
Galactic Federation of Light

This artwork will assist you with connecting to us. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are here to guide you. If you spend time meditating on this artwork, it will assist you in connecting with your Team in Spirit. We advise you to spend at least 15 minutes per day by meditating on…


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Galactic Federation of Light. Energy artwork.

Galactic Federation of Light. Energy artwork.

We came here today to speak to you about us. We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are here to assist humanity to evolve in consciousness. You are all here playing the Game. You are an extraterrestrial Being living this plane in a human form. You are not from here. This plane was created for you to play to elevate your state of mind to state of pure consciousness. You are able to transcend to levels of different consciousnesses. You see, once you start operating from love, you will able to elevate your consciousness to a state of your true essence. And once you elevate, you will be in state of completeness. Being complete is when you become One with God’s consciousness.

Galactic Federation of Light. Energy artwork.
Galactic Federation of Light. Energy artwork.

Galactic Federation of Light

We gathered today to speak to you about us. We are the Galactic federation of light and we are here to assist humanity navigating this journey. We are here to teach you how to navigate this life, as we are formed to guide you while you are experiencing this ascension. You see, we are here to show you how to ascend in consciousness. We are here to upgrade some of You in order to assist humanity. You see, each one of you came here with a specific mission and that mission is written in the scrolls. Each one of you have an important task that assists other fellow Beings. Each one of you has the potential to become fully awaken human. Each one of you has the potential to navigate this life with ease and grace, and what we mean by that is, you are able to transcend in consciousness while you are living this plane. You see, each one of you has the potential to become awaken. Each one of you has the ability to become the best version of himself and what we mean by that is, you are here to experience life as an awaken human. You see, not many of you have the ability to awaken and what we mean by that is, you will experience another play in your next lifetime.

You see, you will play this game until you fully awaken. It is upon you to become free spirited. It is upon you to become awaken.

You see, when you start seeing through an illusion, there is no other way, than to become fully awaken. You see, once you see through it, you will start living the life that you want. It is upon you to create the life you desire. It is upon you to start living the life you want. We have said it before, this play has an ending, that is in full responsibility of your Mind. It is upon you, if you wish to participate in illusion of their agenda. It is upon you, if you wish to dwell in darkness of your Being. You see, when you completely accept yourself as whole, there is no other way, than to create your life how you desire. You see, once you start walking this path with ease, you will create the life you want. And you will start doing it, by choosing which thoughts you generate inside of your mind. You see, you will live your life according to your thoughts and you will create according to your mind. We have said it before, it is important for all of you to start choosing your desired thoughts, as they are the generators of your current reality. It is upon you how you wish to think, it is upon you what you put inside of your mind.

Let us begin by saying, you are here to assist many. You came here to awaken. You came here to ascend. You see, not many of you will ascend. Not many of you came here to assist. Many of you are still in deep sleep and what we mean by that is, you came here to awaken to your full potential. You see, you came here to follow your mission and that mission involves seeing through an illusion. And once you see through it, you will start walking the path of your knowing, and once you start walking the path of your knowing, you will start to follow your soul’s mission. Your mission involves, walking in your truth. You see, once you start walking in your truth, there is no other way, than to live your life awaken.

We came here today to speak to you about us. We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we are here to navigate you while you are experiencing this play. You see, we have told you before, we are the group of Ascended Masters, Teachers, Light Beings from different galaxies. We are Team in Spirit working for all of you, who are willing to ascend to higher state of consciousness. We are here to teach you the importance of awakening yourself to higher realms of consciousness, as it is the only way to assist humanity to transcend.You see, we are a group of teachers that are assisting those who are willing to listen. We are the group of Light Beings that came before you and once lived on this Earth plane. You see, we have spoken before about teachers that came here to assist humanity. One of those teachers was Jeshua. He was a teacher that came here to teach humanity while he was living on this plane. He became fully awaken while he was navigating his own journey. He ascended to higher state of consciousness in order to assist humanity to do the same.You see, many of you need guidance while you are navigating this journey and that is why some of you have important roles in assisting humanity to raise their consciousness. You see, not many of you are able to speak about transcendence, not many of you have the same roles. Each one of you has a specific task to do and what we mean by that is, you came here to fulfill that mission. Once the mission is fulfilled, you are able to choose if you wish to stay on this plane living the life you desire, or you wish to leave this plane and go home.

Let us begin by saying, you came here to complete the task of your written story. In your story you have scriptured the path that you need to take in order to fully awaken. In your written story, you have scriptured how your life will end. You see, once you complete your mission, you are able to live this plane fully awaken. You are able to walk this path with ease and grace. You see, once the mission is complete, you are able to leave this Earth plane and go home. It is upon you, if you wish to continue your life. It is upon you if you wish to stay. If you wish to stay, you will complete your life here as a fully awaken human. You will live how you want to live. But if you choose to go home, you will leave this plane as an awakened One and you will be able to choose once again if you wish to play or reunite with your soul family. If you choose to play, you will repeat your life in different circumstances. You see, once you become awakened, you can choose if you wish to repeat the life in a human form. You can choose to live the life as a Light Being assisting others to awaken. What we mean by that is, you are able to live in Unity Consciousness together with humans as a Light Being. You can choose to repeat the life as an awakened One if you had completed your mission from previous lifetime.

You see, it is important for all of you to complete your mission. It is important for all of you to follow your heart’s desires.Only by doing that, you will able to transcend in consciousness.

If you do not complete the mission, you will repeat the next cycle of life. You will repeat your living, until you complete your mission. You can choose to live this life as a fully awaken human, or you can choose to go home. You see, once you complete the mission, you are the one who is scripturing your next play. You are the scriptor of your play. You are the one who is scripturing the life you will have. If you have completed the mission, you will create your play in such a way, that you will continue following that mission, until you complete it again. But this time, you will navigate the journey awakened. You see, if you choose to play the game again, you will live your life with ease and grace. You are able to live your life unburdened and what we mean by that is, your challenges will not be difficult as you had in your previous lifetimes. As you will see through an illusion, you will be able to choose if you wish to engage in frequencies that their main agenda is, to divert you from your path. You see, if you choose to play the game as an awakened One, you will be able to live your life with ease and grace and what we mean by that is, you will be able to create your life how you desire and you will continue living your life, assisting others to do the same.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we are here to speak to you about our formation. You see, we have said it before you are not alone. You are an extension of God. You are an energetic being living this plane as an extraterrestrial. You are not from here. You have a human body, but you are not from here. Your consciousness is Divine. Your consciousness is a state of your current living, your conditioned mind. Your consciousness is able to rise to a state where you can operate from love.

We have said it before you are living in state of fear and confusion. If you are willing to see through this illusion, you will eventually transcend to love state. Your consciousness is rising. Once you elevate to love state, you are able to transcend to higher consciousnesses. You see, love state is not your final state of Being. Your Being can transcend to higher realms of consciousnesses.

You see, being fully awaken means you operate from love state. You live your life in state of love frequency. And if you wish to go even higher in consciousness, you are able to do that by elevating your Being to state of pure consciousness. You see, pure consciousness is a state where you operate from pureness of your Being, pureness of your soul’s essence. You see, as a human you are able to operate from higher consciousnesses. You are able to operate from essence of your Being. You are able to transcend in your Being by elevating your consciousness to state of completeness. Completeness means you are in state of complete bliss. Bliss is state of pure God’s consciousness. You see, once you elevate your Being from love frequency to higher realms of consciousness you are being elevated by your Team in Spirit to rise in consciousness, so you could be in service to many. We have said it before, you came here to transcend. You came here to elevate.You didn’t came here to stay the same. You did not. You see, if you elevate in consciousness you are assisting all Beings around you. You do. We have said it before, you are a part of Great Awakening. You are a part of Great Work in action. You are.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are the ones who are assisting you in your journey. We are Beings from different galaxies that assist many humans to awaken. We operate from love, we operate from elevated state of mind. We came here to teach you to do the same. We didn’t came here to divide you among others, but instead we are assisting humans to see beyond the illusion that was set upon all of you, to finally stand in your truths. You see, until the last unawakened awakens, until than, you will all play the Game as a Being that needs to see through the illusion. Your Spirit is leading you to the path of self realization, and if you are not willing to listen to it, you will stay in your limited mind. You will stay a slave to your illusion.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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