

We invite everyone who is struggling to let go of past sexual experiences, to allow yourself to start as a clean slate of unwritten story. Meditate at least 30 minutes per day, allow yourself to feel pleasure. If you need assistance of letting go, call Divine mother to assist you in releasing what is needed…


15 min read

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Allowing yourself to be who you were placed here to be, is the greatest gift of all. You see, you came here in a specific gender to experience this play in a certain way. As many of you are coming back to play, you have experienced many genders in your lifetimes.We have to remind you, that you have written the story of your play and if you have written the story that means, you wanted to experience a play in a certain way.

Having pleasure is what you came here for. You are all sexual Beings wanting to have sexual experiences. Isn’t it? You came here to allow yourself to feel the connection between both men and women. And if you prefer to have a sexual experiences with both, than we say, there is no other way, than to allow yourself to be sexual in a way you desire. There is no other way. When you allow yourself to be who you want to be, you will live your life according to your truth. And if you allow yourself to be whatever you desire, you are walking the path of self-realization. Isn’t it? Having pleasure is necessary for all of you, who came here to play. If you block your natural state of Being, you are dismissing your sexuality. And if you dismiss your sexuality, you are inflicting guilt upon yourself. And if you inflict guilt, you have caused yourself damage. Not allowing to flow as a channel, you block yourself from Divine.
Pleasure. Energy artwork.
Pleasure. Energy artwork.

Having pleasure is something that is instilled in all of you. You all have the right to explore your sexuality. It is necessary for all of you, to explore the part of your desires, so you could know what is it, that you prefer. When you came here into this existence, you as a Spirit, came here to have sexual experience. You came here to play, and having pleasure is one of the attributes of human experience. Allowing yourself to explore the depths of your human bodies, are essential for your own acceptance. When you allow to have pleasure, you discover part of you, that is linked to your sacral chakra. This chakra is a gateway to all previous lifetimes, it is also a bridge to Divine. Women have special connection with Divine, as they are the ones who are birthing new life. With each birth you are able to reproduce a coming of a Spirit, that is birthed into new life experience. Isn’t it? So when you have pleasure, you can birth a new life. Having pleasure is allowed for each one of you, who are exploring that part of your existence. We understand that some of you, are having difficulties with accepting yourself as a sexual Being. You were not placed here to disregard this part of you. You came here with sexual organs, and if you wouldn’t have them, you wouldn’t have the opportunity to have sex. Is it? You were created by Divine’s master plan to experience this part of human play. Many of you have been indoctrinated with beliefs, that are causing you to suppress sexuality as something sinful. Is it?

What is a sin? It is a construct of conditioned mind that is opposing with your desire. Isn’t it? You were all placed here to enjoy yourselves, to allow yourself to discover all parts of your Being. What does this mean? You have many layers, meaning you can be whatever you desire. There isn’t a written rule how you should be. Whoever told you, you have to be the certain way, has an agenda behind it. You were not placed here to not follow your knowing. If you desire pleasure with men and women, you are allowed the experience this as a part of your discovery. Whoever told you, you were placed here to have one partner is a constructed belief of a limited Mind. If you are attracted to both men and women than you must live your life accordingly to your knowing. If you suppress this knowing, you are disregarding that part of you. Many of you are so conditioned with beliefs that were put upon you by your parents, churches, priests all those who have been indoctrinated into a belief that sexual play is sinful.

Whoever told you, you must be a certain way, is conditioned by his mind.

We say, you came here to experience play, and while you doing it, you are allowed to do whatever you desire. If you feel a connection with men and you are a man himself, than we say, love with your heart center, love yourself by allowing yourself to feel that way. It is nothing wrong with feeling certain way.

Sometimes you neglect the power of your desire, by dismissing that part of you and while you are doing it, you are causing yourself a block of continuous flow of infinite Divine Intelligence. Having pleasure is your birth right.

You see, you didn’t came here to experience celibacy, even though it is necessary for some of you, to clear some of the energy debris that was left inside of you. You see, you are a channel and as a channel you collect energies over a period of time. If you are spending time with your significant other and you share with them your channel, you are also collecting his energy debris. Meaning, whatever he experienced as a human in his sexual experiences, you will collect that energy from them. You must prepare yourself for having sexual play with someone, you do not know. You can do this, by protecting your energy field by calling up your guides and team in Spirit to open you for pleasure. You can call on them for choosing the partner you desire and they will bring it to you. Universe works that way. Remember? Whatever you desire, it is already yours. Isn’t it? Universe will bring you the desired partner however you feel. If you feel appreciated, you will receive appreciative partner. He will nourish you in a way, you need to be nourished. He will love you in the way, you desire. If you feel exploited, the Universe will bring the energies of exploitation directly to You. You can say some of the affirmations to yourself, so you could bring yourself a loving partner. For example:

I AM an infinite Divine Intelligence
I AM an infinite Divine Intelligence
I AM an infinite Divine Intelligence

I AM here to experience sexual play
I AM here to experience sexual play
I AM here to experience sexual play

I AM allowing myself to feel pleasure
I AM allowing myself to feel pleasure
I AM allowing myself to feel pleasure

I allow myself to be whatever I desire
I allow myself to be whatever I desire
I allow myself to be whatever I desire

I AM a sexual Being
I AM a sexual Being
I AM a sexual Being

I AM inviting a loving partner to myself
I AM inviting a loving partner to myself
I AM inviting a loving partner to myself

I AM loving myself
I AM loving myself
I AM loving myself

I AM loved by my partner
I AM loved by my partner
I AM loved by my partner


Using this affirmations, will assist you in allowing yourself, to open up to sexual experiences. You are worthy of having play that you have written for yourself. When you came here as a Spirit, you have written your sexual desires into scrolls, so you could experience the play how ever you have written it. You must follow you inner knowing, for what you desire. If you dismiss your knowing, you are dismissing a Spirit.

Once you acknowledge who you are, as a sexual Being, what you desire, what you prefer, than we say, you have acknowledged that part in You, that was sleeping, waiting to be discovered. Isn’t it? Some of you are, being afraid of exploring your sexual desires. We say, you are allowed to do whatever your knowing tells you to do. There is no certain way, to live the life you want. You must create the life, how You desire. If you prefer to live with men and women, as you find them attractive, than we say, allow yourself to experience your new self. If you are not willing to experience sexual play, you will be blocked from your state of flow. It is your birth right to be in state of flow. Sometimes you allow your conditioned Mind to get in a way of your desired wishes and when that happens, you are blocking yourself from joy. Sexual experiences are full of joy.

You came here to come into sacred unions of both men and women so you could all be in the state of intelligent flow of Divine. When you join into a union, you are able to receive universal love. Interconnection with your partner is the part of Unity Consciousness, which is your main reason to be here. When you unify sexually, you are also able to heal that partner. Some of you have healing energies, that can assist those who have been blocked from natural state of Being. Some of you, came here to lead, those who have been suppressed, to open them up to infinite design. Having pleasure is your natural state of Being. Whoever told you otherwise, is here to oppose you with control and manipulation.

Celibacy is not your natural state of Being. Celibacy is blocking you from your natural flow with Divine. And if you are blocking yourself from Divine you will be forced to acknowledge the part that you are denying by experiencing situations that will lead you to your self-discovery.

If you look back on your previous sexual partners or sexual experiences, you will see the pattern that is repeating itself. Isn’t it? Many of you, are not worthy of feeling good, many of you are telling yourself you are not good, and if you send this out to the Universe, you are inviting those kind of experiences. You see, when you allow pleasure, you must feel good about it. You must allow yourself to unify with a partner that is worthy of your Being. We have told you before, before you unify, you are giving and receiving energy as a channel. And when you do so, you must come from a place that is allowing other Being to see you worthy of pleasure. If a Being is not seeing you as worthy, than you will be exploited, on some level. If you feel worthy of yourself, than you attract loving partnerships. Isn’t it? It is important, before you come into a union, to clear all the excessive baggage of previous experiences, so you do not drag those feelings of unworthiness with you. You must allow to forgive what is needed to be forgived, you must allow yourself to release your conditioned beliefs, so you could enjoy yourself from a state of allowing and worthiness. You are worthy. You are loved. You are.

Whatever holds you down, let it go. Whatever experiences you might had, that wasn’t pleasant for your Being, forgive yourself and others.

If someone has violated your Being by taking pleasure on it’s own, than we say, forgive them for not loving you in a way, you should be loved.

Forgive yourself for not letting go of the experience that stopped you from living the life you wanted. We say, you are the child of God, you are the extension of God’s. You can overcome whatever you have experienced in this play. We understand that many of you have been sexually violated in a way, that has stopped you from having another sexual experience. Allowing yourself to feel emotions is in important way of healing yourself. When you allow emotions to overflow you, you must release them, so the flow could pierce your channel. When you allow yourself to feel anger, you release the tension that was stuck in your lower organs. Sometimes the tension comes from previous lifetimes and it is usually stuck between belly button and sexual organs. This kind of tension must be released, so you could enjoy yourself having pleasure. This kind of tension causes physical diseases such as hypersensitivity in intenstines, menstrual cramps, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances ect. It is important for those who hadn’t cleared previous lifetimes to clear it with intention of clearing the stuck debris.

You can say:

I AM releasing all sexual chords from previous lifetimes
I AM releasing all sexual chords from previous lifetimes
I AM releasing all sexual chords from previous lifetimes

I AM releasing all experiences that might caused me to feel disempowered
I AM releasing all experiences that might caused me to feel disempowered
I AM releasing all experiences that might caused me ton feel disempowered

I AM allowing myself to be a clean slate of my current lifetime
I AM allowing to be a clean slate of my current lifetime
I AM allowing myself to be a clean slate of my current lifetime

I release all
I release all
I release all


You see, when you clear the baggage from previous lifetimes, you can fully explore sexual desires as a Spirit that has written his own story. Spirit might have experiences in previous lifetimes, that impacted it’s new state of living. When you acknowledge you are free from debris, you are able to experience sexual play in much different state of your Being. And when you fully awaken, your climaxes are naturally reproduced inside of your Being, as a continuous flow of joy. This flow will reach the point of your head and this will connect you to Divine. You are always connected with Divine, but when you climax, You will emanate frequency of joy. Fully awaken human allows himself to feel pleasure. He allows himself to experience this play, as a Being with no judgemental Mind. He allows himself to be in a state of allowing of who he is.

We would like to begin by saying, you are sexually driven Being, that came here to fully experience this play. Meaning, you came here to have sexual intercourses with whoever you desire. Having sexual experiences, are your birth rights and you are allowed to have them. No one is here to oppose you with your choices. You are the one who is opposing yourself. Isn’t it? We would like to touch a subject that needs explanation. Some of you are having sexual intercourses with children and those who are exploiting them, are causing suffering to all Beings involved. Children haven’t chosen the pleasure, it was mostly forced upon them. And we say, all of those who are causing suffering to children will have consequences in the next lifetimes to come. It is the baggage you will carry. Those who are having intercourses with animals are also causing suffering. You didn’t came here to have intercourses with species of different kind, but you came here as a human to experience sexual desires between humans.

Those who are having sexual intercourses with the same gender, than we say, it is allowed to experience your sexual orientation. All humans are allowed to have sex with one another, disregarding the gender.

We understand that many of you are experiencing gender difficulties. Sometimes you do not feel good in your bodies. Isn’t it? If it is so, than we say, you are allowed to feel, how you are feeling. If you feel to be a certain gender, and you feel good being who you are, than we say, you are walking in your truth. And if you are walking in your truth, than we say, you are following your inner knowing. And if you follow your inner knowing, than we say, you have seen through an illusion of conditioned Mind. But if you do not feel good after transformation of yourself, you must seek deep inside of your Being, accepting yourself as you are. Many of you are following others to be something you are not. You must listen to your inner guidance, that is telling you, how you feel. If you follow that guidance and if you came from a place of acceptance, than you can be, however you want to be. Many of you are taking surgeries to become something you are not. When you go through a certain surgery, you find out, that you have lost pleasure to enjoy your sexual desires. We advise all of you, who are struggling with your identities, to take time to discover who you are. Allow yourself to be in state of acceptance of thyself. Do not feel pressured about doing things you are re-thinking. No one has control over you, than yourself.

Remember, you are loved as you are. Beautiful creation you are. You are. We love you, we do.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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