There is no other way – Audio Track

I have made my first recording and I welcome you to come and listen. This track will assist you in reclaiming your power back, to allow Universe to guide you. You allow to be guided by your Higher Self, so you could fully integrate your Self into an anchored Light Being as your are. Once…


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I have made my first recording and I welcome you to come and listen.

This track will assist you in reclaiming your power back, to allow Universe to guide you. You allow to be guided by your Higher Self, so you could fully integrate your Self into an anchored Light Being as your are. Once you remember who your are, you will be One with God’s Consciousness. And when you become One with it, you will be stepping onto your Life’s mission so you would be the Light to many. This track will assist those who have forgotten about their Light, it will assist those who need to remember themselves of who they are. This track will reprogram your conditioned Mind to open yourself to God’s love and it will assist you in anchoring the Light much faster. Once you reprogram your conditioned Mind, you will attract everything that your desire.

I am Stashka (Staška) and I am a spiritual teacher, a psychic, a shaman, an Elder once lived on this Earth plane guiding many to evolve in their Consciousness. After the amnesia that was caused by a Big Bang, I needed to experience many lifetimes in order to remember who I am. And once I remembered, I am now walking in my true calling guiding many to do the same.

The backgroud Music by Music_For_Videos from Pixabay

There is no other way for us to be fully awaken in this lifetime

There is no other way than to be abundant beyond measures

There is no other way than to fully integrate our Higher Self

There is no other way than to align ourselves with our Soul purpose

There is no other way than to walk in our truths

There is no other way than to fully align with our mission

There is no other way than to call on our guidance

There is no other way than to assist those who are willing to listen

There is no other way than to be wealthy beyond measures

There is no other way for us to speak with integrity

There is no other way than to master our lesson so we can fully awaken during this lifetime

There is no other way than to be fully present here and now

There is no other way than to see ourselves as a light Being living in Unity Consciousness

There is no other way than to allow other Beings to come and live with us in Unity

There is no other way than to be in service to others

There is no other way than to fully master Unity Consciousness so we can transcend to Higher State of Consciousness

There is no other way than to fully enjoy the nectar of this plane

There is no other way than to embrace nature

There is no other way than to joyfully share our gifts and talents

There is no other way than to share our creations among others

There is no other way than to love one another

There is no other way than to speak with kindness

There is no other way than to observe without judgment

There is no other way than to see through and listen to Divine’s guidance

There is no other way than to be anchored in Light

There is no other way than to be connected to Divine

There is no other way

Can’t find something?

About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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