

You came here to master all of the emotions that arises within you. And once you see through the veil of this Game, we say you have mastered the lesson.


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Enlightenment - Spirit Art


Final destination of spiritual awakened person who is ready to live in his full potential.

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Enlightenment. This powerful activation will assist those who are in the process of awakening to fully evolve in Consciousness. Enlightenment is a word describing someone who has awaken to his full potential. Enlightened person is someone who has mastered the Self. As a human you came into this plane with Consciousness and while you have come here with previous experiences you have brought with you lessons that you already mastered. Once you master your final lesson, you become One with God’s Consciousness. We say, you have awaken to your full potential. You have mastered the lesson in your final life span and you have now a choice to choose if you wish to play the game again or you wish to live with your Soul family. If you didn’t mastered the lesson, you will repeat the story and the circumstances can be quite challenging the next time. Once you realize you are the master of your story and you are the one who have written the script, you can become fully awaken. Enlightened. This how easy it is. Once you become self-realized you can live on this plane with ease and grace until you say the final goodbye. If you choose to play the game again, you start in the state of Consciousness where you left of. If you fully awaken in this lifetime, you can choose to start again as a fully awaken human. Once the majority of humans raise their Consciousness to the level of Love frequency, only awakened humans will start to come into this plane. We would like to see that this game becomes a game of ease and grace. We are in awe when we are surprised by human Mind how they complicate life. We are.

Enlightenment is graduation in Consciousness.

You start by challenges that involves liberating the Spirit from the structures of imprisoned Mind. Once you realize that the Mind is the root of all of your challenges, you can see through the veil of illusion. And once you see through it, there is nothing that can challenge or trigger you to become unconscious again. Once you see through the veil, you can accept the challenge with ease as you know that it has been orchestrated by You. We are here to say that many of you are mastering the lesson when you fully surrender to what is and when you do, life becomes much more easier for the players that are involved in.

Staška asked the question: ”What are the main lessons we came here for and where do we start? ” You start where you left of. Beings choose different types of lessons. One of the most popular one is Love. The most challenging one is Forgiveness. Staška asked: ”With which lesson you start if you come to this plane for the first time? ” Depends on the story you have written for yourself. Many start with easier tasks, such as Guilt, Shame. Guilt is easier to confront with. You master this lesson very quickly. If you are a child and you have taken something that wasn’t allowed for you to do, you become guilty of the thing you have taken away. If you get caught you soon experience the shame that arises within you, and with shame you start feeling guilty of something you did. Isn’t it? Once you master to release the guilt and shame from your system, we say you have mastered the lesson. Emotions are here to guide you. Once you fully understand that keeping emotions within you cause blockages within your system, you start acknowledging the emotion and with forgiveness towards your Being as a human, you can release it with grace. It is necessary for you to be self aware of your Being, that is guiding you to fully accept yourself. Acceptance of your Being as a Spirit living a human experience is necessary for your Enlightenment. Not acknowledging the Spirit within You, can prolong the suffering of your Being. Enlightenment is the way you live as an awakened Being in the state of non resistance. If you resist to what is, you are willing to suffer. You didn’t come here to suffer, and we would rather see you play. Don’t you agree?

You came here to master all of the emotions that arises within you. It is not only the one emotion that you will experience throughout your life. You will experience full spectrum of emotions. Once you acknowledge them, once you let them go, you are mastering your Being to be connected as a vessel to God’s Consciousness. Once you understand that you operate from your heart center and your vessel needs to be clear of all emotional debris, you start receiving Universal Intelligence through your Crown with ease. And once you see through the veil of this Game, we say you have mastered the lesson.You are a Spiritual Being living as a human. It is important for you to understand how this affects your living. Once you realize your connection with God you become a living Spirit in a human vessel playing the game consciously.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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