

If you allow yourself to be in alignment with your Higher Self, you will create the life you want. Whenever you must choose, you will choose from a space that will be in alignment with your mission. You see, if you spend time meditating on this artwork, you will allow yourself to let go of…


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Transformation comes to those who are willing to live according to their truth. And what we mean by that is, you must live the life according to your alignment with your Higher Self. Your alignment is guiding You, to become the best version of You. You came here to become the highest version of You. You came here to live according to your guidance of your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is leading you to the version of you that brings you joy. If you do not follow your inner knowing, you become diverted from your path. And what that means, you live as a version of You that suffers. You see, once you acknowledge your conditioning, you are allowing yourself to create space for new beginnings. Once you release the conditioned mind, you will be reborn as a version that is guiding you to fulfill it’s mission. Joy creates more joy. Once you follow joy, you will create more joyful experiences. You will create the life you desire.

Higher Self. Energy Artwork.
Higher Self. Energy Artwork.

Transformation occurs to those who have been in touch with their inner guidance, who have been following their inner knowing. You see, those who are working on themselves are willing to transform their reality into the new version of themselves. Listening to your inner guidance, is showing you which way to go. Those who are disconnected from their knowing, are searching the meaning of life in things that are separating them from theirselves. When you are in connection with your Higher Self you are being in connection with your highest version of you. You see, your higher self is a guide that will direct you on your path to self-discovery. It will show you what is the best for you. Higher Self is here to be there for you. As a spirit you are living in a human form, and your higher self is above your vessel. This is what we call a Higher Self. You are living simultaneously within your human condition. You are. You are a self realized human when you align with your higher self. Once you align with your guide that is helping you navigate this journey, you are starting to live as a self-realized human. You will be directed to the path of knowing, you will. Listening to your inner guidance will assist you in your journey. You see, once you face challenges in this lifetime, you seek for assistance. Isn’t it? This assistance can be your higher self.

Your higher self knows what is the best for you, so it will always direct you to the path to become the master of Self. You see, once you master the Self you become self-realized. What that means is, you are acknowledging all versions of you and you live the life in mastery of your own Self.

Higher Self is here to help you navigate this journey. Once you feel the spirit inside of you, when you become an observer of your own body, emotions, feelings, you are on the path that will direct you to discover yourself in deepest way possible. You have many layers and what that means is, you are here to find all those versions of you, so you could liberate yourself from all the conditioning that was set upon you. Once you release all previous versions of you, you are willing to be reborn as a version that was created by you before you came into this existence. You see, you have created for yourself a divine master plan and what that means is, you have written the story of the life you desire. You can not do that as a version of you, who has conditioned themselves into believing that they are something they are not. Isn’t it?

You can not drag your old You with You, if you want to live the life you want.

You see, when you let go of older versions of You that did not benefited your journey, you are creating space for version of You, who is willing to grow from the belief that you have created for yourself. You have created a story that is not in alignment of your highest version of you. When you let go of the belief, the conditioning that you have put upon yourself, you will release it. And when you release it, you will let go the part of you, that no longer exist. When you create space, you allow yourself to become a version that was predestined to become. You are here to live according to your mission. Your mission is guiding you to live according to your written story. And what that means is you are here to dissolve versions of You which are not benefiting your path. Once you are willing to master your lesson, you will start living the life you wanted as a version of you, who is in full control of your emotions. When you let go of the conditioned mind, you are willing to operate from the frequency, that is assisting you in your growth.

Let us begin by saying, that you are your own creator of life. You are the one who is in full control of your living. Your higher self is here to assist you, to become the best version of you. Your higher self is redirecting you to the path of self-discovery. Many of you are being lost due to the lack of your knowing. You were easily manipulated by others, if you haven’t listened to your inner guidance. You see, you know when you are not following your path, you know. Many of you feel that something is off, many of you feel agendas and manipulation by others, before it can affect your choices.

You see, choices should be made according to your alignment with Higher Self. If you do not listen to your knowing, you could make a diversion in your path that could lead to suffering. You see, when you align yourself with your Higher Self, you will not suffer.

You will make choices from knowing that whatever you decide, it will lead you to the best version of you. Your growth will exponentially rise to the point that your desired wishes will be in alignment with your divine’s masterplan. You came here to be in alignment with your Higher Self at all times. Once you acknowledge your connection with Divine, you will be guided to discover yourself who you truly are. Once you start living according to your truth, you will manifest what you desire. You see, you are in connection with Divine at all times. You are able to create what you want, if it is in alignment with your Higher Self. If something is not in alignment with you, you can spend all your life achieving it, but it will bring you more of suffering, than joy that is meant for you. You see, sometimes many of you are searching themselves in places that doesn’t support your growth. Many of you are spending time, doing things that are not in alignment and what that does, is diverting you from your path. You can not create good choices if you are living the way that is not beneficial for your growth. You are choosing the same choices and you are getting stuck in the same pattern of your conditioned mind.

If you allow yourself to strip off the conditioning, you will be redirected to your truest Self.

Let us remind you, that you didn’t came here to suffer. You came here to be authentic version of you, and what that means is, you came here to be in joyful state of your Being. Allowing more joy to flow into your Being, will allow you to discover yourself deeply and authentically. You came here to fully live the life, you can play however you desire, if it is in alignment with your Higher Self. If what you do, brings you joy, than we say, do it more often. Do it everyday. Do it so many times, that you will emanate joy all around you. Once you get into the feeling of joy and excitement, you will choose activities that will create more of the life you want. You see, joy is your primal state of Being. Joy is what is guiding you, to enjoy more. You can not enjoy life, if you are being stuck in old versions of You. You must let go of your mind to create space for something new. Transforming yourself into a version that will be in alignment with divinity in you will be a starting point to creating the life you desire. You are a manifestation of your soul’s family, you are a manifestation of divine’s masterplan. You are. You all came here to be a self-realized humans. You all came here to be fully awaken. You are.

I AM living the life I desire
I AM living the life I desire
I AM living the life I desire

I AM speaking the truth of who I am suppose to be
I AM speaking the truth of who I am suppose to be
I AM speaking the truth of who I am suppose to be

I AM releasing all conditioning from my Being
I AM releasing all conditioning from my Being
I AM releasing all conditioning from my Being

I AM in alignment with my Higher Self
I AM in alignment with my Higher Self
I AM in alignment with my Higher Self

I AM choosing my choices according to the highest version of me
I AM choosing my choices according to the highest version of me
I AM choosing my choices according to the highest version of me

I AM seeking activities that brings me joy
I AM seeking activities that brings me joy
I AM seeking activities that brings me joy

I AM allowing myself to be in joyful state
I AM allowing myself to be in joyful state
I AM allowing myself to be in joyful state


And so it is. Ashe.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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