

This art will assist you in focusing on the life you want. This will remind you that, it’s the thoughts that creates reality. It is your mind that is diverting you from life you want. If you meditate at least 15 minutes per day, you will start refocusing on the things you desire. Eventually you…


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Reincarnation. Energy artwork.

Reincarnation. Energy artwork.

Divine Design is orchestrated in a way that will teach each one of you how to see through the illusion. Your conditioned mind is a stepping stone to become awakened in this lifetime. Those who are willing to listen to their Spirit, will eventually awaken. Those who are blindly perpetuating the things they do not want, will continue to suffer. Once you intentionally choose thoughts of your desired outcome, you will start living the life with ease and grace. It is your thoughts that creates your reality. Stop feeding yourself with what you do not want, and start choosing the thoughts that will bring you more of what you want.

Reincarnation. Energy artwork.
Reincarnation. Energy artwork.

Many of you came here to manifest your soul’s mission. You came here to fulfill your heart’s desires and what that means is, you came here to follow you heart’s desires in order to be in state of alignment with your Higher Self. If you follow your heart’s desires you are in joyful state, isn’t it? We say, if you follow your heart’s desires, there is no other way than to follow what you want. Because if you follow what you want, you will be in a state of alignment with your soul’s desires. And if you are in alignment with your soul’s desires, than you are listening to your Spirit.

If you listen to the whispers of your Spirit, there is no other way, than to complete your soul’s mission.

We have said it before, that you came here based on your written story, meaning you have written the story of what it is, your soul wants to experience. Each lifetime your soul wants to experience different things that hasn’t experienced before. If you have lived as a carpenter, your life was surrounded with working with your hands most of the day. Isn’t it? You spent most of your days working hard in order to live on this plane. Each lifetime you have experienced situationships, that taught you different behaviours, reactions. In order to live this lifetime as a fully awaken human, you must let go of the attachment of previous lifetimes, so you can live this one as a free sovereign Being. You can not be free if you drag previous lifetimes with you. You must cut the ties between the past and your Being in order to live freely. What that means is, each one of you, are holding onto previous life experiences not knowingly behaviours you are repeating, are from the past. In order to know who you truly are, you must let go of identification of your Self. What that means is, you strip off the layers of yourself so you could live the life as a free Spirit. We understand that living the life on Earth plane is the most difficult one, as you must see beyond the illusion first, in order to deeply know You in your core. What is it, that makes you free? What is it, that will set you free? In order to answer those questions you must ask yourself are you prepared to live the life as a fully awaken human? Are you willing to strip the layers of your conditioning to dig deep inside of your Self? Answer lies within You.

In order to be free, you must be willing to let go of your past. You must let go of your conditioned Mind. Whatever you have been taught, you must let go. No one can tell you, who you are, only You can tell You who you are. What that mean is, you must let go of their perception of You. You must let go of your conditioned Self, whatever you have told you in order to feel safe and protected, you must let go. It is your conditioned Mind telling you, you need to protect yourself in order to feel safe. Many humans are conditioned with their beliefs, they are willing to believe whatever the Mind is telling them it is true. Isn’t it?

Your mind is nothing but an illusion trying to divert you from your soul’s mission. Your mind is a power station generating your thoughts. It is your thought that has a power creating the life you want. It is the thought that is in control of your current situationship. Your thoughts are creating the life you want.

Ask yourself what do you put inside of your Mind? What thoughts are generating in your power station? Will you be willing to change your Mind by intentionally refocusing on the thought you want? Ask yourself, why are some situationships repeating in your life? Why is it, that you continuously choose to suffer if you are the one who is perpetuating things you do not want? Sometimes you will be tested by the Universe. Sometimes your Team in Spirit will test you if you have mastered the lesson. You will be tested many times in order to see, if you are mastering the challenges you were given. Triggers are here to teach you what it needs to be healed. If you catch yourself to be triggered by something or someone, what that means is, you should observe the trigger. In the moment of choosing how you will react, is what creates your life. Will it be the one that is filled up with suffering, or will it be the one that is filled up with joy?

You see, if you choose to perpetuate the story you will continue to suffer. But if you choose to leave the past behind you, you will make space for the new beginnings. This new beginning will create more of what you want. It will create more of what you desire. Those who are willing to stay in their conditioned Mind, will prolong their own suffering. We advise all of you, to ask yourself daily, “what is it, that you want?”. What life do you wish to live? Is it the life of joy or is it the life of suffering?

Let us begin by saying, you came a long way. You did. You are on the final step to fully awaken. Choose according to your soul’s mission. You will choose what you want when you decide if you wish to stay in a dimension that is based on fear and control, or you wish to elevate in Consciousness and operate from heart center.

Those who are already emanating love frequency do not dwell in past. They do not dwell in conditioning of their Mind. They are busy finding out who they are.

Each one of you came here to complete the mission of their written story. Each one of you came here to live the life you want. You have written in your story, how your life should be. Each one of you who came to play on this Earth plane, came with an intention to become a fully awaken human. Each one of you have written the story to become the awakened One. You see, each one of You, has the potential to be awakened in this lifetime. Your mind is the one who is diverting you from your path. Unless you see through the illusion, you will stay in your conditioned Mind. You will perpetuate your own suffering. If you allow yourself to observe the thought that arises within you, you will be able to choose how you wish to proceed. Every time you find yourself in a situation that demands your attention, observe the thought first. Let it sit in you. If the emotion arises, observe the emotion. After the emotion is confronted, you are in control of letting it go. Once you decide to let go of the emotion, you create space between the thought and emotion. And when you create a space between them, there is a time for you to choose how you wish to react.

Your reaction determines your suffering. You see, until you learn how to be in non reactive state, you will be tested many times. Unless you learn not to react, you will continue the cycle of suffering.

Many of you have lived many lifetimes. Sometimes you reincarnate as someone who hurt others in previous lifetime. You see, you wanted to experience how would it feel like, if you are the one standing in their shoes. But once you acknowledge your illusion, you have the full power to let go of the conditioned mind. You have the power to cut the past agreement in order to live this one as a free Spirit. If you wish to cut the ties from previous lifetimes, we advise you to repeat this decrees or affirmations in order to assist you to gently transition in full sovereignty of your Being.

I AM demanding to live this lifetime as a sovereign Being.
I AM demanding to live this lifetime as a sovereign Being.
I AM demanding to live this lifetime as a sovereign Being.

I AM cutting the agreements to any previous Selves of my Being in order to fully live the life as a free Spirit.
I AM cutting the agreements to any previous Selves of my Being in order to fully live the life as a free Spirit.
I AM cutting the agreements to any previous Selves of my Being in order to fully live the life as a free Spirit.

I demand my Spirit to free itself from the conditioned Mind.
I demand my Spirit to free itself from the conditioned Mind.
I demand my Spirit to free itself from the conditioned Mind.

I AM in full control of my Being.
I AM in full control of my Being.
I AM in full control of my Being.

I AM in full control of my thoughts.
I AM in full control of my thoughts.
I AM in full control of my thoughts.

I AM determined to become a fully awaken human.
I AM determined to become a fully awaken human.
I AM determined to become a fully awaken human.



This decrees will assist you in your ascension. It will assist you in seeing beyond the illusion. It will continuously put you on the path, you have envisioned for yourself. It will redirect you to the path of your written story.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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