Predictions World Wide Events 2023/2024

World Wide Events – Prophecy 2023 – Prophetic messages to humanity


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world wide events russia attack usa 2023 Predictions World Wide Events 2023/2024 Prophecy

Predictions World Wide Events 2023/2024 Prophecy

Prophetic messages for humanity 2023/2024

There will be a blazing fire, that humanity will never forget.

Predictions World Wide Events 2023/2024

  • Earthquake Peru, Romania, India
  • Russia will attack USA (Alaska)
  • There will be 3 missiles launched
  • The third one is a nuclear one
  • Sex ring in Italy will be exposed
  • Children are being taken to Italy via train
  • Depony landfills of garbage full of human flesh
  • Africa, Somalia – food shortage causing mother’s to not have enough milk

Planet is accelerating in higher frequency causing tectonic plates to move and forcing people to upgrade in their consciousness as well. Those who are not willing to evolve in Consciousness will suffer tremendously.

Earthquake Peru, Romania, India 2023/24

There will be a huge earthquake in Romania, India , South America
Epicenter will be near the city of Peru.

It will cause roads to collapse.

A big chunk of soil will have a such impact that will cause rivers to over flood
We advise those who live in Peru to find other place of living as this will have such a huge destructible force that would impact the whole country.

Farmers will be devastated as mostly of them will loose their land.

Many Peruvians will lost their home, siblings, family.

Romania will be hit by a earthquake that will cause buildings to collapse – many of the people inside of these buildings will be injured.

Some of them will parish.

The earthquake in Peru will have much more destructible force than in Romania, as there is a magnet moving inside of the Earth and it will cause tectonic plates to re-calibrate the Earth to a new frequency.

Earthquakes are forcing Earth plane to evolve in consciousness as we are all evolving to operate from Higher State of Consciousness.

Once the Earth plane vibrates from higher consciousness she will be in abundance.

Everything will grow effortlessly, there will be no drought no floods , no fire causing devastations.

Once the humans evolve in their consciousness they will live in Unity Consciousness with all living Beings.

Russia will attack the coast of ALASKA

There will be an event that will cause huge awakenings of humanity once Russia hits the USA with their missiles.

The attack will happen in the middle of the night on the days of 20-22-24 at approx. 3 AM while everyone will sleep.

The first missile will hit the coast of Alaska where many tribes live there.

The second missile will be hit near Mexico coast as a result of wrong coordinates.

The third missile will hit Alaska again, but this time nuclear weapon will be used – mushroom cloud – this will cause such a devastation that will last for many lifetimes.

Many children will perish.

We advise you to go to hills now! Bring water supply as it will be affected by poisoning, also bring medicine as there will be a shortage of supplies.

We suggest to not panic as this will cause more distress.

Due to the attack many online banking will collapse.

We advise anyone who has assets in the banks to move them out as they will loose everything.

Online banks near the Russian borders (Revolut) will not be accessible .

Cryptocurrency market will be futile .

Zelenskaya will be hanged by its own people.

Once they (People of Ukraine) come to realization that he had an agreement with Biden administration they will show no mercy .

He will be thrown out of the parliament, hanged in front of many gathered Ukrainians on market square.

His family will flew to USA escaping the regime.

Biden death, Trump will be the next elected president, Fall of European Union

Once the agenda of the USA will be revealed humans will detach from their government, protesting for the human rights.

Gun control will be monitored by Special gun control Institution

You will not be able to purchase a gun without a special exam. Everyone will have to have a permit.

There will be many protests for disabling the gun control, there will be a mass shooting in the city of Oregon, Nevada they will force the government to ban the right to defend themselves which is under the constitutional law – as the gun lobby will kneel they will try to do everything in their power to maintain this law, they will be overruled in the highest court by the Institutional court.
This will cause outrage in America, as the guns were an accessory to every citizen.

Biden will parish in the next few months after the attack will occur, he will be replaced by Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris.

She will be in battle with Trump for the next presidential election – Trump will be the president of USA.

He will end the war between Russia the second he will become president.

The countries will try to amend the consequences by balancing their positions in NATO – USA will be forced to remove themselves from NATO.

After that European Union will collapse.

Trump will try to re-enforce people to vote for the use of moving troops from Afghanistan , Iran, Baghdad to sending their troops home.

He is interested in making a business deal out of it as he is a entrepreneur more than he is a politician.

He has great dealing skills and he will manage to make a great deal for both parties and in the benefit of their people.

If Kamala would be a president she would send more troops to Europe and there would be a never ending chaos.

High Officials in Italy involved in Sex ring

Parliament in Italy will be under investigation of highly officials involved in sex trafficking

There will be an exposed sex ring including high officials in Italy that are associated with sex trafficking.

Many of the children are hidden in the basements in the properties that are rented by some of the kidnappers.

Italy is the main sex trafficking country – many of the children are coming by train in company of an adult pretending to be their guardian.

Maripol Meripol are the center of sex trafficking – many of foreigners are involved in this organisation – government officials are the beneficial supporters of this group.

Some of the traffickers are selling the children over the internet to wealthy men and women for further exploitation – they operate in small transactions such us Etherium coins, Bitcoins, cryptocurrency – their origin can not be traced.

Many of children after they are molested and forced into group assault they are being deprived of food and water. Once they are so much dehydrated from exhaustion they parish and they are being deliberately mutilated and thrown into garbage.

If you would search the landfills of garbage waste you would find the human flesh – they are thrown all over Italy as a waste.

One of the kidnappers will make a mistake – he will leave the door unintentionally open and the survivor will come forward – she will be put as a protection witness that will force polizia to take action – they will gun down some of the kidnappers – she will expose a highly official from the government – once he will be exposed the sex ring will collapse.

Monaco – high paid millionaires are also involved in a sex ring .

Once the truth will be revealed many people will start noticing and acknowledging that Italy is a city that was a Mecca for kidnappers and traders of child trafficking.

Shortage of food in Somalia

Will Cause Nations to create a wasting mechanism to preserve food

There will also be a shortage of food in Somalia Africa , many of children will parish because of the shortage of food, this will cause Nations to create a waste mechanism that the food that was about to expire would be sent to Africa from third countries.. they will develop a system that would create a wasting mechanism so each country can participate in this development … food that will be collected will feed the starving mothers, so they can produce milk for the newborns.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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