
Planet aligned.

Spending at least 15 minutes per day will assist you in changing unconscious behaviour so you could be aligned with earth plane. And when you do change your unconscious behavioral patterns than we say, there is no other way than to be aligned with Earth’s frequency. There is no other way.


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Planet aligned. Energy artwork.

Planet aligned.

Mother Earth is calling her children to wake up from unconscious beliefs so you can All live in Unity Consciousness. If you do not hear the whispers of her calling she will not have mercy on those who are hurting her intentionally. She will show you destruction you will never forget.

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Planet aligned.

Planet aligned. This artwork represents a planet that is aligned with other planetary system. It represent alignment of an Earth plane that is ready to evolve in Consciousness. Earth plane is transmitting the frequency of elevated planet trying to reach a certain stepping point in Consciousness. Whatever you see with your visual eyes has consciousness. Whatever you perceive as Living it has it’s own Consciousness.

If each living Being on Earth plane has the ability to feel, perceive and experience Love, than we say, these are the Beings with Consciousness.

And if you hurt a Being with Consciousness you have consciously chosen to cause a suffering to your fellow living Being. Planet carries all sorts of living Beings, including humans, plants, animals, streams of rivers – everything is a living organism. Isn’t it? That means All of You who are sharing the Earth plane have the ability to live in Unity Consciousness. What is driving a human to cause a suffering to another Being is a state of Consciousness that is operating from fear. Isn’t it? If humans wouldn’t have fear around other Beings and would perceive them as equally important as themselves, they wouldn’t cause any kind of suffering to a fellow living Being. We say, if you must use an animal for your survival, than you must show gratitude for a Being that was ready to sacrifice it’s own existence for You. You see, you humans are not the only Beings with perceiving, and you were not the only one with feelings. And if you have feelings, than you are conscious of your Being. And if you are conscious of your Being, than you are aware of your awareness. Isn’t it?

We advise all of you who are consciously choosing your food to keep consciously eating. And if you do sometimes eat a Being with Consciousness, we say, show gratitude towards them, before you have chosen to cause them suffering. And if you eat the animal that is already perished, than we advise you to not eat the being as it has perished in unknown circumstances. And if you do not know their circumstances, than we advise you to skip your meal, as it will bring you the vibration of the deceased animal before his death and if you do not know in what kind of circumstances they have died, it is most likely that you will collect the energy of the deceased Being.

This planet has the adversity of plants that can nourish your Being. You can search for all kinds of fruits, vegetables, nuts and greens. Different plants can offer you different kind of taste and if they do offer adversity in tasting, than there is no need for you to cause suffering to other living Being. All this plants has sufficient nutrients for your Being as a human, and if you would know how much food affects your Being, you wouldn’t allow yourself to consume food that is not consciously chosen. We advise you to choose food that is lighter for your Being, meaning, all fruits and vegetables are sufficient in maintaining your vessel, the body. If you feed the body with unconsciously chosen food than you will experience drop in energy. Your body can quickly deteriorate and your organs can cause malfunction. Each organ has an ability to regenerate, and when you have the ability to regenerate yourself, each one of You, can heal themselves. Your body is the extension of your Spirit, it is your current place of your Being. And when you nurture your Being, it is no other way, than to nurture your vessel as your primary responsibility to take care of your whole system.

We say, if you live on a planet that has so much adversity, there is no other way, than to live in Unity. We say, if you are aligned with God’s Consciousness than there is no other way, than to consciously choose your food. Whatever you do on Earth plane should be consciously chosen by your Being as it has great effect on all living Beings. If you choose to unconsciously live on planet Earth, than it effects the planet it self. If your unconscious behaviours effect your Earth plane, than you must know that it will have an effect on it somehow.

Planet Earth is a living organism and if your planet is hurt by your actions it will show the imbalance on it’s own way.

Earth plane can be destructive for you as humans, but it is the only way your planet can show you her pain. Those imbalances can be shown as earthquakes, floods, fires, droughts, weather changes ect. You see, when your plane is in pain, there is no other way than to show you her greatness in All what is as this is the only way she can show you in how much turmoil she is. Once she shows you the pain, than humans must take action in changing their beliefs in order to live in Unity Consciousness. If humans do not change their beliefs, planet Earth will change her own frequency to extant that she will force humans to elevate in their Consciousness with events, such as earthquakes that will be so destructible to humans that they will need to move to other places of living. We say, if you do not hear the whispers of Mother Earth, than you will continuously suffer as she want her children to All live in Unity Consciousness.

We advise all of you who are ready to listen, to consciously choose your way of living as it is the only way to live in Unity Consciousness.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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