Living your manifested life
Manifestation comes to those who have been diligently focusing on the desired outcomes, those who have been diligently focusing on the things they want. You see, many of you are still focusing on the things you do not want and what we mean by that is, you are giving your attention on things you do not want to experience, yet you are giving them attention. You see, if you give attention to things you do not want, you attract them from the state of frequency you are currently operating from. We have told you before, that if you operate from lower frequency of fear and chaos, you are than attracting similar frequency events into your life. You see, you must raise your consciousness in order to live your desired life and you can do that only by consciously choosing what it is you put inside of your mind. Let us begin by saying, you came here to live your life authentically You. You came here to live the life in your truth and what that means is, you must live your life according to your truth. That truth is a way opener for good things to come. Isn’t it? Only by allowing good things to happen, you will than attract what it is you want. You see, you must be conscious of what it is you desire, so you can live your life authentically you. You see, being authentic means that you follow your truth and that truth is liberating for your Being. Many of you are still living the life of someone else and what we mean by that is, you keep following other people’s stories. Those stories keeps you stuck in old, those stories keeps you stuck in things you do not want to do. Let us remind you, that you have written your own story, and in order to be liberated you must follow your own story, so you can complete the mission you came here to do. Many of you have created stories that would push you to see through an illusion. You have created such a story, that you are being forced to see it up close, so you can see through the illusion that was set upon you. Many of you are still blindfolded. You do not see through your own mind and not many of you can see through the illusion that was set upon you. You see, things that are making you unwell or people you surround yourself with, are causing you to feel disconnected with Divine. Sometimes you feel drained by other people’s energy and you feel being in despair. You are unable to listen to your Spirit as you are being overwhelmed by their energy. Let us begin by saying, sometimes you will need to cut some people off, sometimes you will need to let people go, in order to step on your path of self-realization.
You see, each one of you have written their own stories and in this story you set your own conditions to overcome in order to transcend in consciousness. Your main reason here is living your life as a light Being raising your consciousness and by doing it so, you are assisting many others to do the same. Once each one of you transcends, you are than able to live in Unity Consciousness together with all Light Beings that exist in the Universe. You are able to co-exist together so you can all live harmoniously on planet Earth. You see, many of you are still sleeping, and what we mean by that is, you are trying to live your own life as someone who you are not. And if you live your life as someone who you are not, you are than being diverted from your path, not able to transcend. Let us remind you, you all came here to transcend. You all came here to live in Unity Consciousness, but in order to do so, you must all raise your frequency so you can live your lives with ease and grace. You see, once you start living in your truth, than there is no other way than to start living your life with ease and grace.
Let us remind you, you all came here to live your life according to your written story. You all came here to live your life according to your mission. Once you complete your mission, you are than able to choose what it is you want. You are able to live your life with ease and you are able to live it in other dimensions. You see, you can all upgrade yourself to higher states of consciousnesses, but not many of you are able to accept the fact that you are being upgraded as consciousness itself. You cannot upgrade your vessel to higher states of consciousnesses, as your body can not hold so much light. Your body can only accept small amount of light, so you do not die while you are receiving it. You see, you can continue to live the life you want while you are navigating this journey or you wish to transcend in higher states of consciousnesses by leaving your form behind. If you decide to transcend while you are living on this plane, you will able to assist humanity with teaching them to do the same or if you wish to go even higher in transcending, you will than able to choose if you wish to operate in non formal state of your Being. You see, your vessel can not hold so much light and that is why, you must transcend in non formal state of your Being and while doing it so, you are than assisting as pure consciousness itself. And what we mean by that is, you will operate in higher dimensions operating as pure consciousness assisting those on Earth plane. You than become an Ascended Master yourself. You see, all those who came before you, were living in much harder conditions as humanity was trying to evolve. And all of those who came before you, were assisted by those who already ascended. You see, being an Ascended Master yourself means you are operating in higher states of consciousnesses and while doing it so, you are assisting humanity to evolve in consciousness. Being Ascended Master is someone who has raised their own consciousness and while assisting he is doing it from higher states of consciousnesses. Let us begin by saying, not many of you will assist humans.
You see, even though this might seem as a game, you are all contributing in raising consciousness of the whole planet. Even though it might seems disturbing to know, how you all contribute in developing consciousness, you are all responsible for your own awakening. And what we mean by that is, you are all responsible for raising consciousness of the planet Earth, so she can start raising her own frequency. Let us remind you, that raising frequency of the planet assists other planets around You. Many of the planets around you have all raised their frequency, the only one behind is planet Earth.
Let us begin by saying, you all came here to assist and you came here to create a planet Earth which frequency is based on love. Each one of you is operating from fear based reality, because it is the lowest density that was created to divert you from your mission. In order to see through this illusion you must see through your own mind, that is keeping you stuck in old. And once you see through it, you will start operating from love frequency. You will start creating reality that is based on love frequency. Many of you do not allow yourself to be in state of love frequency, as you are being dragged into chaos and drama at all times. Your Being is traumatized by events that happened to you, and that is why you do not believe beautiful things can happen to you. Isn’t it? Those who are willing to be assisted by the Universe, those will be guided and taught by Masters themselves, so they can create the reality they want to live in. Reality is being created from frequency you operate from. It is that simple. You have full control of your Being. You have full control of your living. You see, we have told you many times, how easy it is to create your own reality. We see many of you struggling with daily living. We see many of you fighting for their own rights, but not many of you are willing to see through this illusion. It is not what it is you do not have, it is your Being operating in frequency of lack. Your Being is emanating frequency that yells ”I am not having enough.” You see, once you change your thoughts to ”I have it all‘, than you are sending signal to the Universe, that you are being taken care of and once the Universe hears you, that you have it all, than the Universe will give you more of what it is you want. You see, not only frequency is what it is, that gives you your desired life, but it is also a gratitude for what it is you already have. You see, gratitude is an appreciation for the things you already have in life. It could be a small gesture of praise. It could be a small gesture of admiring what it is you have.
And what we mean by that is, if you are not appreciative of what it is you already have, Universe can not grant you your desired life. Gratitude is the main key to having it all. You see, if you do not show gratitude you are showing that you really do not want more of what it is you want, and you will stay in same position of what it is you have.
In order to build your desired life, you must create story of what it is you want. The better the story, the better the outcome. You see, if you visualize of what it is you want, you are saying the Universe, that you already have what it is you desire. And if you operate from state of already having it than you are able to manifest your life in accelerated pace. And what we mean by that is, you are manifesting your life with pace that will not only accelerate You, but it will accelerate everything around you. You see, things are easy to manifest, when you are in alignment with your Being. And when you are in alignment, you are than manifesting in accelerated pace.
Let us begin by saying, you can manifest whatever you want. You can have whatever you desire. By visualizing your outcomes, you are than signaling the Universe, you have it all. By visualizing your outcomes, you are than signaling the Universe, you are accelerating your manifestation and if you are accelerating, that means you are on the verge of having it what is you want. Stay out of lack, stay out of not having it. Stay out of dwelling of what it is you do not have, and once you start creating thoughts of feel good emotions, than you will start sending signals to the Universe, ”I have space for what it is I want”.
We will assist you in creating powerful thought forms if you use this affirmations.
You see, it is You who has full control of your living. It is You who has full control of your life. Let us remind you, that it is upon You if you wish to continue the life of your struggle or you wish to step out from illusion that you have created for yourself. It is You, who must see through it, if you wish to live the life authentically You. We wish that all of you step on the path of self realization so you can be an example of what it is you want from life. We wish all of You to be who you came here to be, unapologetically You and we wish all of you to have it all.
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