
Living in the Light

This beautiful artwork will assist you in holding Light to many. It is drawn for teachers, healers, all those assisting many to fully awaken. If you spend time meditating on it, it will create grids of pure Light emanating God’s Consciousness to everyone around you. You can put it in your sacred spaces of healing.…


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You came here to live in your true potential. You came here to follow your mission. You are the Light Being that is part of Great Work in action. You came here to live in Unity Consciousness with all Beings in the Universe. When you follow your mission, we say, You are following your Spirit’s prewritten story. And if you follow your prewritten story, means, that You are living the life according to your Spirit. Isn’t it? When you fully awaken to your true potential, than you are assisting those who still needs to awaken. You will create grids of Light that will reflect into Universe itself, creating shifts in Consciousness to all Beings in the Universe.

Living in the Light. Energy Artwork.
Energy artwork for healers, teachers, guides who are guiding many to remember their mission.

When you start living according to your mission, you will be anchored in Light. Meaning, you will be One with God’s Consciousness wherever you go. You will be anchored in Divine’s Intelligence at all times. You will be present as fully awaken human walking this plane. You will live in Unity Consciousness with all Beings in the Universe. You will have the capabilities that will assist you, while you play this game. You can create the life that you desire by a single thought. It is easy to create the life you want. Once you anchor yourself in God’s Consciousness, you will step on the mission of fulfilled Spirit. You see, you came here to complete the mission of your written story, to conquer life given tasks, so you could see beyond of your conditioned mind. Once you see through your conditioned Mind, you will start to see through the illusion, and once you see through it, you will step on the path of your mission, purpose. Isn’t it? You will assist many with your awakening.

You assist the whole universe with your elevated Consciousness. Your light becomes a beacon to many. Once they see you changed, elevated, they will try to follow their own awakening process.

You are the wayshower, You are.

Those who judge you, will start to question what caused you to change. Change comes when you see through the illusion of your Mind. Isn’t it? Those who have a conditioned Mind, by judging You, can never see through the illusion, as they are seeing You, through their blindfolded eyes. Transformation occurs to those who are willing to see beyond the illusion of their mind and to those who are willing to surrender to God’s Consciousness. They will come out of their narrow minded beliefs, that fully awaken human, is the One, who follows the perfect image of a holy human. What is holy? Holy means standing in your truth guiding many to do the same. Holy is someone who is willing to speak out for those who are being silenced, holy is someone who heals those who are in need of healing. Holy is the One, who is sharing knowledge of Divine. You see, humans have preconditioned themselves with stereotypes of how fully awaken human should look like. They have imagined the perfect image of a holy teacher as the One, who is indoctrinated by conditioned beliefs of structures that are causing division and separation. If we have told you, that many teachers came here to live a life as a good samaritan, it would be a lie. Those who walked the path of evolved Consciousness have been walking in conditions that transformed their structures of conditioned mind. You must understand, that those who have been put through life experiences that were destructible to their Spirit, were the ones who have walked in most difficult stories they have ever written for themselves. They have written their own story, so they could elevate in Consciousness. They have risen from their darkness to be the Light to all.

Sometimes Spirit needs a boost in Consciousness, by going through stories which are difficult to many. Not everyone could go through the story they have written for themselves. Sometimes happens that story is too much for the Spirit. And when that happens, Spirit exists human form by leaving the plane. Suicides are one of the stories that can happen, if Spirit is no longer in control. Sometimes thoughts – the illusion has the control over human, and when that happens it can lead to ending of life. You see, not many can go through the story they have written for themselves, many of them are unhappy with the choices they have made, many of them are blaming themselves for not living the life they should. When the time comes to leave this plane, humans overview their life choices. And when they do, the guilt of not living the life to their true potential, is one of the main reasons they feel guilty about it. They see overviewed life as an opportunity to live the next one, as fully awaken human. You see, we have told you before, you came here to be a fully awaken human, living according to your truth. Isn’t it? And if you live according to your truth, you will walk this path doing things that are aligned with your Spirit. And if you are aligned with the Spirit, there is no other way, than to live to your true potential as a fully awaken human. Meaning, doing things that will nourish your Spirit, will only ascend You to higher state of Consciousness, doing things you desire. Isn’t?

We came here to assist you to Evolve in Consciousness. Many guides are here to guide you to the path of self-realization. Once you acknowledge you should be living the life your Spirit wants you to live, you will start to fully awaken. You will start to live according to your Spirit’s wishes. Remember, the Spirit wrote the story, not the human. When you live in your Light, it means you live in a full potential of your Spirit. You came here to guide many so they could do the same. Isn’t it? You didn’t came here to follow other people’s wishes. You see, you were placed here to follow your mission, to be as a fully awaken human, so you could live in Unity Consciousness with all other Beings.

Your Light is much bigger than darkness of those who have diverted from the mission of Great Work in action.

You see, we have told you before, you were all suppose to live in Unity Consciousness, until those who have decided to control and manipulate, those were the ones who started separation and division among all Beings in the Universe. When they divided Beings with their agendas, they have caused division, that caused the Work to stop working in benefit of All. We have told you before, your Light emanates all around You, meaning, your light is so powerful, that shines on those who have been living in the state of division and separation. You can affect a Being with your Light, so they could question their conditioned Mind. And if you do have a power of transforming conditioned Mind’s, you are the beneficial part of the Great Work in action.

Let us begin by saying, you came here with a specific mission to fulfill, so you can All live in Unity Consciousness. Being anchored in the Light, means you are doing the work in benefit of All. And when you do work in benefit of all, your light expands all around you touching others to do the same. Imagine yourself surrounded with All Beings that have fully awaken, creating a grid of Light. Once you fully awaken, you will assist many humans, by reminding them, they have a possibility to ascend. You came here, to remind them of their mission, so they could all follow their prewritten stories. Isn’t it?

Remember, your Light is bigger than darkness.

You see, living according to your Spirit, has much bigger impact on All living Beings that you could imagine. When you share the light, and when you connect with all other fully awaken humans, you create Grids that protects humans from being influenced by darkness. Beings that are causing the division are trying to infiltrate into places where the Light is weaker already. They come trying to impose on those who are still holding the Light. This is why it is important for those who are holding the Light, to connect with other Beings so they could protect those who are in need of protection. More grids you create, more Light you emanate. Your Light will have an effect on all around You. Remember, creating grids of Light, is a work of all fully awaken humans. Leading by example is the only way to show many who are still in state of separation, to unite in Unity Consciousness as a Light warrior. Only Light can heal those who are lost in their shadows.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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