Today’s Divine Guidance 3.11.2023 Situationships, relationships, Stop perpetuating violence

You can speed up the video to 1.5 or 1.75 Some of you will continue to perpetuate separation and old ways of living, some of you will continue to live in old ways and what we mean by that is, you will live how you lived before. You will live with those who are intentionally…


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Today's Divine Guidance 3.11.2023 Situationships, relationships, Stop perpetuating violence

Today’s Divine Guidance 3.11.2023 Situationships, relationships, Stop perpetuating violence

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Some of you will continue to perpetuate separation and old ways of living, some of you will continue to live in old ways and what we mean by that is, you will live how you lived before. You will live with those who are intentionally hurting you, and you will stay in situationships that does not make you feel well. You see, some of you are suffering as you do not set boundaries to those who are disrespecting you in any kind of way. You will continue to suffer in your living, as you do not set the boundary to those who are intentionally hurting You. You are allowing them to hurt you and that is why you will continue to suffer. You will continue to live the way you lived, and by choosing this path, you must understand that some of you will leave this world behind by not stepping out from a relationship as it is much easier for you to suffer in that way. You see, if you continue to stay in a relationship that makes you feel unworthy, you will continue to receive unworthiness from those around you. You will continue to receive unloving words from those who suppose to love you. You see, if you wish to stay in a relationship that disempowers you, you will be disempowered yourself. If you wish to stay in a relationship that makes you feel unworthy, you will feel unworthy yourself. If you continue to stay in an environment that makes you feel unloved, you will feel unloved yourself. You see, you must step out in order to receive love. You must step out in order to feel worthy. If you choose to step out from the situationship that make you feel unloved, by choosing differently, you will courageously choose You and when you choose yourself, you are than saying to the Universe, I deserve better. I deserve change. I deserve love. I deserve whatever I want. You see, by allowing yourself to step out from situationship that made you feel in a way, that disempowered you, you are than, saying to the Universe, I must be the change I want to see. By doing that, I demand from my Spirit, to show me, what is the best for me. You see, if you step out from what is known to you, you will than, step out from old ways of living. You will step out from what made you feel secure. You see, stepping out demands from you, to courageously step on the journey that will show you how worthy you are, and only by stepping out, you are declaring that good things are coming your way. Only by doing that, you are demanding change in you.

Some of you, will need to make a choice if you wish to continue to perpetuate fear onto your loved ones. You will need to make a choice if you wish to continue your old ways of living. You see, you are all living exactly how you lived 10 years ago and if you do not see that you perpetuate the same cycle all over again, you are than living in illusion of your mind. If you do not see you unconsciousness, you are than living in illusion, and you are pretending that everything is all right. We have told you before, that some of you will see the unconsciousness that you are perpetuating, and not many of you, have changed your old behavioural structures. That is why you needed to see, what it is, you keep perpetuating. You see, you must let go, of imposing change onto those who love you the most. You must let go of trying to change them, to be a certain way. You must let go, of violence in you, as you can not force them to change by being violent towards them. You must accept them as who they are, and only by accepting them, you will than let go, of forcing them to change, to be a certain way. You must step back from interfering into their choices. You must step back from interfering into their decisions, as they are paving their own way. They are paving their own ways of living. If you keep interfering by enforcing them to be a certain way, they will stray of their path, that was meant for them, in order to learn from their ways of living. You see, you must step back by not enforcing them to be a certain way, as you are pushing them away from you. And if you do that, you are separating them from love. Your love should be unconditional and what that means is, whatever they choose to be or do, you should love them as who they are, as only by holding space for them, you are than allowing them to choose consciously and if you push them away, they might do things that will not be conscious of their living. You see, you can push those to do a certain things that can stray them off their paths and that is why, you are responsible for the way they have chosen as you have pushed them to do things that were not in alignment with their Spirit. You are responsible for the way they choose, as you were the one who pushed them away from the path that was meant for them. You were the one, who enforced them to be something they are not. You see, enforcing someone to be a certain way, can damage their perception, and if you continue to enforce them to be something who they are not, you are than perpetuating separation and if you perpetuate separation, you are making them feel unloved and if you make them feel unloved, you are than sending them a message, “that you are unaccepted for who you are, as I want you to be only that way, so I can love you”. This message can separate you from those who are trying to teach you the lesson, as children that are here are teaching all of you to change your behavioural structures, so you can elevate in consciousness. Children are trying to teach many of you a lesson that needs to be learned, and that is, to accept them as they are, by not enforcing them to change. You see, if you step back from interfering, you will than allow them to choose consciously what it is, they want to do. They will be conscious of their living, if you step back from constantly interfering in their choices. Only by stepping back, you will allow them to choose. We understand that stepping back is the hardest thing you can do as a parent, but if we may comfort you, you will be allowing children to become who they came here to be. If you step back, they will walk the paths of their written story and if you do not, you will be separated from them, as they might walk the path that they have chosen, so they could be loved for who they are. Some of you will have difficulty to accept their chosen path, as they were trying to teach you the lesson along the way. Some of you will loose your children as you are not accepting them for who they are.

Let us remind you, that many of you are not listening to your children. You are not listening to your children’s call, as you are all too focused to enforce onto them, old ways of living. These children came here to teach you all, to let go of the old, as being a certain way does not benefit anyone who is trying to raise their consciousness. These children wants everyone to learn new ways of living and that is to allow them to teach you, how to live with ease and grace. You must allow them to show you how to live without judgement, force or violence, so you can all raise in consciousness and once you do that, you will all transcend.

Many of you are hurting your children. Many of you are causing pain by torture, rape or malicious acts towards them. You are perpetuating violence onto them by causing them tremendous pain. You see, you must stop hurting your children, as you are unconscious of your ways. Stop hurting those who love you the most, as they came to you, to teach you the importance of love. They are teaching you the importance of loving yourself, so you can stop your unconsciousness to be in center of your living. You must take full responsibility for your actions, by admitting what it is you do. You must take a full responsibility for what it is you perpetuate. By doing that, you are stepping out from your unconscious behaviour and by doing that, you will continue your next cycle from higher states of consciousness. If you do not, you will continue to cause suffering to those who love you the most. You will continue to perpetuate violence and if you do that, you will continue to repeat the cycle of your living, until you are willing to learn from your mistakes. You see, you all came here to love one another, not to cause pain. You all came here to be love yourself and that is why, you all must raise your consciousness, to start operating from frequency of love. You must all start operating from love frequency, so you can live in abundance of it all.You all came here to learn how to be a better human. You all came here to be a better living Being and that is why you must all elevate in consciousness, so you can create the Earth you want to live in. Only by conscious living, you are able to create the life you all long for.

Those who are perpetuating violence in the middle East, will see the suffering they have caused. They will see the violence they have perpetuated as they were the ones who intentionally caused separation between humans. You see, many of Israelis are dividing themselves from the rest of the nation. They have been perpetuating separation for many years by stealing the land from the ones who have been suffering in silence. You see, those who have been deliberately causing separation will see the pain they have caused. They will see the blood on their hands, until their own nation will turn the back on their own. You see, until their own nation will stand for the injustice done to their fellow human being, until than, they will cause division. Until than they will perpetuate violence. Many of them will continue to perpetuate violence and what it is they will do is, to create an illusion of their doings by justifying their killings in the name of the land. You see, land was never owned by Israelis. Their land was in ownership of Palestina. They have enforced themselves by claiming the land as their own. It was never theirs. Jeshua is here to speak: “Dear children, you must stop causing pain to one another. You must stop causing the pain to your fellow human being. This land belongs to Palestina, as they were the ones, who walked the path of victory when lands were in unison of one nation. You see, paths became separated when they have chosen to lead from greed. It became evident that those in power created separation among humanity by deliberately creating a land that was in center of two nations, so they can manipulate one another by creating an illusion of separation. They have successfully created a separation between human beings by dividing them into forced religion, creating a nation of superior ones. As they do not know what I have been teaching, is creating a bridge to anyone who guides from heart. I was teachings all of them to unify in love, as it is enough for everyone. I AM THAT I AM, is what I taught them to become, as we are all One. We are all love. Teachings became a ridicule to those in power, and they perpetuated division for years. These teachings were made to all human collective and they have hidden the knowledge from humanity by creating false narratives, agendas, so the people can turn away from their hearts in order to obey them in their power. Dear beloveds, I must urge you to intervene by claiming your sovereignty with knowing, you are all One. I must urge you to intervene with kind acts towards one another, as you can not enforce hate. Separating is not what you came here to do, but instead you came here to lead the way with love. You must unite in stopping them to stray you from your paths. You must unite in stopping them to cause pain on children who are trying to teach you to change your ways, so you can all live in unison of all living beings. You must change your perception by creating a space for anyone who needs support, food, home as you all have enough for your living. You see, you came here to support one another, not to divide yourself from them.You must give them an opportunity as you can all live in union of your land. You see, you all have enough to share among those who do not have anything. You have enough for sharing your wealth, as you will create a better living for them, by giving them an opportunity to live a better way. As you keep dividing, you are saying, we are better than you. Are you? Are you truly? Give them their land, so they can create a better living. Give them their land, so they can teach their children how to love.”

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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