
Stepping into purpose

Meditating on this artwork will assist you in reprogramming your Mind, so you could live authentically according to your Spirit. Only those who are living according to their truth, will fully awaken. If you follow other people’s desires, you will eventually live your life as a someone who is pretending to be someone who is…


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Living according to your purpose will only lead you to salvation of your Spirit. What does it mean to be free? It means, you are authentic as You are, living this plane unburdened by your conditioned Mind. Living here according to your story will only accelerate your awakening, so you could walk this plane as an authentically awaken human.

Stepping into Soul's purpose. Energy Artwork.
Stepping into Soul’s purpose. Energy Artwork.

Stepping into (soul’s) purpose means walking in your truth courageously. Once you start to awaken, you become fully aware of your gifts, abilities you could use to assist those in need. You see, when you came into this existence, you were equipped with spiritual gifts that will assist you in your awakening. Those gifts will assist many around you with intention to assist those who are in need for guidance. When you start walking in your purpose, your life becomes unburdened. You walk your path with ease and grace, not engaging with things that could divert you, but instead, you are an attraction to things that are benefiting your mission. Your life becomes surrounded with situations that are filled with opportunities that will assist you in your spiritual growth. You see, when you become aligned with your Divine’s mission, you start attracting things you like. For example you wish something to manifest in your daily reality, isn’t it? If your thinking Mind grows only nurturing thoughts of desirable wishes, you will attract desired outcomes. You see, when you become aligned with Divine, you are manifesting with ease. Being aware of your thoughts is necessary for the life you desire. When you are willing to step out of your conditioned mind, your creation comes with ease. You are able to manifest your reality in a blink of an eye. This how powerful thoughts are. You see, we have said it before, what you think is what you receive. Think what you desire, not what you do not want. Isn’t it?

Stepping into purpose means walking your path diligently, so you could be your truest version of yourself. You came here with the mission to complete and while you are playing roles in this lifetime, you must remember, that who you are, is not a complete version of You.

You see, you choose to play this game as a musician, a lawyer, a dancer, a teacher, many of occupations you have, but it is not who you are. It is only one version of you, that is trying to play. You have many layers of who you are. If you are willing to go deep inside of your Being, you could discover how creative you could be. Each one of you has many talents, some of the talents are seen in a young age, when Spirit just came into this existence. But many of the talents are still hidden waiting to be discovered. You see, if you sit down with You, you will rediscover yourself in the depths of your Being. You have many layers. Your conditioned Mind is telling you, that you are, what they have told you, you are. Isn’t it? Maybe your birth family is trying to force you to be something you are not. We advise all of you, who are having differences with your birth family, that you are here to discover yourself. You must walk the path alone, to see who you are. Sometimes birth families are here to divert you from walking your path, so you could see through their conditioned mind. Once you see through it, and once you acknowledge, that what you have perceived is real, is an illusion of your family. Isn’t it? To rediscover yourself, you must live the life authentically you desire.

Your Spirit is guiding you, to your true potential, it is always leading you based on the story you have written for yourself. If you do not follow the story, you are not walking in your true potential.

We understand that living on this plane must be difficult for some, not having what you desire is not the complete mission of your path. But it is the stepping stone into becoming who you need to be in order to live according to your Spirit. Some of you are walking in other people’s shoes, meaning, you are living the life of someone who does not even exist. You are trying to be someone you are not. Isn’t it? You have what you desire, but you are not fulfilled. Isn’t it? You are following your family desires, but not your own. It is the worst kind of suffering to cause a Spirit as he is trying to live free. Your Spirit is screaming to listen to his calling, so you could live this plane unburdened. What is it, that you allow others to tell you, what to do? Your birth family is an illusion, they are not the family of your Spirit. Your Spirit family is a Soul family that is here to assist you, to see through all the illusion that was set upon you, to live this life as a walking Spirit fully awaken in a human form. We have said it before, you came here to see through your Mind’s Eye, and once you see through it, there is no other way, than to walk in your purpose so you could freely live as a Spirit wishes you to live.

Stepping into Soul's purpose. Energy Artwork.
Stepping into Soul’s purpose. Energy Artwork.

Many of You are trying to follow the steps of people you do not even know. You are comparing yourself to people, who are living as a version of themselves. You do not see their truest Self, you only see a variation of themselves. They are not the version you see. If you would see through the illusion of your mind, you would never follow a Being if you do not know his story. He has written his own story, you were not placed here to follow other people stories. Isn’t it? Are you willing to let go of an illusion of pretence you play, so you could satisfy your conditioned Mind? The limited belief you carry is an illusion of what you need to let go. You didn’t come here to be something you are not. The pretence has consequences to your Spirit. As you have diverted from your path, you are also not walking in your true potential of You. How good could this be for your written story? If you are diverted from your path, you will eventually repeat the story. Isn’t it? You will be put on this plane again, to master the lesson. Mastering the lesson is what you came here for. Remember?

Walking in other people’s shoes is nothing authentically divine about it. You are creation of it’s own kind.

You are special, as each one of You are here to play as individuals, having abilities that are given only to you. Having gifts, will assist you to play this journey, released from fears you carry, so you could step into authentic version of You. Only authentic humans can live unburdened from their conditioned Mind. Following your own lane will lead you to your best version of You. Being who you are is the only way to live in your true potential. If you walk someone else’s shoes, you will continue to suffer and this is not what you came here for. Remember, your true Self lies underneath your conditioned Mind, waiting to be discovered. If you allow yourself to loose some of the identification you identify yourself with, you will start to unravel your conditioned Mind by questioning of Who you truly are. And once you discover that part in You, you will gradually reveal your Spirit’s mission, why you came here to play.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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