believe everything that has been said to you. From your parents, teachers, partners, those who are running your countries. You believe them all. Have you ever question yourself, if what you hear, is your truth? Is what you hear, the absolute truth? Some of you are not discerning the truths with your own knowing. Your knowing is telling you, what the ultimate truth is. And once you open your Mind’s Eye, you will see the truth from perspective of all involved. You will see how you are being tricked into believing in something that isn’t your truth after all.

Outer world is the reflection of your mind and what you feed your mind with, you believe it as your absolute truth. Isn’t it?

But we say, once you see the truth through your Mind’s Eye, you will know what is the absolute truth. Everything else is a distraction from your true potential.

You see, once you see through the illusion of your mind, you will start living the life according to your truth. And once you start living the life according to your truth, you will not accept diversion of your path. You will start walking your spiritual path as someone who is willing to discover himself into depths of his Being. You will become an embodiment of your true essence. You will be the light you carry. And once you anchor your light in God’s Consciousness you will share your knowledge among others. You will guide those who are willing to evolve. You will not accept less than you deserve. You will be an example of someone who has taken the risk to be awaken in this lifetime. Embodying the light will come to those who are being true to themselves, who are pure in their essence. Embodiment comes to those who are empowering others to step on the path of self-realization. Only self-realized human will break the cycle of it’s own suffering. Self realization is for those who are willing to see beyond of their current reality, who are willing to dive deep into the unknown. Meaning it is for those who are prepared to see their existence as a Spirit who came to this plane to have an experience of play.

Evolution in consciousness starts with You. If you are willing to evolve in consciousness, you will become a fully awaken human. We promise you that. We do. If you are willing to confront your deepest fears, emotions that arises within you, it is promised for You, that you are able to overcome whatever comes your way. You see, nothing is set upon you, that you are not able to overcome. You are the one who has written your own play. You scriptured the play in your own way, so you could overcome your fears and challenges.

No challenge of yours can not be surpassed by your will to overcome.

What that means is, you are faced with your own challenges in order to learn the lesson. Your Spirit needed this lesson to learn in order to fully awaken in this current lifetime. Not many of you are able to complete the lesson in your current lifetime, but we promise you, eventually you will. Each one of you is able to fully awaken now. You do not need to experience the next lifetime in order to complete the mission. If you complete the mission, you are still able to choose if you are still willing to play. Earth plane is a school for Spirits who are willing to experience the play as a humans, so they could evolve in their consciousness. You can fully awaken now and you are still able to come to play. If you become fully awaken in this lifetime, you can choose to come back as a fully awaken one or you can choose to stay home. Your home is where you came from. The stars. The star systems of your soul family.

We say, you have all the potential within You to overcome whatever you are experiencing. Challenge is an illusion. It is not who you are. It is not your final destination. Spirit inside of You is waiting to be in charge of your mission. Your Spirit is calling you to step on the path of self realization so you can be one with your Higher Self.

Once you become aware of your Higher Self you will embody the light within You. There is no other way. Your destination is to be fully awaken in this lifetime. This is why you came here for. Once you embody the light of Infinite Intelligence, you will call others to realize themselves. Self realization is the only way to live the life you desire. Self realized human, will continue to live the life with ease and grace, until he is willing to come back home.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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