
Spirit guides

Dear Beloveds. I AM Jeshua. I want you to know that your loss in not in vain. Your love will always be cherished by your children. I came here today to speak to you on releasing grief from your Being. I advise You to spend time with yourself and if you have strength to meditate…


8 min read

Spirit Guides. Energy artwork.

Spirit Guides. Energy artwork.

Children who perished came here to teach You a lesson. They are here as Spirits, that are here for you, while you are going through a period of despair. Spirit guides are here to teach you, to stand on your own. They are here to guide you, to embrace You, so you continue the journey of your written story. They came here to remind you, that you are here as a Spirit, having your own human experience and they want you to live your life according to your written story.Connection between your children is never in vain, as it is forever bonded with love.They will always have a remembrance of You, as someone who loved them deeply. Your love will forever be instilled in them, as you were the one who gave them an opportunity, to experience life on their own. You will forever be their mother and father who loved them in this lifetime.

Spirit Guides. Energy artwork.
Spirit Guides. Energy artwork.

Spirit guides

Each one of you has appointed teachers, that will assist you during your awakening. Each one of you has a specific guide that is appointed to You. These guides are from different dimensions, some of the guides are coming from your own stellar star system. Spirit guides are a group of Light Beings that are here to assist you, while you are navigating this journey. They are here for you, to overcome challenges so you could live this lifetime with ease and grace. Spirit guides come to those who are experiencing challenges, such as loss of a child, loss of a loved one. They are here for you to assist you in period of grief and sadness. They come to you to comfort you in your grief, so you could easily release emotions of deep sadness. They are here for you to guide you towards overcoming the loss of your beloved.

Spirit guides are here for you to call on them, when you feel deep pain. We see a lot of humans dwelling in despair, not knowing how to proceed their life. We came here today to speak about the loss of your children. Many of you are attached to your own children and what we mean by that is, if you attach yourself to them, you are not allowing them to be free. You smother them with your love. We came here today to speak on releasing the attachment to your children, so you could be more in alignment with your Being. Losing children can create attachments through lifetimes and that is why it is necessary to release them to Divine, so they could continue their journey of their written story. Many of you have written their stories in order to learn the lesson of detachment. Many of you do not comprehend how being attached affects your Being. Imagine yourself being connected to your children with a string. This string is attached to your children’s Being. In order to release attachment to your children, you must release the string that is rooted in your sacral chakra. Let us remind you, that you came here as a Spirit having a human experience and what we mean by that is, you came here to experience this lifetime as an individual with no strings attached to no one. What we mean by that is, not even your children. They are their own Spirit having their own human experience. You see, many of the humans are getting too attached to their own children and what we mean by that is, you humans consider your birth children as something you should own.

Let us begin by saying, you are here to be an example to your children. You lead them by teaching children to be the leaders of their living. You lead them by teaching them how to lead from the heart. You teach them by planting seeds of love. If you choose to operate from fear, you will teach them to live in a world of fear. If you choose to show them love, you will teach them to live in a reality of love. You see, not many of You know how to lead by heart. You were raised in families where you rarely received love. Isn’t it? You are walking this path to accept your parents as they were and by knowing how you were raised, you can choose if you wish to teach your children the same. You are in full control of your Being. You are in full control of your teaching. You are. You are.

Your children are not yours. These children came through you, to have their own life experience. You gave them an opportunity to live this lifetime as a part of your human family.

We came here today to speak on losing children. If you are too attached to your children, you can experience sudden detachment from them. You can experience this as sudden deaths, or sudden loss of your loved one. We see many children suffering in their own birth families. We see them crying for help. Rarely parents listen to their children, thinking they are the adults that should be listened to. We see all of you struggling with parenting, as no one is listening to each other. We advise all of you to spend time listening to one another. We advise to take time for your children as they are the ones who keep telling you what they want. You see, if you start listen to one another, there would be no tension among all of you. Many of tensions arises, because no one is listening. You see, if you pay attention to one another, you will hear what other one is saying. You must speak what you feel, because if you do not speak of what you feel, no one will understand what it is, that you want.

Losing children is traumatic for all involved. It is one of the most difficult pain you could endure. Isn’t it? Your children who have perished, wants you to know, that you will overcome the loss. You will stand on your own feet and live the life you wanted. Your children are always near by you. Some of them are watching you from the distance. You see, the bond between both of You is cut when one of the person dies. Nevertheless you are always connected to the Spirit of your beloved. Let us begin by saying, your loved one is connected to you by it’s own Spirit. Spirit of your loved one comes to those who are in deep despair, who are in a state of deep mourning. Your loved one want you to know, that love you gave to them will never be in vain. Your love will always be cherished and they will always remember how much you loved them. They want you to know that it is okay, to continue your life without them as they are always here beside you. Your loved ones are saying to you, that this is not their final stop, as they will continue their evolution in consciousness. They came here to assist You to be the One who will graduate in your level of consciousness. You see, each one of you is interconnected. Each one of you is a teaching lesson to one another. Nothing is in vain. Each one of you is a spark for other’s awakening.

Spirit guides came here today to embrace all of you, who have feelings of despair. They are speaking on behalf of those who have perished during this lifetime.

We are here, we are here to comfort you in your loss. We came here to say to you, we are your children’s guardians. We are the ones who are taking care of your children. There is no need to despair, as they are playing in the arms of Divine Mother. She is taking care of her children. She is playing with them. Children who perished are being loved by your love, as they will never forget your love, that you have given to them. They will remember you as a Spirit who embraced their Being with unconditional love. You will never loose connection to your child’s Spirit, as you are all connected through love.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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