
Planetary alignment

Spend at least 15 minutes meditating on the artwork. We advise all of you to look at the sky of your plane and to be embraced by planetary alignment. Once it occurs you can release all that is not needed in order for you to elevate in Consciousness.


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Planetary alignment

Planetary alignment

Activation of remembrance of your connection to planetary system is here to assist you in mastering your lesson so you could enjoy yourself while living on this plane as a fully awaken Being.

The next alignment is on March 28 2023. Use this as an opportunity to release what is not needed, so you can graduate in mastering the lesson.
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This planetary alignment is the way we show you importance of planets during your lifetime on Earth plane. Planetary alignment occurs every year around the same time forcing planets to align into a position of a straight line. It is a significant time where you can achieve transformation of you overcoming lesson. It is a time where you can elevate in Consciousness much easier and faster as all planets are working in your favour. Each planet has his own frequency, each planet vibrates on specific frequency that impacts your Being. Some of the planets work in favour of your transitions and you should follow this guidance to easy overcome those periods of your life. Some of the planets are here to push you over the limit, so you are surely taking the right course of your path that you have written for yourself. Each one of you has a certain point in their life where transformation of your Self can occur. It is the planets pushing you to master the lesson. The Universe is created for you to master the lesson so you can enjoy your time on this plane fully awaken.

It is not a punishment when you feel pushed to change a certain behaviour that is causing you to stay stuck in you beliefs, it is the planet forcing you to accept what is so you can graduate in Consciousness.

You see, this plane was made for you to use it as a playground. To experience a full spectrum of emotions that you do not have as a Light Being in other dimensions. This plane is the only planet where you can enjoy yourself as a Light Being living with emotions, navigating through this experience. You see, when you allow yourself to fully live this plane with no judgements, no expectations, no outcome to your liking, to accept what is in giving moment, we say, enjoy your journey with ease and grace. We say, transformation is the next step in your spiritual awakening. Your spiritual graduation is a necessity to evolution in Consciousness. Planets are all working in your favour when you surrender to what is and when you allow yourself graduate in Consciousness. Planets such us Mercury is forcing many to step back in their daily activities, it forces you to spend time with your inner child, it is your time to say those truths out loud, to acknowledge them and to liberate yourself from doing things you do not like. It is the time for introspection of your Self as a Being. It is a great time for using Mercury to transform yourself to a newer version of yourself. Each one of you have Mercury in your birth charts. If you look at your chart where does it stands, you can use this to overcome the lesson. When you know the knowledge of this planets and what wisdom they carry with them you would use this information in your daily life.

Elders used planetary alignment for a time where they could teach others the importance of Universal laws. One of the Universal law is Law of attraction. Attracting things according to your vibration is the main law in the Universe. You are the vibrational match to anything that you have attracted according to your frequency. If you wish to attract abundance, you must match the frequency of you desired wish and Universe will give it to you. There is no other way. Planetary alignment is here to remind you of your connection to your Star family, your Soul family. We have said it before, you belong to a Stellar Star System and you are connected to the Stars more than you can imagine. You are the particle of a star, a star dust carrying out the mission you have set for yourself. You are the One who is playing this Game as a part of the family that you belong to. You are an important part of this Universe working in favour of the whole planetary system carrying out the greater mission. This mission is to operate from frequency that all living Beings could interact with one another and this could only happen if all humans could operate from higher state of Consciousness. This is why it is important to master the lesson so you could share your plane with fellow Beings in the Universe. Beings that most humans do not see is because the humans had an amnesia when they came into this plane. They forgot who they were and they came here with no prior memory of who they are, that’s why it is harder for them to use this remembrance as a stepping stone to elevate in Consciousness much faster.

We say, once all humans elevate in Consciousness, the children that are coming in to this plane will come with fully awakened Being. And when all Beings raise their Consciousness, sharing your planet with none other but yourself will be the past of your way of living. This is what we call living in Unity Consciousness means.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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