
Light Beings

Light Beings are here to assist you in raising frequency. You see, once you start operating from heart center, you will attract those who operates from higher frequency. And what we mean by that is, you will attract Beings from all over Universe. You are all here to live in Unity Consciousness. You see, none…


9 min read

Light Beings. Energy artwork.

Light Beings. Energy artwork.

You are all pure in your essence. You are here to transcend in consciousness. And what we mean by that is, you came here to elevate your state of Mind. Once you learn to operate from heart center, you will attract Beings from all over Universe. You are assisting those who are struggling with elevating in consciousness. Many of you are here to teach others to accept others as they are. Humans have difficulties with accepting humans as they are. Isn’t it? Many of you likes to judge your fellow human Being. It is easy to point fingers at those who are different than those who you expect them to be. It is easy to speak of spite towards those who are not accepted for their heart, instead they are being judged of what they did. You see, each one of you is pure in it’s essence. You are all pure in your heart. None of you came here to be in the same state of consciousness. None of you came here to be stuck by your conditioned Mind. Each one of you came here to live in Unity consciousness and assist those who are sleeping. You see, once you awaken from your slumber, you start operating through your heart. And once you start operating from your heart, you raise your frequency in order to assist all.

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Light Beings

We came here today to speak to you about Light Beings. Those who came here to experience play, are the ones who decided to come to this Earth plane to transcend in consciousness. You are a Light Being in it’s essence and what we mean by that is, you are a Spirit that is infused with Infinite Light. You came here to live in Unity Consciousness. Many of you do not understand that you are a star seed and what we mean by that is you came from a specific star system. We have spoken before about specific stellar star system so you could learn to whom you belong to. Many of you do not even understand that you are not from Earth. Many of you have difficulty to comprehend that you are out of this world. And what we mean by that is, you are an intelligent Light Being infused with light codes that are in direct connection to Great Central Sun.

You see, you came here to be in assistance to all. And what we mean by that is, you are a divine master plan in action. We have said it before that you came here to assist humanity to evolve in consciousness, so you could all live together in Unity Consciousness. You see, when you start operating from your heart center, you start living in dimension that invites those who operate from higher state of consciousness. You see, when you start operating from love frequency, you attract those who are living in different dimensions. You see, those who are not from planet Earth, come to you to learn from you, how it is to live on this earth plane. They want to know if it is difficult to ascend into higher state of consciousness. They do not understand fear or any other lower frequencies, as they all operate from love. Everything they do, they do it from a state of love. You see, Light Beings are here for you, to assist you in ascending into higher realms. They are here to show you, how easy it is, to manifest whatever you want. They are here to show you life of ease and grace.

Light Beings are here to assist you in your awakening. As you are evolving as a Spirit in a human form, you are in constant change. And what we mean by that is, you are here to evolve in consciousness by having challenges, as they are the ignition to your change.

Let us begin by saying, you came here to transcend in consciousness only by constantly changing your conditioned Mind.

Once you see through all of your conditions, you begin a journey of transcending yourself into higher realms of consciousness. Your mind is blocking you from evolving in consciousness. You see, until you decide what it is you want, until than you are a slave to your conditions. If you do not see through your conditions, you will be forced to see what it is you need to acknowledge. Many of you do not see through your conditioning, that is why most of you suffer. Isn’t it? We have said many times before, until you are willing to evolve in consciousness, you will not be able to see through your conditioning, until you are not faced by the illusion of your mind, in a way that will wake up your Being until it is willing to see through it.

You see, you can evolve with ease and grace. But some of you have written the stories to wake up your Being from deep sleep, and you will do it only by a situation that would shake your Being to the core of it’s existence.

And what we mean by that is, you will be awaken from deep sleep by events that will question your reality. Let us begin by saying, some of you are in deep sleep. And when it is time for you to awaken, Spirit will be ready to emerge from it’s deep slumber.

Some of you will experience loss of your loved ones, some of you will experience betrayal, many of you will experience hurt in different forms. You will. It is the part of experiencing life. When you allow yourself to feel, you are experiencing emotion. You see as a spirit, you came here to have an experience of different emotions. And what we mean by that is, you came here to feel it all. As a Spirit you do not have the ability to feel. You see, as a Spirit you are a free flow of energy. You are. You do not have the ability to store emotions. Nor should humans store them as well. You see, each one of you came here to co-create with Spirit and what we mean by that is, your mission is to create life as a Spirit in a human form. Until you acknowledge yourself as a Spirit, you will not be able to complete your mission. Those who are living this life as a Spirit in a human form, will transcend in consciousness. Only those who are in pursuit of evolving their consciousness, will live this lifetime as a fully awaken human.

You see, each one of you came here to operate from heart center, as the heart is the vessel to Divine. Once you start operating in love frequency, you will attract other Light Beings to you. Let us begin by saying, you will evolve in consciousness, so you could help others to do the same. Your mission is assisting others to operate from their heart center. You will create grids of Light and awaken many to do the same. Being a light worker requires from many to be anchored in Light, so they could assist those in need. Creating grids requires from each light worker to see beyond limitations of humanness and what we mean by that is, each light worker must set aside their beliefs and agendas and see divinity in all. Being a light worker is a task that requires you to be in a state of acceptance of them all. Accepting humans as they are in all their humanness is the stepping stone to your transcendence. Seeing humans from your non-judgemental point of view is allowing Divine to show herself in diversity of all. Divine Mother is teaching all of you to accept one another in your center as you are all her children. This plane is a learning planet where you learn how to be in unity with all your imperfections. You see, once you accept differences of one another, you learn that in your core, you are divine. You see, Divine Mother created you in her beauty. You are all her children. Some of you are born with disabilities that question your worth. Isn’t it? You might experience challenges in result of your disability in order for you to see through the illusion. Divine Mother is here to speak to you:

I AM here. I AM Divine Mother, I AM. I came here today to speak to all my children. You are divine. You are pure in your essence. You might have different colors, but you are all the same.You came from One God as you are all my children. You came from one heart, as you all bleed the same.

Divine Mother

You see, you are all made in pureness. You are. You are divinely guided to love a fellow Human Being through your heart vessel. Your heart is here to teach you how to accept others as they are. True acceptance comes from knowing we are all divine and pure in it’s essence. No one can stain your divinity, as you are pure in your heart. You are. Let us begin by saying, you are here to accept one another as they are. You are all here to live in Unity consciousness. With all living Beings, including those you do not see with your visual eyes. You see, when you start operating from your heart center, you will invite Beings that will come to you to live in Unity. When you start to awaken, and become a fully awaken human, you will continue evolving in consciousness. 5d dimension of love is not your final destination. You will continue to evolve, until you reach dimension where you become One with God. And what we mean by that is, you are transcending into a source of all that is. You become pure energy of Divine.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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