
Speaking love

If you focus on your Mind’s Eye, you are able to start questioning your conditioned Mind. And if you start questioning, you are willing to listen. You see, if you are willing to listen, you will be able to receive guidance from those who are not from here. As we have said it before, you…


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Speaking love. Energy artwork.

Speaking love. Energy artwork.

You came here to speak out your truth. You came here to speak out when you are being silenced. You came here to lead from your heart and by doing that, you will speak the truth wherever you go. You can not silent those, who came here to speak the truth and what we mean by that is, you can never silence the Spirit that is free. You see, once the Spirit is free, you will never contain it. It is not possible for you to silence those, who came here to reveal your agendas. Whatever you do in order to silence those who came here to speak the truth, are protected by Divine. You see, it is not possible for silencing those who are able to see beyond. Not everyone is able to see and when God/Source itself sends a Spirit to your plane, it is done, to awaken those who have been asleep. You see, those who came here to speak out exposing your secrets, are the Ones who lead from their heart. They lead those who are willing to listen.

Speaking love. Energy artwork.
Speaking love. Energy artwork.

Speaking love

We came here today to speak on speaking love and what we mean by that is, in order to transcend, you must learn to speak love. We came here today to teach all of you, how to speak love. You see, you came here to operate from love and what we mean by that is, you must see beyond your conditioned Mind, in order to operate from love frequency. If you are operating from fear, you are not able to speak love. You see, many of you are afraid of speaking whatever it is you feel. And as we have said it before, you came here to speak out whatever it is you feel, meaning, you must voice out all that is interfering with frequency of love.

You see, when you voice out what it is you feel, you express self love. You see, expressing self love is a stepping stone to love what is. You see, you can not grasp the meaning of love of what is, if you are not able to love You.

You see, loving yourself is the most important thing you can do as a human, as it will take you to higher state of consciousness. Not many of you, is able to love yourself. Isn’t it? Many of you have struggled with expressing how you feel, and until you do, you will not be able to completely love yourself. You see, you must accept yourself as whole, as someone who is complete. Without doing so, you are not able to step into higher realms of frequency. It is not possible for any of you, who is not accepting of themselves, to transcend in consciousness. Let us remind you, you must be willing to forgive yourself, you must be able to listen to yourself, your Being in order to completely surrender yourself to Divine. You see, if you do not surrender to love of Divine’s Intelligence, there is no other way than to limit yourself to conditions to your limited Mind. Mind is telling you what you see, you do not love, and from that you create stories around it. Isn’t it? You shouldn’t create them at all. You see, accepting yourself as Divine, as you are, is the first step to surrender to love of Divine’s Intelligence. We say to you, you are beyond accepted however you present yourself on the outside. You are divinely pure from the inside. You see, whatever you put on on the outside, is just a fascade and if you wish to present yourself with whatever you put on, and still be content from the inside, we say, be whoever you want to be. You are beautiful, you are. Let us remind you, that you came here to play. And you are the one who is running the play. Be whoever you want to be. Present yourself as whoever you are. Not many of you are playing the game as you desire. Isn’t it? You are playing it with no love towards yourself whatsoever. You see, you are accepted no matter how broken you might think you are, divinity does not look at you in that way. You see, you are more than just human Being, you are Divinity itself. Unless you accept whole parts of you as whole, you will not be able to grasp love of Divine’s master plan. Love is beyond your state of Being, it is a frequency you operate from. Your Divine Code is embodied within You. Divine coding is embodied within your cells, tissues, organs, whole body is intertwined with codes of Infinite Intelligence. You see, you are the part of Great Awakening, and while you play, you are running on the life force itself. Divine Mother is instilled in you, as a life force, as she is the creator of All. You see, she is instilled in all of you, to remind you, that you are a great work in action and you came here to speak love to anyone you meet and by doing that, you are fulfilling your mission.

We came here today to speak on loving yourself by speaking love to all you meet. You see, using spite is the easiest way of communicating, if someone you meet is unjust to you. Isn’t it? Emotions that boils inside of you, are coming up to surface to be said. Isn’t it? You want to say things to those who hurt you with anger, spite or hate. Isn’t it? If we say to you, you can say things without hurting others, would you reconsider your response? You see, if you say things that are hurtful to others, you create hurt. Isn’t it? Creating hurt is something that you didn’t came here for. You came here to share love as only love is a frequency that expands in your heart center. And when your heart expands, you are magnetic to those who operate the same. You see, your heart is the vehicle to Divine. We have said it before, your heart center is a transporter of Infinite Divine’s Intelligence running through you. You are a vehicle for Infinite Light, that is able to come through you and catapult you to higher state of consciousness. You see, you didn’t came here to be bound to lower dimension. You didn’t came here to stay the same. You came here to elevate and upgrade yourself to be in alignment with your Higher Self. You see, staying the same does not help you with ascending. Isn’t it? Staying the same pleases those, who wants you to be stuck in old. It pleases those who are enforcing control. It pleases those who are operating in frequency of fear, so it bothers them if you want to elevate yourself. It bothers those who see your potential and if you stay the same, they are pleased by your illusion. Until you are willing to see through it, you will stay in old. You see, not everyone will be pleased by your awakening, not everyone will root for your success. You see, those who wants you to stay the same, will give you enough to think of you. They will give you enough to supervise you, so you are not willing to change. And if you step out of your illusion, it will disturb those who wish to keep you in their control. You see, if you are willing to conform to their agendas by allowing them to supervise you, you are allowing them to control You. And if you allow them to control you, you are allowing them to overpower you by taking away your power. You see, if you allow those in power to control you, you are also allowing them to silence you. You see, the easiest way to control humanity, is to silence them by enforcing agendas that keeps humans imprisoned to their own mind. You see, not many of you are seeing through the illusion. Not many of you are walking in their truths. Not many of you are speaking out and not many of you are speaking what it is that needs to be spoken. You see, if you do not speak out what needs to be said, you are allowing them to silence your truth and this is not what you came here to do. Those who are in control are being manipulated by their own master, to silence all of those who came here to speak out their truths. The liberation comes to those who are speaking out their truths. It comes to those who are exposing all of those who are enforcing control and their agendas. You see, even those who are imposing control are stuck in the illusion of their minds by playing according to their master. Those who were manipulated by their own master, their only way out is speaking out the truth.

You see, you came here to voice out the truth. You came here to teach others to do the same. You came here to lead by an example and only by doing that, you are liberating those who are being silenced.

Let us begin by saying, if you do not voice out your truth, you will forever be bound to dimension of fear and control. You will forever be bound to those who are in control. You will forever be in silence until you stand in your sovereignty as a Being that came here to live this lifetime in Unity Consciousness. You see, if you do not voice out injustices that were made in the name of silencing you out, you will forever be the slave of their agenda. Let us begin by saying, we came here today, to speak on importance of generating love inside of your Being. Speaking out the truth is a way of self love and if you cultivate that, you will generate more love inside of you. And if you generate more of that, you are than able to share it among those you meet. You see, sharing your love among those you meet, will generate more of that to those who are willing to lead from their heart and not from their mind. If you lead from your heart, there is no other way than to generate more love. You see, expressing how you feel is part of voicing out your truth and if you do so, you express the truth with love towards yourself. And if you show yourself love, than there is no other way, than to generate love frequency all around you. Only by doing that, will generate more love to the extend that love will become your primal language.

You see, love is frequency you operate from. It is your primal language, currency you exchange with everyone you meet. Everyone is your sister and brother and when you meet, your connection is directed by your heart. Your heart is the bridge to Divine and when you connect through heart, you operate from frequency of love.


Let us begin by saying, you are love. You are an extension of God and you came here to teach others to live from their divinity. You see, once you embody the Light within, you will naturally operate from an alignment with your Higher Self. You see, your Higher Self is pushing you to be in alignment, it is pushing you to speak out your truth. It is forcing you to step on the path of self realization, so you could live your life in alignment with Infinite Intelligence. Let us remind you, that if you do not wish to walk in your truth, you will be reminded by your Spirit when to speak out. And what we mean by that is, you will be forced by the Spirit to speak out, when you will least expect it.

You can not hide from your truth, as only the truth will liberate your Spirit. Your Spirit is asking you to take the lead in speaking out, so you could lead from your heart. Your Spirit is begging you to stand in your power, to be in alignment with your soul’s mission. Your mission is to fully awaken, to be in sovereignty of your Being, to create your life according to you written story.

You see, you must follow your written story, you must walk in your truth. And if you think, you came here to give your power away, you are living in illusion. None of you came here to give away your power, none of you came here to be in silence. None of you came here to kneel down before those who are imposing fear. None of you came here to hide themselves for speaking the truth. None of you came here to overpower anyone, but instead you came here to co-create and interconnect through love. Empowering those who have been silent is the only way to wake them up, to assist them in stepping into their sovereignty and to live according to the truth. You see, teaching others to step into their truths, is a mission of those who have been silent for years. Those who empower, are the ones who came here to speak out, nevertheless how painful the truth is. You see, not many of you have a mission that involves speaking out. Not many of you have the mission to teach. Not many of you are able to heal and if you came here to step out of your illusion, you will be guided by your Spirit to be lead into your mission. You see, speaking out involves speaking truth, nevertheless how devastating it can be. It is here to awaken those who are asleep. And if you are among those who are speaking the truth, you will be forever protected by the Universe as you are the shepherd for those who are not able to decipher the words of God/Source itself.

Many of you are indoctrinated by the belief, that those who are the leaders of God/Source itself, are the ones who speak love in a way that encourages you to stay silent. They have impostored love for control and what we mean by that is, those who are leading in the name of God/Source itself, are teaching you to stay silent. You see, once you see beyond the illusion, you will start voicing out your truth. And we encourage you to speak it loudly, so they will wake up those who have been manipulated.

You see, those who operate from conditioned mind, are easily being told what to do. And if you have Beings that are not using their knowing, will easily be manipulated. And if you allow them to manipulate you, you allow them to control You. You see, if you start operating from your knowing, they can not force you to do what they want. And those who still are very much asleep, if you awaken their Spirit, they will start living their life according to their own truths. You see, once you disturb the knowing, Spirit will take over to awaken all of them by start speaking the truth. And if they still pretend, Divine Mother will wake each one of them, by showing them the illusion. And once they see through it, they will start to speak the truth.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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