Graduation comes to those who are willing to listen to their Spirit. You see, Spirit knows what pain you hold. Spirit knows what it is, that needs to be released. You see, only Spirit will show you the way, to become an awakened One. Spirit is here to lead you on the path of self-realization. It is here to teach you to let go what it is you need to release. You see, Spirit will show you the beauty of this plane, only when you allow yourself to completely surrender to it. You see, Spirit is the primal force of your living, as it is here to play. He knows your mission, he knows your potential. You see, you must let it all go in order to be free, as you came here to become free spirited.

Graduation comes to those who were willing to step on the path of self-realization. Graduation comes to those who have been listening. You see, not many of you will graduate. Not many of you will live in truth. You see, many of you are willing to suffer. You are willing to suffer in your conditions that are bounding you to stay the same. You see, many of you came here to live other people’s lives and what we mean by that, rarely you are willing to leave those who are getting in the way of your path. It seems like you are obliged to follow their mission, it seems like you are convinced that they want the best for you. You see, none of them knows what is the best for you, accept for your Spirit. You see, Spirit knows who exactly you are. Spirit knows your mission. You see, only Spirit knows what is your mission to do. Only Spirit knows what it is you must do in order to liberate yourself from your conditioning. You see, only Spirit knows what it is, that you need in order to let go of your past. You see, if you allow your Spirit to guide you, you will see what it is you must let go. You must completely trust your Spirit, so you could release what it is you need to release. You see, only Spirit knows what you need, so in order to graduate we would suggest to you, to start listening to your Spirit. You see, Spirit is showing you what it is you should let go, but many of you do not listen. You see, Spirit is trying to communicate with you, but you keep dismissing it. You see, Spirit talks with you in different forms. It speaks to you through songs, it speaks to your through numbers, it does. Spirit has a funny way to communicate with human, so he could get his attention. You see, Spirit exactly knows what you need in a specific time, so in order to get your attention, he will show you the path with things you desire. It means you should follow the path you are currently taking. You see, Spirit is showing you what to do by putting things in front of your sight. You see, he will use different ways of communicating so he could grab your attention. You see, Spirit will do everything it needs, so he can divert you on the right path. You see, some of you are so distracted, that even if the Spirit puts what it is you desire in front of you, you will dismiss him or even deny it. You will find so many excuses just to continue the path of your suffering. You see you are choosing things that are not in alignment with your Spirit.
You see, if you choose paths that are not in alignment, you will be forced to be awaken. You will be forced to awaken in a way that you will loose some of your loved ones way to early or you will loose what it is that you are being attached to. You see, you shouldn’t attach yourself to anything. You see, nothing is yours. Nothing is given to you to own it.
You see, your children are here to embrace them, to acknowledge them, to accept them as they are. If you keep pushing them away, you can loose them. You see, if you keep enforcing to children your own points of view, you do not allow them to blossom. You do not allow them to experience this lifetime on their own. You see, each one of you is in control of their living. Those who have children are using their children as something they own. You see, you were not placed here to control them. You were not placed here to own them. You see, children are their own Spirits. Children are their own humans. And in order to embrace them, you should allow them to be who they want to be. Only by accepting them as they are will allow you to release control. Only by allowing them to be who they came here to be, will allow them to start blossoming in their own way. You see, not many of you will allow your children to become what they want. Not many of you will allow your children to become who they came here to be. Instead you are enforcing your beliefs or even different types of structures onto them, so they could follow you to abyss. You see, not many of you will allow your children to be who they are. Instead you are enforcing your own pain onto them, so you can imprison them with your own mind. You see, if you want to let go of control, you must accept them as who they are. You must accept them as complete. You see, your children have never been broken. Your children were placed here to teach you to let go. They were placed here to show you to let go of your past. They were placed here to show you new ways of thinking. They were placed here to love you as you are. You see, many of you are still controlling. Many of you are still causing pain. Many of you are judging, children who are different than yours. You see, let go of judgement, as you do not know what it is that this child came here to do. You see, children who came different on this plane, came here as Spirits with missions to awaken their parents to become the best version of themselves. They came here to teach parents to see beyond of their current conditioning. You see, children that are labeled problematic are teaching others to awaken. They came here to teach you to find a different approach. They came here to show you that they do not mean harm and what they need is acceptance. What they need is love.
You see, we came here today to speak to you about graduation. Graduation is here for you. It is here for all of you who are willing to listen. It is here for all of you who are prepared to accept yourself as who you came here to be. It is here for all of you who are accepting others as they are. You see you can only accept them, if you allow to see them equal as you. You see, if you accept them, than you love them as who they are. You see, loving them means you are letting control go. You are letting love to lead you. Accepting them means you operate from heart center as it is the only way to see them who they truly are.
Let us begin by saying, graduation is here for all of you who are willing to listen to your Spirit. It is here for all of you who are willing to let go. If you wish to surrender to Divine, you must be prepared to let go anything that would bound you to your conditioned mind. You see, only those who are prepared to let go their loved ones are truly willing to surrender to Divine. You see, if you have children, many of you would feel bound to stay the same. Rarely those who see through their conditioned mind are willing to let go and leave loved ones behind. You see, some of you have written the story how you will continue the path alone in order to fully awaken. Some of you have written the story in such way, that you will need to surrender to Divine as only Divine knows what it is you must do, in order to let go. You see, the hardest lesson to learn is to let go of control. The hardest lesson to learn is to forgive. You see, not many of you are willing to do neither of it and that is why you keep bound to your conditioning. You see, humans are creating different types of stories based on their fear. So in order to release control, you must first release the fear, that is causing control to lead you in your decisions. You see, sometimes you will need to dig deep inside of your Being in order to find the cause of your fear. Sometimes you will need to search the cause by allowing Spirit to show you. You see, Spirit is able to show you what core memories you hold inside of your Being, so you are able to release it. You see, if you would allow your Spirit to show you, you wouldn’t hold so much pain inside of your vessel. It is the vessel that holds pain. It is the vessel that keeps accumulating pain. You see, we have told you before, you must be willing to listen to your Spirit. You must be willing to heal. You see, only by healing yourself will help you to become awaken. If you do not acknowledge pain, you will never awaken. .
You see, you came here to live your best life. And how you do that, is by allowing yourself to heal.
You see, we know how difficult it is. We know. We have been walking this plane many years ago. You see, we have experienced, what you are experiencing now. You see, we came here to teach you the importance of letting go, because if you let go, you are able to surrender yourself to experience new ways of living. You see, you are so conditioned to your old ways of living, that you can not imagine yourself living your best life. You see, the pain is obstructing you from imagining yourself enjoying life that you desire. You see, each one of you is able to let go, by allowing Spirit to show you how. Each one of you is able to let go, by allowing Spirit to lead you. You see, Spirit exactly knows how you can release your pain. Your Spirit is able to show you, how you can let go. You see, Spirit knows how to deal with each challenge. Spirit knows what it is you need to let go. You must allow Spirit to show you, by listening to him. You see, we know how it is if you are not willing to listen. We know how difficult it is to admit the pain you are carrying. We do. That is why different teachers come to you to help you assist. You see, many teachers are here for you. Many teachers has a specific role. You see, you know who Jeshua is. Isn’t it? You know that he is here for all of you, to release your pain to him. Isn’t it? You see, he is carrying pain from all of you, who are suffering deep inside of your Being. He is here for all of you, to help you release that pain in order to be free. You see, many of you know Mary, she is the one who is responsible to deal with mothers who carry deep pain inside of them. She comes to any of you who has children, as she is the one who is taking away pain from heart center. Many of you struggle with deep pain that you carry inside of your heart. That pain can only be released by Santa Maria that is here to release that pain from you. You see, each teacher has it’s own mission in order to assist humans with their pain. You see, once you allow your Spirit to show you, where it is that you hold so much pain, you can call on Santa Maria or any other teacher that will assist you with releasing it. You see, you are forgetting that you have all the help you need. You are forgetting that you have all the love you need. You see, you came here to experience life. You came here to live your life as a fully awaken human and in order to do that, you will face some challenges and you will accumulate pain along the way. But you can release the pain if you are willing to listen. Because if you would release the pain, you wouldn’t be afraid of living your best life. You wouldn’t be afraid of living. You see, life is beautiful. Life is miraculous. It is.
You see, you must allow yourself to heal so you can live your life free. And once you become free, there is no other way, than to live the life you want. There is no other way, than to live your life to the fullest.