
Heart center

If you allow yourself to meditate on this artwork, you will be guided to open your heart center. Once you allow yourself to feel, you will receive guidance from your team in Spirit, to fully open yourself to Divine. Once you allow yourself to receive, you will start making connections from your heart. Meditate at…


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Heart center. Energy artwork.

Heart center. Energy artwork.

Releasing your emotions are necessary for all of you who are trying to connect with Divine Intelligence. You see, when you are willing to open yourself to Divine, you must release the baggage from your heart center. Heart is the bridge to Divine, your connection with your guides and Team in Spirit. If you are blocked from Divine, you are not able to receive directions of your path. Many of you are disregarding the whispers of your Soul’s mission, that’s why you struggle with following your heart’s desires.

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Stepping into purpose will direct you in different directions of your path. You came here to live according to your truth. You see, you came here to be in service to others, to be in alignment with your Higher Self. Being in alignment with Divine is why you came here to be. We understand that living on this plane requires you to be in state of awareness so you could live your true potential. If you are not aware of yourself it is hard for you to choose which way to go. Isn’t it? We see you struggling with heart desires such as opening yourself to love. It is hard for many of you to open yourself to other human beings if you were hurt in the past. Following your heart desires is the only way to stay in full acceptance of what is. If you allow yourself to feel what is needed to be felt, you will walk the path with ease and grace. If you mask your feelings, there is no other way, than to be hurt at the end.

We have said it multiple times before, you came here to feel everything. You did.

Some of you are pretending at all times, how easy it is, to not feel an emotion. It is deception to believe that other beings can not feel your pain. There are many humans who can feel whatever you are feeling. You see, more sensitive you are, more you could feel others. You are an energetic being that came here to see beyond your conditioned Mind. To see through an illusion of your bodies. You are the light that you carry, created by light codes that are in connection with Divine. You are a being capable of sensing other people’s energy. You are able to connect with others through heart center. You see, if you are blocked in your heart center you are not able to connect with others. If you put walls around your heart, you are not allowing the flow of Divine Intelligence to run through you. This how simple it is. We have said it before, you are the channel. You are. Your channel suppose to be clear of any debris of stuck emotions. You are not here to hold onto emotions, but to let them go, so you could flow with the Universe. Great Work requires from all of you to be in a state of alignment with Divine. To walk in your true potential, to be clear and pure as a channels so you could connect with one another and share love among humanity. If your heart centers are not pure, you can not assist others with opening their heart. The grid works in a way that all of you who are assisting others, are connected through heart center. Imagine yourself surrounded with other human beings and what connects you among them, is the Light that bursts out of each heart center. This light is your spark of Divinity, that is inside of all of you, waiting to be emerged into One pure clear light of Love. You are Love. You are.

Let us begin by saying, you are love and by that we mean, you emanate love frequency. Choosing directions in your path is based on your connection with Divine. You see, your heart will guide you where you need to go. If you have a blocked heart center, there is no other way, than to choose the path that is based on resistance. It is not possible to choose the path of least resistance if your heart is closed and not fully open. Many of you are putting walls around your heart so you could not feel anything. What you do, is diverting yourself from your path of your heart’s desires. It is not possible to feel, if you allow yourself to reject emotions that arises within you. You see, your heart is the vessel – the bridge to Divine. Once your vessel is clear of debris, your connection is pure and clear. Your heart is a two way center that is consisted of opposing triangles, one faces up, and the second one faces down to your feet. This heart of yours is the bridge to Higher State of Consciousness. If your heart is blocked from receiving energy from the Source, you are not able to transcend in Consciousness. You were placed here to evolve. Meaning, you were placed here to transcend in your structured beliefs, conditioned mind you believe in.

Whatever you think, is not real. What is real, is what you feel.

Neglecting what you feel, blocks you from Divine. This is why it is necessary for you to open yourself, so you could be in connection at all times. Without connecting to the Source, you are not able to hear the whispers of your Divine guidance.

Emerging into one source of light, by connecting to others through your heart centers, is why you came here for. You are the wayshower, meaning you came here to show the way, to those who are lost in their conditioned mind. By enlightening their structured mind by the power of the light you carry inside of your heart center, you remind them on their own light source. Reminding others, that they are the light source of Infinite Divine’s plan is the master plan behind it. Heart can take a lot of pain, but it is structured in a way, that can only hold love frequency, but not the feelings of despair, sorrow, heartbreak ect. Those who are holding onto those emotions, are causing walls around it. Those walls are unhealed trauma stored in heart center. And once you accumulate the same emotions over longer period of time, you create walls around it. It is important for all of you, to release those emotions, to release people who have hurt you. People who have hurt you, do not feel the same as you, if they would they wouldn’t hurt you in the first place. Isn’t it? Humans tend to over analyze each situation that have caused them to feel sad. This emotion causes the paralysis of the heart center. That’s why it is important for all of you, to acknowledge the emotion, and than let it go. If you do not let it go, you can experience the same situation, that will cause your heart to respond the same way, as you have responded in previous situations. If you do not clear the debris, you are accumulating the same emotions all over your heart. It is necessary for all of you, to clear your centers by forgiving yourself first, and to accept the fact that you came here to learn how to let go. Mastering the letting go is giving yourself peace within you. Forgiving others is acceptance of what is and embracing it by ease and grace.

Forgiveness is the masterclass for all of You, who are willing to transcend in Consciousness. Forgiving is to love your fellow human being nevertheless of their faults. Forgiving is to love, nevertheless of other people’s reactions. Forgiving is to love, nevertheless of other people’s unlovingness.

Remember, let emotions go, so you could be in state of acceptance of Infinite Divine’s Intelligence. Your connection with Divine is much more important than experiences, that makes you feel unloving towards yourself. Loving yourself has to be your number one priority. And we say, love yourself when you experience hurtful reactions of others. Love yourself, to remind your Being to rather be in state of alignment instead of defensiveness. Love yourself unconditionally by forgiving yourself daily in each moment of your experiences with others. Love yourself so you could speak the love to those who are not hearing the whispers of your heart.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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