Predictions for Slovenia

Predictions for Slovenia 2023/2024 – Sabotage of Prime Minister. Flood in the SE region of Slovenia, Earthquake in Ljubljana, ZZZS fall, Kramberger


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Predictions for Slovenia 2023, 2024

Predictions for Slovenia 2023, 2024

Prophetic messages

Sabotage of Prime Minister. Flood in the SE region of Slovenia, Earthquake in Ljubljana, ZZZS fall, Kramberger

Predictions for Slovenia 2023/24

  1. Sabotage of Prime Minister
  2. Flood in SE region of Slovenia
  3. Earthquake in Ljubljana
  4. Huge coverup by current administration
  5. Interferon toxicity
  6. ZZZS fall
  7. Court hearing Hospital Celje
  8. Kramberger

Sabotage of Prime Minister

– There will be a sabotage regarding a Prime Minister that is currently on position

– He will be sabotaged by some of his loyal friends working in coalition

– The opposite party (SDS) will try to dismiss his credibility by planting some evidence that would try to discredit his work

– He is not working in benefit of the people – he is resourceful, but he works in favour of the established government

– He would be a great leader if he wouldn’t exchange his integrity for money

– Once he realizes he is the puppet run by a puppet master that controls this government he will step down as a prime minister

– Puppet masters are the ones who are trying to control the established governments – they were once a part of the Great Work but they have decided to overrule the Guardians of the Universe and separate in order to rule the Universe with their agendas..

– He will step down by the end of this year as he continues to work to create an energetic infrastructure of the benefit of the people

– He will never go back to politics again

– He will create an energetic grid for Slovenian people that will benefit their homes – there will be less usage energetically


There will also be a flood coming in the next few months that will destroy some of the homes in a region southeast of Slovenia

Earthquake is coming that will be in centre of Ljubljana – it will hit some of the older buildings to collapse

There will be emergency intervention – many people will be trapped inside of the buildings.

There will be tension on a coast regarding the borders again – Croatian government will try to claim their land by the invisible border . They will not be successful as the European court will decide in Slovenian favour (arbitrage)..

Predictions for Slovenia 2023, 2024
Predictions for Slovenia 2023, 2024
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There will also be a huge cover up by current administration regarding soliciting exploiting health of the people by re-enforcing health hazards that contains ingredients that would hurt users from using it… vaccines.

Those who have used vaccinations their health will deteriorate over the years – many of them will have complications for the rest of their life.

Those forced vaccinations will have affect on population as many of Slovenians were manipulated to use it.

Once the data comes out by European Health Organization they will try to pay out the compensations.

Once the data is out people will express their anger over health organizations such as hospitals, and those who are working for them – doctors, nurses – there will be quite an opposition to all government institutions – people will loose trust in them.

Many of people will file a lawsuit against the country for enforcing the mandatory vaccination that will be institutionalized in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia – there is a new vaccination coming in.

They are already experimenting the trials on some of the people – interferon

They are playing with people’s lives – this interferon has a capability of changing the DNA which will cause mutations of the cells – this will cause a susceptibility to infections which will cause a system to deteriorate as it will not be able to protect its vital organs.

Interferon shouldn’t be used for treatment as the body can produce it on its own.

Too much interferon can cause organs to die – it causes liver damage.

Interferon is artificially created to treat autoimmune diseases but it will cause more damage to the body.

ZZZS collapse – combined health insurance payments

The ZZZS will collapse sooner or later – there will be an individual payment for health services – it will cause a collapse of the Health system – many of people will not afford to pay for the services – supplementary health insurance will be discontinued – they will try to put both installments into one price – costs will arise – that’s why people will not be able to afford the payment – many of them will not receive the service.

There will be a huge sensation over the hospital located in Celje – there will be huge court hearing that will make hospital to pay for their mistakes – they intentionally infected a patient with the virus that was fatal for his condition.

They will commit a fraud which will be exposed by patients daughter. Once the fraud will be revealed the judge will rule in patient favour. They will try to hide some of the documents but they will not succeed.

They will also try to discredit the witness that was put in the same room as the deceased patient but the judge will overrule in the witness favour.

As soon as this will be publicly known others will come forward as well.

There will be a huge reorganization in this hospital – many of the doctors will leave.

No one would like to work in environment that is controlling.

Many are still in Deep Sleep

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Many of the Slovenian people are in deep sleep, meaning they haven’t experienced any kind of awakening. That’s why events that will shake their beliefs are necessary for them to wake up. Slovenians are being exploited by their government, their structures of payment are not in favour of the people. Many work for less than for what they are worth. Many Slovenians are willing to sacrifice their integrity to be enslaved by the system trying to control them. Once the Slovenians became conscious of their environment, the people they are working for, once they follow their knowing they will leave their current jobs, the environment that is taking an advantage of.

There will be no change in sole proprietorship.

Kramberger was killed by the opposition leader. There was a hitman ordered. The gun is hidden in the basement of the house located near the event that the murder happened. The perpetrator is still active in politics. He is a well know figure. He is very much protected by oppositional leader. That gun that fired had a significant mark it was an old Yugoslavian arm gun , pistol. If you find the gun there a fingerprints on it. If you match the fingerprints you will have a murderer. This gun is well hidden under the basement of that house. Feet of soil must be removed. He was a threat to at that time establishment that was on current position. He attracted the people with his sincere playfulness. Many of the people mocked him for his joyfulness, the way he was, different, liberated by any control. They couldn’t control him, that’s why he was killed.

He was a human rights fighter , he always wanted to work in benefit of the people.

His son still needs a closure . Reparations can only be made if the murderer will be convicted by the law. The gun could be found if there would be interest in finding the truth, until than this case will remain unresolved.

Can’t find something?

About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

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