
Manifesting your desired life

This artwork will assist you in creating space for your desired wishes. You see, only by creating space will bring you what it is you want. Space will give you your desired wish. Space will give you your desired outcomes. If you allow yourself to be pampered by yourself than you allow yourself to receive.…


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Manifesting your desired life

Manifesting your desired life

If there is something you desire, you must be in alignment of your wishes. You see, you are able to manifest whatever you want, if it is in alignment with your mission. Your mission will give you what it is you want. You see, not many of you have completed your mission and if you are not stepping on the path of your appointed mission, you will not be able to manifest with ease. You came here to manifest your desired life and you came here to do it with ease. Not by hard labour, but with ease. You see, many of you think, that you need to work hard for your wantings, that you need to work hard for your wishes. It is far from the truth. None of you came here to work hard, it is the construct of your mind telling you, you need to work for your living. It is your construct of your mind telling you, you need to work hard for your wantings. None of you came here to work hard. None of you. If you are willing to listen to your Being, you will start loving yourself first. You will start appreciating You. You see, you can not manifest what it is you want, if you keep neglecting You. You must put yourself first. And what that means is, you must start giving love you’s to yourself, so the Universe can pick up the frequency of your state. And only by picking up the frequency, can give you what it is you want. You see, you must start living the life from the state of love, so you can create space between receiving and giving. You see, space that is in between receiving and giving will give you what it is you want. Once you allow yourself to be loved by the Universe, you will receive what it is you want. Let us begin by saying, you must be in a state of allowing to receive the gifts from the Universe. And you will receive that when you completely loose any expectations how this will happen. You must loose any of the stories that you have created for yourself how this should go. You see, you must allow Universe to lead you to your manifested dream. It will not happen according to your planning. It will not happen according to your story. You see, if you plan your gifts how they come to you, you are putting limitations around your receiving and this is what we do not want. You must allow yourself to be surprised by the Universe, how this gift will be manifested to you. You see, only by allowing yourself to receive in unexpected ways, means you are ready to receive.

Manifesting your desired life
Manifesting your desired life

Manifesting your desired life

Let us begin by saying, you came here to live abundantly and what that means is you came here to live in state of allowing to be abundant. Let us clarify what that actually means. You see, what we mean by abundant is, it is a state of your natural way of Being. Your Being is operating in frequency of allowing it to happen. You see, whatever you desire, you can manifest it with ease. You see, it was a conditioned mind that held you back from manifestation. You see, you have desires but your Being was not in state of allowing. You see, you must operate from state of allowing so you can manifest your desired wishes. You see, many of you, operate from state of lack. And what we mean by that is, we see you dwelling in what it is you do not have. Instead of not having, you should all be focusing on what it is you do have. You see, if you are grateful for what you have, than it will be much easier for you to manifest you desired wishes. You see, many of you keep struggling with survival and what we mean by survival is, you are allowing to have minimal of what it is you desire. You can never manifest things you want, if you are satisfied with minimum of what you have. You must dream big. You see, dreaming big will allow your mind to see what it is you want and if you desire more of what you do not have, than the Universe will give exactly what it is you want. Once you operate from frequency of allowing, than you will be pampered by the Universe, and you will receive what you want. It is that easy. You must show gratitude for what you have, in the meantime you allow yourself to receive more of what you currently have, and once you allow it, you allow Universe to give you more of what you wanted. Universe will grant you whatever you want. You see, if you allow yourself to be guided by the Universe, you allow life to take you wherever you need to go.

You see, you came here to complete your mission and that mission will take you to higher states of consciousness. And once you get there, you operate from different frequency and that frequency is love. You see, once you operate from love frequency, you are in your natural state of Being. And your Being knows that in state of frequency of love, you emanate allowing by default. And what we mean by that is, allowing will open space for receiving. And once you allow yourself to receive, the Universe will give you gifts you could never imagine.

You see, if you allow, space for receiving is getting much bigger than you usually had. Isn’t it? Space is getting much wider, so you can receive what it is, you want. You see, nothing is unreachable for you. You can have whatever you want. You do. It is You who is setting limits within yourself. Isn’t it? It is You who is setting rules how things should be. Isn’t it? You see, once you get rid of your limits, your state of allowing will release conditions from it’s Being, so you could make space for allowing more to receive. You see, you must release all conditions that you have set upon yourself, so you could create space inside of your Being, for receiving what it is you want. You see, not many of you will create space, as you are satisfied with what it is you have. If you want more of what it is you want, you have to speak the truth, so you could step on the path of receiving. You see, if you do not speak the truth of what it is you desire, you are allowing to live the same way you did before. By not allowing, you do not want any change. You see, you must change your beliefs around money, so you could manifest more of what it is you want. The belief that usually conflicts humans is, not having enough for living. That belief comes from lack. Being in a state of lack means you are convinced that you do not have enough for your living. Even though you work everyday, spending many hours at your job, you believe that you do not have enough for your living. Isn’t it? You see, once you start changing that belief into an affirmation :

”I AM being taken care of by the Universe. I AM in state of allowing. I AM receiving gifts from the Universe. I AM allowing Universe to show me how wealthy I AM.”

, you are than telling the Universe you have space for more to come. You see, if you live in a state of lack, you are attracting more of what it is you do not want. It is your frequency that is attracting things you want. And if you operate from frequency of lack, you are than attracting more of the things that will put you more in lack. You see, you must operate from state of love, so you could attract what it is, you want. If you do not operate from frequency of love, you can manifest what it is you want, but it will take you longer to get there. You see, if you operate from love frequency your manifestation comes to you with ease.

You see, being in state of love frequency, gives you the ability to manipulate energy and what we mean by that is, you can bend the Universe to your liking.

You see, you are able to bend the Universe in order what it is you want and how you do that is by manipulating energy around it. You see, once you know how to manipulate energy, you can have whatever you want. For example, you desire something you really want. You can manifest it if you are operating in state of love and once you do, you do it by focusing on the thing you want and by doing that, you will attract circumstances that will give you what it is you want. You see, circumstances is what we call bonus in creating space inside of your Being and that bonus will stretch your ability to have what you want. You see, if you manipulate energy around your desire, you are able to receive it in a way that you wouldn’t imagine it would be possible. You see, the thing you want will come not in the way you expect it, but in a way that you allowed to be given to you in any kind of way. You see, you must allow Universe to surprise you, to give you what it is you want. And you will receive it. You will receive it in a way that will blow your mind. You see, you will have what it is you want and by allowing it to have it, you must release conditions in order to have it. Your conditions are limiting your manifestation. Your rules how it needs to be are suffocating your manifestation to come to fruition. You see, allowing is the most important part in your manifestation, if you wish to have what you want. Humans have tendencies to limit themselves with having too much and what we mean by that is, they start to think they are unworthy of having it all. You see, those who are worthy do not treat themselves as someone who lives in lack. They treat themselves abundantly and what we mean by that is, they treat themselves with attitude of having it all. They treat themselves as someone who still has space within them to receive even more of what it is they want. The space will give you more of what it is you want. Why would anyone try to limit themselves? And why would you limit your mind to receive a certain amount of what it is you want and not allowing more to come? It does not work that way. You must always have space for more to come. You see, if you close the gap between receiving and having, you will have only that what you want or not having it at all. You see, you must create space between receiving and having so the Universe knows how much it can give you. You see, Universe responds according to your gap, not what it is you do not have. It responds to your frequency of your Being. It responds to your frequency of giving and what we mean by that is, it gives you exactly how you treat yourself. You see, if you do not treat yourself, you are not able to manifest what it is you want. You must love yourself first, so the allowing can happen. And when the allowing is in circulation of your manifestation, you are than creating gap between receiving and allowing. And once you create enough space in between, you are than signaling the Universe:

I AM abundant.
I AM ready to receive what it is you want to gift me.
I AM ready to live my best life.
I AM ready to live beyond my imagination.
I AM willing to release judgement around money, so I could live the way I want.
I AM abundant and I live it.
I AM living the way I want.
I AM living the way I manifested it.
I AM sending a signal to the Universe I AM ready to have it all.
I AM sending a signal to the Universe I AM ready to be wealthy beyond measures.

Let us begin by saying, you are able to create whatever you want. You are the creator of your reality. You are the manifestor of your current living. You see, once you get rid of your beliefs that are holding you imprisoned in your conditioned mind, you will than be able to manifest whatever it is you want. You must allow yourself to be gifted by the Universe. You must allow to be guided by the flow of life. You see, many of you are restricting yourself by limitations that are causing you to live a certain way. You see, if you set a limitation around your desire, you will never manifest it. You will never create the desired life.

You must step back from your limitation and allow Universe to take you on the journey of having it all. You see, only by allowing Universe to take you on the journey, you are allowing Universe to gift you unexpectedly and when you allow it, you are than telling the Universe, I allow you to gift me in however way you want, I know you will take care of me. I know you will give me what it is I want. I know you will give me my desired wishes and I remove myself completely of imagining how you will give that desired wish to me.

You see, only by removing yourself from conditions, I am creating space for receiving what it is I want. You see, stop creating stories how the life should be. Stop creating stories how you will receive what it is you want. Allow yourself to be unexpectedly gifted by the Universe and be in state of allowing it to happen. Your only job here is to create a wish and the Universe will give it to you. Allow Universe to give you what it is you want in it’s own terms. You can not control everything you want, especially if gifts are given by the Universe. It doesn’t work that way. You see, Universe will give you the gift in divine timing and that timing depends on your frequency of receiving. You see, once the Universe picks up your frequency it starts manifesting in accelerated pace so it can give you what it is you want. The manifestation is manifested when you have created enough space to receive what it is you want. That space must be created when your aligned thoughts of what it is you desire are being generated in frequency of love and once you create it, the Universe will start manifesting it with accelerated pace so it can give it to you. You see, space is where manifestation is born. Space is where Universe picks up that you are willing to have it all. Space is where Universe picks up, you are willing to give yourself love.You see, loving yourself is what it is you must do if you want to manifest whatever you desire. If you do not love yourself, Universe will pick up the thoughts you are thinking about yourself. You see, if you treat yourself poorly, than Universe thinks you do not love yourself and it can not give you what it is you want. Universe gives only to those who love themselves and are not afraid to show it.

Let us begin by saying, you are the One who is in full control of your loving. You are in full control of your Being and what that means is, you are in full control of how you think. And if you think negatively about yourself, you are creating more of what it is you do not want. You are telling the Universe that you are not worthy of what it is you want. And if you tell yourself you are not worthy, than the Universe can not give you what it is you desire. You see, Universe gives only to those who are loving themselves, who are appreciating themselves, who are allowing themselves to be wealthy beyond measures. Only those who have been putting thoughts of worthiness inside of their Being, only those are creating wealth beyond measures. Those who live in lack can not create abundance, as they are inviting more lack into their living. You see, living abundantly means you are appreciating your Being by listening to it. And once you start listen to your Being, you will give yourself what it is you want. Those who are not appreciating themselves, they do not listen. They are mistreating their Being in a way that are ignoring what it is they want. You see, your Being wants to be pampered, but many of you are struggling with money as you only give yourself the minimum of what it is you want. You keep neglecting your desires because you believe you can only have if you have enough of money. And how the Universe sees that is, there is no space in between. You see, space is giving signal to the Universe and if you wish to have what it is you want, you must create space in between giving and receiving. You see, only by allowing yourself to have what you want can create space in between those two. Let us begin by saying, allow yourself to release any conditioning around money.

You are worthy of everything you want. Your natural state of Being is being abundant and what that means is you are abundant and abundance is your birth right. It is. You are creating your life by allowing how much you want. You see, creating space will send a signal to the Universe that you are worthy of what it is you want. And what that means is, you are worthy of your wishes. You are allowing to be abundant. You are allowing to be wealthy.

And you will be. Once you switch the perception of your beliefs around being abundant, you will manifest whatever you want. And we will be there to give it to you. We will be there to applaud you for manifesting it. You see, you are able to have everything you need in your current lifetime, if you are willing to listen. And if you are willing to listen, than you can live your best life. Only by living in alignment with your mission, will give you the life you want.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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