
Living beyond your Mind’s Eye

We advise all of you who are willing to change your mindset, that you will need to reprogram your conditioned mind. You can do this intentionally by refocusing your thoughts each time you catch yourself slipping to previous behavioral structures. Or you can meditate on this artwork each day and it will assist you in…


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Living beyond your Mind's Eye. Energy Art.


You are the scriptor of your play. You are the One who is creating stories of your wanted desires. Whatever you desire, it is already here.

You see, when you think of wanted desires, you feel good. Isn’t it? And when you feel good, than there is no other way, than the Universe will give You the desired outcome. You see, when you operate from your heart center and you desire beautiful things so you can enjoy them, than we say, there is no other way, than the Universe will grant you your wishes. When you operate from the Mind that is filled with kind loving thoughts, than there is no other way, than to give You, what you desire. It is the basic law of the Universe, called Law of Attraction. Keep nourishing your Mind with loving thoughts and we promise you, you will receive your gifts from the Universe.
Living beyond your Mind's Eye. Energy Art.
Living beyond your Mind’s Eye. Energy Art.

Living beyond your perception of Mind is what you came here for. It is necessary for You to break the barrier of your conditioned Mind. You see, when you allow yourself to change your perception, than we say, you are able to see beyond your Mind’s Eye. Humans tend to see only with their visual eyes and when they do see things from their perspective, they think it is the universal truth of what they see. We say, it is necessary for the human to be willing to question what is, and when you do question it, is the truth you see, the only one that is true?

You see, when you allow yourself to view the point of each perspective, we say, you are willing to see beyond of what is. Seeing beyond of what is, will take you beyond the limits of your Mind. You see, your Mind is here to create stories and we say, if you create them, than you might get stuck on them and if you get stuck on them, than you are replaying the same stories all over again. You were not placed here to dwell in your story, but to overcome your conditioned Mind to fully awaken. You see, those who repeat the story of their Mind, they become doomed in their living, always thinking, processing the same thoughts all through their lives. And when they overcome those patterns of the same thought, they can finally see through their point of view. When you see through it, there is no other way, than to reprogram your conditioned Mind into self-loving thoughts of abundance, thoughts of feel good emotions, thoughts of all that is well for me, than we say, You have successfully reprogrammed your conditioned Mind. Isn’t it? When you start to use the words of feel good than there is no other way, than to think otherwise than feeling good. Isn’t it? When you start to reprogram your Mind, than there is no other way, than to feel good.

You see, everything is occurring based on your thought. And if everything is based on your thought, than it is important for you to work in favour of your Mind, so you could feel good at all times. Isn’t it? We advise all of you who are changing your mindset to the things you desire, we say, keep using the thought that make you feel good. And if the thought that does not make you feel good, than refocus on pleasant moment of your experience, because it is the only way to come back to more loving thought. You see, when you come back to pleasant experience, it recreates emotions that makes you feel good. Doesn’t it? It is vital that you keep recreating pleasant thoughts, so you can reprogram your conditioned Mind. And when you do reprogram your Mind, there is no other way, than to attract new experiences that will give you more of what you want. Do you understand?

So when you catch yourself in the thought you do not want, refocus your Mind to the thought of what you desire. It is that simple. You see, when you start refocusing your Mind to desired outcomes, there is no other way, than to attract whatever you desire. And what you desire is mainly the output of your Mind. So when you have the Mind filled up with thought of your liking, than there is no other way, than to Universe sends You the desired outcome. Isn’t it?

Living beyond your Mind's Eye. Energy Art.
Living beyond your Mind’s Eye. Energy Art.

Your Mind’s Eye is your connection to see beyond of your limited Mind. It is here to assist you to discern anything that is in the way of your knowing. We have said it before, your knowing is something that was instilled in You before you came here as a human. It was instilled in you before you had the knowing of your perception. With knowing you are connected to your truth and when you are connected to your Truth, than you operate from your heart center. There is no other way than to operate from heart. You see, when you operate from heart, it is your connection to Divine, what is pushing you to walk the path of awakening. And when you do listen to the whispers of you Spirit, than we say, there is no other way, than to be present in this body as a fully awaken human.

Conditioned Mind is used to old thoughts of patterns that keeps repeating and when you have the Mind that is used to produce the same unloving thoughts, than we say, your Mind is stuck in reproducing thoughts that are different from what you desire. You see, it is obvious you are producing thoughts of unwanted desires by allowing your Mind to create stories around it. Isn’t it? It is You who is creating stories of your unwanted outcomes, so why would you produce thoughts of your unwanted desires? Change your Mind, and the Universe, will follow.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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