
Solar system

Meditating on this energy artwork will assist you in protecting your energy field. While you interact with others it is necessary for you to be anchored in your light. You must ground yourself with spending time outside of your home, so you could feel the energy of Mother Earth discharging you with over accumulated energy.…


9 min read

Solar system. Energy Artwork.

Solar system. Energy Artwork.

Having you here is important for all Beings in the Universe. Once you acknowledge your Being as a divine master plan behind it, you will start to consciously choose how you will live this lifetime. Once you fully awaken you will emanate your Light to whole Universe. And when you realize you are the part of Great Work, you will start to live according to your mission. As a Being you are sharing your Light to many around you. It is important for You to ground your Being so you could be in alignment at all times. Protecting your energy is your main importance until you become fully awaken human.

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You came here to play but you are not from here. Meaning, you came from the stars. As a light Being you were incarnated into a human form so you could have an experience of play. As a Spirit you do not have a possibility to play in a Spirit world. When you came here in a form of a human you forgot who you are. It was designed that way, so you could remember your origin. As we have said it before, you come from the stars. Each one of you, are playing an important role in this play, so you could all live in Unity Consciousness. You see, once you remember who you are, it will be much easier for you to navigate this play. Once you see through the illusion you will be easily focused on your mission. While you were trying to navigate this journey you were distracted by things that wasn’t in alignment with your Spirit. You came here to remember that you are the light body in a human form.

You are created by Divine Light that emits frequency of pure love. You are a generator of light itself.

You can emit light wherever you go. Your light is so powerful that it could give energy to the whole planet. Your heart is a super battery that can give energy to all around you. You are an important structure in the universe for all around you who have been misguided by dark. You see, you are not the only Being in the Universe. You are among different kinds of Beings. Meaning while you operate from heart and emit love frequency, there are Beings that emit confusion, distraction, chaos, violence, anger ect. Those Beings were a part of Great Work, until they wanted to have a control over all Beings in the Universe. It is important for you to understand, how this effects your Being while you navigate this journey. Many times you have felt that your energy is over accumulated with excessive energy that resulted in anger, anxiety, confusion. You felt out of balance, isn’t it? That’s why it is important for you, to heal with grounding yourself, so you could be in touch with your Spirit, aligned One with Divine. If you have been compromised, your drop in energy will show it in a way, that you will feel disoriented. Many of those Beings with lower frequency, are trying to take your energy so they could feel more empowered. You see, the Beings are trying to get in control of your Being by sucking your life force out of you. Tactics they use are manipulation, they attach to your Being not knowingly. And when they attach they are trying to manipulate your thoughts, trying to put thoughts inside of you, so you could feel confused. Have you ever felt like you were not yourself? Many of them are using fear based tactics so you would get out of your balance trying to conform to their demands. If you are not in your power it could easily happen that you would go out of balance. When you are out of your alignment, you do things that are not in best interest of your Spirit. You do things that will divert you from your path. Isn’t it? Once you recognize those Beings that are trying to have control over you, you must stand in your power showing them that you are sovereign as you are. Once you know how to balance yourself, how to ground your Being, there will be much difficult for other Beings to distract you.

You see, you are a sovereign Being. Meaning you are, in control of your Being by standing in your truth. Defending your sovereignty is the only way to stay anchored in Light. If you allow to be influenced by dark, you give them access to your energy. Isn’t it?

You must be aware of who you interact with. There are Beings that are trying to take over your Being so they could feed on your life force. You must be aware how and with whom you give access to your life force. Once you become awaken, there is no way that Beings could feed on your Light. Your Light is so strong that will bounce back all those who are not in alignment with your Light.

Solar system. Energy Artwork.
Solar system. Energy Artwork.

While you navigate this journey and while you are reaching for salvation of your Spirit, it is important to protect your energy. This is why it is necessary for you to use techniques that will assist you in grounding your energy. We advise all of you who are trying to be fully awaken humans, to ground your Being into Mother Earth, as she will carry you while you navigate this journey. Meaning Mother Earth is here to accept your excessive energy so you could become fully awaken human. Once you awaken you give back to Mother Earth by showing her gratitude with appreciation songs, dance, loving her a in away it is comfortable to you. Show her love, while you live with her in Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth hear the cries of her children, but none of you are willing to listen. Many of children are disregarding Mother Earth by not appreciating her presents that she gives to you all, meaning all the nature that she offers is here for you, so you could ground yourself in it. It is difficult for Mother Earth to maintain her treasures, if you keep destroying what she is giving you. Many humans are profiting from her treasures, not knowing they are disrupting her energy. And once you disrupt her energy she is showing her disruption by causing natural disasters. Humans find them threatening, but as we have said it before, it is the only way , for her to show in how much turmoil she is.

Mother Earth wants to be heard, wants to be appreciated as she is here for you, so you could awaken in this lifetime and be in Unity Consciousness with all other Beings in the Universe.

Solar system is a planetary system of planets, stars, galaxies. It is a system that carries specific energy so it could hold all of the energy in the Universe. Imagine how much the system needs to carry so you could all be aligned with Divine. It surpasses capabilities of human mind, how much energy is put in sustaining this whole planetary system. Everything is in perfect order so you could all live in Unity Consciousness. You see, once you fully awaken and when you operate from frequency of love, there is no other way, than to be the part of this system, as a living organism of pure light energy, that emanates through all galaxies and beyond. Once you awaken, you will see how important it is to be aligned with Divine, as you are carrying out the greater mission than just to be here to play. There will be a time when all humans awaken so you could all live in Unity fully present. Once you all awaken, you will live in perfect order, according to all who are participating in this Great Work of perfectly aligned system. You see, when all Beings emanate on frequency of love, there is no other way than to raise the frequency all around you, meaning once you raise the frequency of all humans, you will incline towards rebalancing planets around you, so you could all live in Unity Consciousness. We have said it before, whatever you see around you, has consciousness and if you acknowledge you live among other Beings with different consciousness, you will be inclined to consciously participate in raising the frequency of your planet, so it will effect the whole solar system. And once you raise the frequency of the planet Earth, it will effect all planets around you. And once you all raise the frequency, you will create a planetary system that will manifest in creating a world beyond your Mind. You will be able to live beyond your imagination of your current reality. And once you live beyond your Mind, there will be no obstacles for your Spirit to go beyond of your current existence. You will travel to galaxies beyond but you will be physically present here, on planet Earth. You can transport yourself to galaxies assisting other beings in the Universe, so you could all continue to live in Unity Consciousness. You see, beyond your current reality are systems that needs assistance. There are Beings that emanate the frequency of lower vibrational energy as they have forgotten who they are.

When all Beings become One as a part of Great Work again, there will not be any interferences among Beings that would cause disruption in continuous flow of Light. Beings have forgotten how easy it could be for all of You to live in Unity Consciousness and once they all remember their mission they will all awaken to their purest nature.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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