

If you spend at least 15 minutes per day meditating, you will feel your Spirit. You will feel your own awareness of you. Isn’t it? If you want to speak your truth, you must start living your life according to your mission. Only by following your mission, you will able to transcend. You see, you…


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Transcendence. Energy artwork.

Transcendence. Energy artwork.

You are the one who chooses if you wish to awaken. You are the one who chooses the path you wish to walk on.You see, not many of you will transcend. Not many of you will speak love. Not many of you will create the life you desire. You see, if you are not willing to listen to your Spirit, you will be diverted from your path. There is no other way, than to continue your suffering. You see, if you are willing to speak your truth, than you are willing to listen to your Spirit. Spirit will take you on the journey of self discovery. Spirit will lead you to the path of self realization. Spirit is the one who will take you to higher state of consciousness. Spirit is the one who will help you transcend. Spirit is. You see, once you allow your Spirit to take you to higher realms of consciousness, you will live your life as an awakened One.

Transcendence. Energy artwork.
Transcendence. Energy artwork.


We gathered today to speak to you about transcendence. You see, being in a transcendent state means you have transformed your state of mind. You have ascended to higher state of consciousness. You have transcendent to higher frequency of love. You have decided to become fully awaken. It is you who have chosen the path of self realization. It is you who have seen through the illusion. It is you who overcomed the conditions of your mind. It is You who mastered the lesson, only you is responsible for your awakening. You see, once you decide to walk the path of self realization you start speaking the words of an awakened human. It is your mission to speak about transcendence to all of those who are willing to listen. You see, once you start walking in your truth, you become aligned with your soul’s mission.

Let us begin by saying, you are on the verge of transformation. You are on the verge of waking yourself up to higher state of consciousness. You are ready to be awaken. You see, once you start speaking as an awakened One, you become aligned with your mission. Once you start living the life you suppose to be living, you will teach others to do the same. You see, you came here to teach many to fully awaken. You came here to stand in your truth. You came here to be aligned with your soul’s mission and in order to do that you must be willing to listen. You must be willing to surrender to your Spirit that keeps reminding you that you are co-creating this lifetime together. You see, once you start listening to your Spirit, you will start walking in your truth. You see, many of you are not even listening. Not many of you are willing to hear. You are diverted from your path by things that keeps distracting You. Things are here to distract You. Things are created for you, so you can loose yourself in them. Isn’t it? Not many of you are listening to your guidance. You are all too busy being distracted. You see, once you acknowledge your Spirit, you will start walking the path of self realization, and until than you will loose yourself in things, people or even in things that numbs your Spirit. You see, if you keep loosing yourself in things, you become dependent on a feeling for having those things. Isn’t it? You become dependent on feeling of feel good emotions? Isn’t it? And if you become dependent, you attach yourself to things that makes you feel good. And if you attach yourself to things that makes you feel good, than, you become addicted. You become addicted to highs of your pleasure. Isn’t it? If you are able to detach yourself from your addiction, you are able to enjoy things in more pleasurable way. You see, things can only give you a temporary feeling of feel good emotions. It doesn’t give you a permanent feeling of your high. And what you seek is an illusion. What you seek is a constant feeling of a feel good emotion. You see, it is you, who can give yourself a constant feeling of being high. It is you who can give yourself a feeling of being blissful at all times. It is you who has full control to become high on life. You see, not many of you explored the depths of your Being. Not many of you have explored your essence. Not many of you have surrendered to yourself. Have you? Not many of you explored your living. You see, you are all living your life unfulfilled. And if you live your life unfulfilled, you are becoming someone who you are not. You are continuing living your life in fear. And if you wish to become fulfilled in life, you must discover parts of you that will lead you to your true potential. You see, only by living your life to the fullest as a true potential, will lead you to fulfilled life. None of you are really enjoying themselves, if you haven’t grasped the meaning of your life. You see, you must grasp the meaning in order to fully live. What is your meaning? What is your mission? What is your joy? What is it? You see, if you know the answer to these questions, than you know what is your mission. You know where you need to be. You know what it is you need to do. You see, you know what it is, that keeps you alive. You know what it is what makes you joyful. You know. You see, walking you truth requires you to be bold, it requires from you to be fierce in you endeavours. You see, not many of you are walking in your truth. Not many of you are speaking the truth. You see, you allowed outer circumstances, we call them illusion, to divert you from your mission. You allowed outer challenges impacting your experience.

You see, not many of you will walk in their truths. Not many of you will speak their own truth. It is because it takes courage, to be who you came here to be. It takes courage to walk in your truth. It takes courage to lead by an example. You see, your courage is leading you to fulfillment of your mission. Your courage is leading you to your awakening. It is You, who is responsible for your own awakening. It is You, who must step courageously into your mission. It is you. It is you.

You see, if you do not step in your mission, you will continue to suffer. You will continue to participate in a world where you will become deceived by it’s pleasure, until you are willing to step away from it. You see, you can only lead by an example by choosing to not engage in deception.

Let us begin by saying, you can transcend only if you are willing to let go of your past. You can only transcend if you are not attached. If you are attached to your pleasures, you will be sucked into the life that was meant to divert you. You see, not many of you will transcend. Not many of you will detach from your pleasures. Not many of you are willing to let go of what it is, that is not in alignment with your soul’s mission. You see, we have told you before, you can live this lifetime however you desire, but if it is not in alignment with your soul’s mission, you are living your life diverted from your path. You see, you must be in alignment at all times in order to transcend. You must be pure in your wantings. You see, you came here to assist others to fully awaken. You came here to help humanity to transcend in consciousness. And if you are not in alignment with your wantings, you will not be able to assist them. You see, you must step in your mission with pure intentions, pure wantings in order to transcend. If you’re intentions are not pure, you can not assist humans to transcend. Let us begin by saying, you must lead from your heart, you must be pure in your intentions and only by doing that, you are able to assist humanity to evolve to higher realms of consciousness.

You see, you must be honest with you, you must be honest with everyone you meet. If you speak with purity in your heart, than there is no other way, than for you to transcend. It is the pureness of your heart center that allows transcendence to occur.

You see, if you lead from your heart, you will move mountains. You will move those who are sleepwalking. You will move them to the point when they will see what it is they need to see. You will move them to the point where their inner guidance will move their Spirit, so they will start to listen. They will.

We came here today to speak to you that you must surrender to your Spirit in order to transcend. Surrender to your path of self discovery. Surrender to it, so you can become free. Stop living the life of somebody else. Stop living the life of your friends. Stop living the life of your parents. Stop living the life of others. You see, you must start living your own life.You must start living your truth. Your truth will liberate you, your truth will walk you on the path of self discovery. Your truth. You see, if you will not start walking in your truth, you will forever be a slave of your suffering. Many of you are afraid speaking out of what it is you feel. Many of you are afraid of loosing those who have supported you and what we need to say to you is, you are loved. You are supported. You are not alone. You have your ancestors with you, supporting you every step you make. You are not alone.

You are courageous for walking in your truth. You are. You are courageous for walking in your mission. You see, each one of you will transcend, if you are willing to let go of everything that blocks you from your greatness. You must let go of everybody who is limiting you in achieving what it is you need to achieve.

You see, if you keep staying in your old ways of living, you will slip into your attachments. You will slip into your addictions. Let us begin by saying, you must carefully choose which path you wish to take. You must carefully choose how you wish to live. And if you are already walking in you truth, there is no other way, than to transcend. There is no other way than to master your lesson. There is no other way than to speak your truth. There is no other way than to live how you wish to live.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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