

This artwork will assist you in acknowledging that you are not from here. And what we mean by that is, you will allow your Mind to accept that you are from the stars. Once you acknowledge yourself as a Being from the Universe, you will allow yourself to connect with Divine. You see, your Being…


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Extraterrestrial. Energy artwork.

Extraterrestrial. Energy artwork.

You are not from here. You came from the stars. You are not your body. You are not your Mind. You came here to be the part of Great Work in action. You came here to teach others to become the highest version of themselves.You came here to lead many to co-create on Earth, so you can all awaken to higher realms of consciousness. You see, many of you do not listen to your bodies. Not many of you are listening to your Being. And if you want to accept more of Divine Light, you must change your food patterns. You see, if you wish to accelerate in consciousness, you will need to make some adjustments. Isn’t it? Even your body is telling you, what it needs. You should listen to it. Once you change patterns, your body will start to change. The structure of your body will be upgraded so the cells of your organism, will be able to accept more of the incoming Light. You see, once you change your body to the point of restructuring your cells, you will generate more of Light. Your body will be adapted to more incoming light. That’s why it is important for all of you, to follow your bodily sensations so you could choose to vibrate from higher frequencies.

Extraterrestrial. Energy artwork.
Extraterrestrial. Energy artwork.


Dear children, we are here. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are here to assist you in this ascension. We are here to guide many of you, to step on your journey of self discovery. We are here to assist those who are willing to listen, we are here to teach many of you the importance of your Being. You are here to guide others to co-create with Spirit, as you are a Spirit having a human experience. You see, you came here to ascend in consciousness and what we mean by that is, you are here to raise your consciousness to the point, where you become One with God. You see, once you start seeing through your conditions, you start evolving in consciousness. You came here to operate from frequency of love. You came here to elevate your state of mind and become a guide to many. Your light is important as you are the part of Great Awakening.

Let us begin by saying, you are here to be a part of Great Work and that work is to assist humanity to raise in consciousness, so you could all live in Unity Consciousness. You came here to be the part of those who volunteered in raising frequency, so you could all be together in co-creating the world of new evolved consciousness. You see, when you start raising consciousness of the world you impact all living Beings around you. You impact all Beings in the Universe and when you do so, you raise the frequency of the planet. When you raise the frequency of the planet, you assist in raising the frequency of all planets around you. And when you do so, you assist Universe to become one big Star of elevated consciousness. You see, you were all part of one big constellation. You were once all part of big Star that gave home to many of you, who once lived in Unity Consciousness. You were all part of Great Work in action. You see, many of you came from the stars and as we said it before, you belong to a specific stellar star system. Each one of you came from a specific star system, that allowed many of you, to be a part of this Great Awakening. Each one of you is a representation of your star family and you are all living here on this plane to remember who you truly are. Many of you have forgotten that you are the part of your star family, that’s why many of you do not remember your origin. Isn’t it? You see, you are all connected. Not only by your specific light codes but also your instilled life force that is running your Being. You were created by Divine Mother in all her beauty, your physical creation is made of living organism that is able to reproduce life. You have genetic implants of your star family implanted in you. Your human body is created by your star family, so you could live on this Earth plane adapted and what we mean by that is, your human body was created in such a way that you can all live here under planet’s conditions.

You see, you are not from here. You are a Being from the Universe. You are what you call an extraterrestrial. You might have different outside looks, but you are an extraterrestrial. You are not from here.

Let us begin by saying, you are a Being that came from the Universe and you came here to live on this Earth plane to have a human experience. You see, you came here to play. You did. What we are saying will stir your human Mind. It will question your reality. It will. It will question science in such a way, that you humans will eventually need to re-write your history books. That is why it is important for all of you, to know where you came from. Many of your ancestors had great connection to the Spirit. Some of the humans are still trying to reconnect with their Spirit. A lot of people of tribes are embracing Spirit as their connection to Divine. Isn’t it? You see, those who came before you, knew who they were, they even left art behind it. Isn’t it? Many of them draw what you call “out of this world” artworks. They are still many of them unseen. Many of you are following the narrative of human creation made out of your fellow beings. Isn’t it? You were not developed from apes at all. You see, apes have similar construction and they wanted to divert you from the truth. So they have created an agenda of creating false narratives around your existence.

You see, you came here as an extraterrestrial embodied in human flesh. You are a Being that is highly intuitive, it is highly receptive of other’s energy. You are a generator of light. You are an energetic Being attracting according to your frequency. Everything else is an illusion.

You see, you are here to learn to operate within your human body. Once you allow your Spirit to guide you, your body will start to change it’s structure to become more receptive of incoming light. You are constantly changing your structure of your cells so you could receive more of the light coming in.

Let us begin by saying, you are evolving not only in consciousness, but your whole body is changing with you. That is why it is important, how you feed yourself. Many of your ancestors fed themselves with beings that lower their frequency. Once they learned that other flesh is disturbing their connection with Divine, they started changing their patterns in eating high vibrational foods. We understand that many of you have been indoctrinated with a belief, that you need flesh for a survival. It is their agenda to keep you from connecting to Divine. We understand that many of you have bodies that need flesh for maintaining their functions, but we advise all of you, to listen to your body how does it speak to you.You see, not everyone can live on maintaining their bodies without flesh. Some of you have a specific DNA that needs flesh for their living. Those with type 0 need flesh in their food. Those with type A or B are considered as Beings that need most of their food consisted of fruits and vegetables. Those with type AB need more of minerals in their food that is rich in potassium, iron, zinc etc. You see, when you feed your system properly, you begin to easily heal your body so it becomes more receptive of the incoming light.

Many of you do not feed themselves properly. You use your body as a container of all that is. You see, when you start evolving in consciousness, you begin to consciously choose what you put inside of your vessel. You see, if you start listening to your body, it will tell you what it is, it needs. We advise all of you to start listening.

Let us begin by saying, you are divinely created by Divine Mother. She is instilled in all of you and what we mean by that is, you are infused with Divine itself. Your creation is running on Divine’s force so you could become the One who is willing to transcend in consciousness. Each one of you has Divine Mother instilled in them and she is waiting for you to wake up from your deep sleep. You see, not everyone has the potential to become a highest version of themselves, not everyone has the ability to become someone that will live this life to his true potential. You see, not everyone wants to awaken in this lifetime. Not everyone is here to be the part of Great Awakening. Some of you came here to stir tensions among those who are willing to ascend. And what we mean by that is, some of you belong to those who are here to separate and divide those who came here to be the part of Great Work. Let us begin by saying, you came here to assist those who are asleep. That is why it is important to continue the course of your path. That is why we came here today to remind you, that you are a part of great mission. You are here to be the Light so you could assist those who dwell in their darkness. You came here to remind others that you are all connected. You came here to be the leader of New Earth. You came here to transcend in consciousness so you could live this Earth plane as someone who became a fully awaken human. And you will. You will.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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