
Whatever it is, it works in my favour

Spending time on meditating on this artwork, will bring you closer to whatever you desire. If you meditate on desired outcome while you meditating on the art, it will assist you in bringing the desired outcome much faster, as it will access the parts of your Mind, that will transform your previous structures to the…


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You are the One who is putting the thoughts in your Mind. Whatever you choose to feed your Mind, will manifest in your daily reality. Whatever you feed your Being, will have an affect on your Living. If you choose to feel good, than there is no other way, than to manifest whatever you desire. And if you desire is matching the feeling of feel good emotions, than we say, it is no other way, than whatever you desire, becomes your reality.

Whatever it is, it works in my favour. Energy artwork.
Whatever it is, it works in my favour. Energy artwork.

Whatever it is, works out for me, meaning whatever I desire I can manifest into this reality. Whatever it is, will be manifested in my current lifetime and whatever I want, will be manifested, here and now. You see, when you desire what you want, than there is no other way, than the Universe will give you the desired outcome. However you feel, You will produce the feeling of desire and when you reproduce the desired feeling of what you want, than there is no other way, than whatever you desire, will be granted to You. You see, when you feel good and when you align your thoughts with desired wishes, than you will receive what you want. Isn’t it? When you are willing to change you behavioral structures in your conditioned Mind, than you will reprogram your Mind. And when you do reprogram your Mind, your body will follow the feeling of feeling good. Isn’t it? If you feel good, than you create good thoughts. Isn’t it? When you allow yourself to create a new Mind patterns, than there is no other way, than to follow your feeling of feeling good. When you follow the feeling, than there is no other way, than to create more of what you desire and when you follow more of what you desire, than there is no other way, than to create the life you want. Isn’t it?

You see, many of You are stuck in the belief, that you need to work for whatever you desire. Isn’t it? You believe, you need to spend whole life working hard, so you can have what you desire. Isn’t it? Who ever created this belief had the intention of persuading you that you need to work hard for what you want. Isn’t it? We say, it is a structure of the Mind, that wants to control your living and if you are willing to believe that thought, than you my dear, have become enslaved by your conditioned mind. You see, when you do acknowledge that someone has control over you by setting limits to your living, than we say, you have recognized the belief and you were willing to confront it, with the belief of your own. Isn’t it? If you believed you will never work in your life and you came here to enjoy life effortlessly, with minimum input you put into working, than we say, you have mastered the belief of creating life abundantly, because whatever you create in your Mind will be the manifestation in your reality.

You see, when you allow yourself to change the beliefs you are holding on to, than we say, you are coming to realization, that You were never here to work hard anyway. You came here to enjoy life abundantly only with your thought. You didn’t come here to be somewhere you don’t even want to be. Many of You, are doing things you wish you didn’t want to do. Isn’t it? Why would you spend your time doing things you do not want? Why do you allow to be enslaved by the conditioned Mind, believing, that you need to work to have money? Why? It is unbelievable how many humans are willing to do things they do not like. They are spending the most of their days, working, being absent from their families to earn a daily living. They are sacrificing their precious time on this plane for things they burden them. And when they become burned out of things they do not want, they become sick. Isn’t it?

Let us remind You, that you are not the slave of this reality.

It is You who is allowing to think that way. If you would think differently instead of worrying how will you survive, if you would spend time creating what you desire, than you would change the frequency of your Being. And when you would change your feeling from feeling bad to feeling good, than we say, You are on the verge of your transformation.

When you strip off the stories you have created for yourself, when you remove each layer of your conditioned Mind, than we say, You are becoming a newer version of Yourself. Isn’t it? And when you become a newer version of your transformed Mind, than we say, you have successfully evolved in Consciousness.

Whatever it is, it works in my favour. Energy artwork.
Whatever it is, it works in my favour. Energy artwork.

Let us begin by saying, that anyone who is willing to change his life, we say, he who is ready to be transformed, the process of evolving his Consciousness is already in progress. No one has come here to work until the day he becomes worn out , but he came here to be the manifestor of his creation. You see, manifestor will create reality from nothing and when you are prepared to create from nothing, than we say, you have everything you desire. As those who start from nothing, have everything they want. Those who are attached to things they do not want, than we say, are the ones who will not be ready to change their mindset. As only those who have nothing, can and are willing to create something. Those who are paving the way by not willing to conform to conditioned Mind, are the Ones, who are the scriptors of their play. They are not willing to attach to beliefs such as working for money to have what you want, but instead they are willing to think of the thoughts of feel good, and when they feel good, they are visualizing the things they want. And when the two of those things meet, than you are in State of the Abundance coming through your way. Isn’t it?

You see, the Law of Attraction is the basic Law in the Universe. What you think, you will manifest. If you think of what you want, and you feel good at the same time, there is no other way, than to create whatever you desire. Isn’t it? And if you allow yourself to create what you want, than you have scriptured the Life you want. We advise all of you, to pay attention to your thoughts, as they are the ones who are creating the reality of your living. If you add the feeling of not feeling good to it, than you have created the desired outcome. Isn’t it? Stop thinking the same way, by refocusing exact thought to the thought you want.

Everything you desire it’s already yours. Stop believing the thoughts you do not want. Stop creating stories of unwanted desires and we promise you, you will change your reality. You see, when you are willing to change your Mind to your wanted desires, and when you start to feel good, you can create the Life you want.

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About The Author

Staška I would describe myself as work in progress. There is never ending progress in evolution in Consciousness. I am here to raise my Consciousness so I can be One with God. My mission here is to be in service to many, with my Art, singing, teaching knowledge of Divine master plan, channeling the wisdom of my Guides, Masters and Team in Spirit. I am here to show you the Spirit world through my Mind’s Eye. Predictions that I make are the fruit of gathered information of different sources living outside of our perception as humans. I am a shaman, an Elder, that lived many lifetimes before I came into this existence. I was one of the first Beings that were connected to the Spirit World before the Big Bang. After the amnesia and long lost way of my remembrance of who I AM, I become conscious of my purpose and chosen the path of least resistance. I am now here to guide many who are willing to listen.

Each teachings has it’s own energetic artwork. We invite you to read Conscious Teachings before you buy your desired artwork. Artwork will assist you in your ascension.




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