
Leaders of the New Earth

This artwork will assist you in your ascension. It will remind you that you are a part of Great Work in action. You see, you must live your life according to your truth. You must live your life according to your mission. If you do not follow your mission, you have failed your own Being.…


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Leaders of the New Earth. Energetic artwork.

Leaders of the New Earth. Energetic artwork.

Being a leader of the New Earth means you must stand in your sovereignty in order to lead the way. You must speak the truth of your mission. You must lead by an example. And when you do all of that you will show the way. You will show the way to those who are still giving their power away, just to be safe in their living. Sometimes you will lead in such a way that you will be the only one, who is standing in your truth. If you do not listen to your Spirit, it becomes entrapped. And what we mean by that is, you have failed your Spirit to lead the way. You failed your own mission, so you could be safe in your survival. You didn’t came here to just survive, you came here to thrive in your mission. You came here to be the part of Great Awakening and that is mission on it’s own. You see, if you dismiss your mission, you have failed your living. And if you failed your living means you will have to do it all over again. You will have to do it so many times, until you will eventually step into your mission. And when you do that, you will start courageously walking in your truth.

Leaders of the New Earth. Energetic artwork.
Leaders of the New Earth. Energetic artwork.

Leaders of the New Earth

Let us begin by saying, you came here to assist humanity in order to ascend into higher state of consciousness. You came here to transcend. You see, you have decided that in this lifetime you will transcend to higher state of consciousness. You have decided that in this lifetime you will fully awaken. And what we want to say to you is, it depends on You how fast you wish to accelerate your awakening. It is upon You, how easy and gracefully you are willing to transcend. You see, you are in control of your awakening. You are in full control of your living. It depends on you when you wish to awaken. Before you came into each existence, you have written when it is, you will fully awaken. Before you came into each existence, you have written your challenges. You see, you have created your own plot. You have created your own story. You had full control in co-creating your story. You were the one who came here to play. We have said it before, you started this existence as a Being that came here to play and what we mean by that is, you came here to follow your mission. And in order to do that, you must ask yourself who you are. You see, if you do not ask yourself who you are, you are being satisfied with your current living and you are willing to live your life unchanged. We came here today to say to you, that the only way to live is by changing. The only constant is change. Change is necessary, so you can change your beliefs. You see, if you do not change your beliefs, you will remain doing things in the exact same way, as you have done it before. Isn’t it? How could you possible grow? How could you possible evolve? You see, evolution is necessary so you could see perspectives from different points of view. It is necessary for you to allow yourself to evolve into higher state of consciousness. You see, you came here to let go of beliefs that no longer serves you. You came here to let go of the structures of your mind, that keeps you bound to your conditioning. You see, human has created structures in order to bound those who fear them. Human has created conditions in order to control others with his demands. You see, constructs of your mind was created by those who are in control. They were created in order to control humanity so the humans could obey those in power. You see, we have told you before you didn’t came here to obey, you came here to stand in your power. You see, not many of you will stand in their power. Not many of you will lead by an example. And what we mean by that is, you will live your life in fear.

You see, many of you are too afraid in stepping into your power. Many of you are too afraid of living the life you want. You are more than willing to give your power away, so you could live your life in silence of your controllers. You see, you came here to dismantle those in power, you came here to lead.

Not many of you will transcend, because if you wish to transcend you must step into your sovereignty. You see, if you stand in your power you are allowing to lead from your heart. And if you stand in your power you will speak sovereign, so those who gave their power away will hear you speak. They will hear each word you are speaking and what that does is, their knowing will emerge from it’s slumber so they could step into their power themselves. You see, not many of you are hearing the words of your Being. Not many of you are hearing the words of your Spirit. You rather give your power away to those who will forever keep you in their control. You see, once you start speaking the truth, you will attract those who will stand in their power assisting you to lead the way. You see, speaking the truth requires you to live this life authentically you, but if you do not know who you are, you are not able to speak the truth. You see, you must ask yourself who you are. You must ask yourself what you came here to do? Is it really what parents want you to do? Is it really what society wants you to do? You see, start asking questions. Start asking yourself are you fulfilled? Are you content with who you are? You see, if you can not find joy in what you do, you start abandoning yourself who you truly are. Isn’t it? If you start abandoning yourself you will start living the life of another. You see, if you abandon yourself than you failed your mission. And if you failed your mission, than you have failed your Spirit. Spirit becomes entrapped inside of this vessel not enjoying none of it. You see, we have said it before, you came here to co-create with Spirit and what we mean by that is, you must allow your Spirit to show you who you are by allowing him to guide you. Many humans do not know how to surrender to Spirit. They have never felt it. You see, you must allow your Spirit to lead you, so you can explore the depths of your Being. Each one of you have a specific gift that brought with him into the existence.

Each one of you have many talents. Each one of you is layered and what we mean by that is, each one of you have dormant gifts ready to be explored. You see, if you allow your Spirit to lead you, he will show you who you are. He will show you the layers of yourself so you could live authentically according to your truth.

You see, the truth is what will set you free. The truth is what you came here to do. The truth is leading you to the path of self realization. The truth is here to remind you who you are. You see, you must live the truth of your Being in order to transcend in consciousness. You must start living the truth of your Being in order to fully awaken. You see, the truth is who you are. The truth is written in the scrolls. The truth will liberate your Spirit. The truth. You see, the truth is embedded in your Spirit. It is embedded into the core of your Being. The truth is that you came here to lead the way and some of you are too afraid to do that. Some of you are too afraid to surrender to it. Some of you are too afraid of letting yourself go. And what we mean by that is, you are still considering those who are getting in your way. They are getting in the way of your ascension. They are getting in the way of your awakening. You see, some of you are still blindfolded by your own truth. You are still convincing yourself with who you think you are. Your beliefs are holding you against your ascension. Your structures are dictating your living. You are so convinced of who you think you are, that you are willing to live this lifetime in vain. You are willing to go against your Spirit, just to please those who have control over you. You didn’t came here to please. You didn’t came here to play small. You came here to walk in your truth. You came here to lead the way. Stop playing small. Stop playing the game as someone who you are not. You do not benefit anyone by disregarding your truth. You see, your truth is here to remind you who you truly are and where you come from.

Extensions of God do not play small. They do not give their power away. They are courageously walking their truth so they could live the life authentically as they are. You see, playing small is something you didn’t came here to do.

If you play in fear you are attracting those who perpetuate fear. You see, playing small was never your mission. Playing small is not in your written story. You came here to have it all. You see, once you start living according to your truth you will start attracting those who stand in power. You will attract those who live in abundance of it all. You will attract wealth that will assist you throughout your journey. You will receive everything that you need, while you are navigating this journey.

Leaders of the New Earth are those who are standing in their truths. Who are playing this game courageously, who are fierce in their endeavours. You see, only those who claimed their sovereignty by walking in their mission will become the leaders of the New Earth. You see, you can not become the leader if you keep silencing your Spirit. You can not become the leader of the New Earth if you speak in silence. You see, only those who are courageous will lead the way. Those who lead are willing to let go of everything in order to be in power of their own Being. And what we mean by that is, some of you will need to to let go of those who are getting in the way of your path. Some of you will need to let go of those who are standing in your way. Some of you will need to let go of your living in order to find out who you came here to be. Some of you will need to let go of their beliefs in order to see other’s points of view. Some of you will need to let go of those who are not willing to listen. You see, you came here to lead the way and what we mean by that is, you came here to show those who are not willing to listen, how it could be if they would stand in their power. Sometimes you will need to show them how good it is, when you lead in truth. And when you do that, others will follow. Others will start speaking their truth. Others will start leading the way.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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