

This artwork represent connection to home of your Spirit. It will assist you in reconnecting to your Soul family. If you spend at least 15 minutes per day you will allow yourself to connect with Divine. It will help you in re-connection with remembrance to your soul mission.


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Home Energy Artwork. Soul family star system.

Home Energy Artwork. Soul family star system.

Having a home is important for many of you who are navigating this journey. Your team of your Spirit is assisting you in this ascension. If you allow yourself to acknowledge your Spirit, you will be connected to your Soul family. Your Soul family is here to guide you through challenges you have put upon yourself. We promise you, if you allow to unburden your Spirit with debris of illusioned Mind and stuck emotions, you will open yourself to guidance. Once you establish the connection you will be guided to follow your mission that was prewritten before you came into existence.

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Having a home is important for each one of you who came here to play. You see, as a Spirit you have a special connection to your Solar System. You belong to a specific Stellar Star System which is your connection to your Soul family. Each Spirit comes from a star system that is placed in the Universe exactly how it should be. You see, each one of You comes from a specific soul family that is the part of Great Work. This work is to live in Unity Consciousness. Each star has it’s own families that are playing in this playground. Each family sends Spirits to have an experience living on planet Earth. Only courageous ones are willing to play. So, having a connection to your soul family is important for the Spirit to have guidance at all times. Your soul family is here to assist you in your ascension. Without having a connection you will not able to ascend. Once you realize you are a spirit and your home is in the Universe among the stars, you will easily create a connection. Your soul family can assist you in choosing the right choices for your spiritual growth. They are here to show you the way, your soul family has deep connection with you heart center. Once you open your heart and operate on frequency of love, this connection is instant.

Many of you belong to different types of Stellar Star System. Some of you are from Siri star system, some of you are Arcturians, many of you are Pleiadians. Rare but they are, are beings that come from planet RA. Many star system exist that wasn’t recognized by humans. These are the few ones, that humans acknowledge their existence. Why is it important for you to know where you come from, will only assist you in knowing how you operated on planet Earth. If you preferred specific type of living, you would understand that it comes from your connection to your soul family. Each Beings that are coming from different stellar star systems has specific abilities that will assist you on this earth plane while you navigate this journey. Each Being has a specific mission to fulfill on this plane, so when spirit comes back to it’s original place of home, they tell stories about it.

What is your story to tell? Is it helping others to walk in their true potential or is it observing the play with ease and grace?

You have chosen the play with knowing you can ascend to Higher State of Consciousness. While you scripted the play, you added challenges to overcome whatever it is that is diverting you from your potential to live fully awaken. Once you overcome challenges, you can either help and assist those in need, or you can enjoy this lifetime with ease and grace. You see, choosing your mission is prewritten in the scrolls. You are the manifestation of many teachers, guides, soul family members. Many of them are not courageous as you are. This is why it is important to live in true potential so you could tell stories about it, to your elders. Elders are proud of each one of you who are courageously walking this plane, as they know how difficult it is to live as a Spirit among many who are a sleep. It was designed that way, to see through it so you could rise like a phoenix and live life as a fully awakened one.

Children, you are all loved by your soul families, you are. They are all rooting for you so you could play this game unburdened by stuckness of your emotions, they are rooting for you, they are.

Many of you will face challenges that will try to break the Spirit inside of your form, but remember you can overcome whatever this plane is challenging you with. Elders are waiting for your arrival, when the time comes to leave this plane you will tell the story how easy or difficult was this experience for you. Having connection with your soul family is much more important than you could imagine. You see, elders are the ones who once lived this earth plane having a full capacity to be fully present as they walked this plane. Nothing could throw them out of balance, they accepted each challenge with ease. Many elders decided to come back to earth plane to assist those in need, to assist those who are willing to listen. You see, elders carries deeper wisdom inside of their Being, they are the first ones who had specific powers, to manifest whatever they desired, during their lifetime on this plane. You see, having powers that exceeded human abilities to perceive was the gateway to Divine. Elders that remembered their origin while they are navigating this journey can use those powers to assist humanity with their ascension. Not many of Spirits that have decided to play, have those abilities. Each soul family will assist each Spirit walking this plane so they can use those abilities for their self or for humanity.

Guidance is needed when you receive specific gifts so you could always be in presence while you are experiencing those powers. It is important for you to ground yourself so you could never go out of balance. Once you awaken, abilities comes natural to you and your form can take large sums of energy to process.

You see, you are the vessel, and this vessel is bridge to Divine. Once your vessel is free from debris of any stuck emotions, once you are fluid as a flow of streamed energy light, you are in full receptive mode of accepting information from Divine.

You see, only an open vessel can receive information. It is important for you to be clean and pure as a channel. We advise all of you to regularly until you become fully awaken, to clean your channel with grounding yourself to mother Earth. It is important to feel energy coming up to your sole feet removing anything not aligned with your Spirit. Be barefoot, we advise. Your feet are a conductor of electricity and when you discharge your body of all overaccumulated energy you will become able to receive. If you are overaccumulated with energy debris, than you become outbalanced. Isn’t it? You see, walking barefoot aligns you with Mother Earth and once you are both aligned, the connection to Divine is immediate. You are able to receive downloads from your family in instant. That’s way we advise all of you who have lost their connection to your family, to your home, to walk on planet Earth with your sole feet only.

Let us begin by saying, you are the manifestation of your family. Walk this path with ease and grace, so you will tell stories how you overcome the illusion of the Mind, how you experienced pleasant moments unburdened. Tell stories about how you saw through all the illusion that you thought is your punishment but instead it was your way to salvation of your Spirit. We advise all of you struggling with their current experiences, to allow yourself, to let go. We promise you, your Spirit is waiting for you so it will lead you to your mission and eventually to your way home, as a fully awaken Being.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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